Channel: KA7OEI's blog

A solid state replacement for an old radio's "vibrator" (Wards Airline 62-345)


Figure 1:
The front of the Wards Airline 62-345 with its rather
distinctive "telephone dial" tuning dial.
It's powered up and running from 12 volts!
Click on the image for a larger version.
Quite some time ago - a bit more than a decade - a friend of mine came to me with an old "Farm" radio - a Wards Airline 62-345.  This radio - from the 1930s - was designed to run from a 6 volt positive ground battery system  such as that which one might find in tractors and cars of that vintage.

How high voltage was made from low voltage DC in the 30's

As the technology of the time dictated, this radio has what's called a "vibrator" inside - essentially a glorified buzzer - that is used as a voltage chopper along with a transformer to convert the 6 volts from the battery to the 130-150 volts needed for the plates of the tubes within.  Not only did this vibrator do the chopping for the high voltage, but it also performed the duty of synchronouslyrectifying the AC waveform from the transformer as the pulses from it would naturally be in sync with the motion of the moving reed, briefly connecting the output of the transformer to the input of the high voltage DC supply when the voltage waveform from it was at the correct polarity.

These devices, as you would expect, don't have a particularly long lifetime as they are constantly buzzing, making and breaking electrical contact and causing a small bit of arcing - something that will inevitably wear them out.  Even if the contacts were in good shape, the many decades of time that have passed will surely cause these contacts to become oxidized - particularly since these devices are in rubber-sealed cans (to minimize noise and vibration) and the out-gassing of these materials is likely of no help in their preservation.

Figure 2:
The chassis of the radio.  The vibrator is in its original
can in the far right corner.
Click on the image for a larger version.
Such was the case with this radio.  Often, the judicious application of percussive repair (e.g. whacking with a screwdriver) can get them going and if the contacts are just oxidized, they will often clean themselves and work again - at least for a while.  In this case, no amount of whacking seemed to result in reliable operation, so a modern, solid-state approach was needed.

The solid-state replacement

As mentioned earlier, the job of the vibrator was to produce a chopped DC waveform, apply it to a transformer for "upping" the voltage and then use a separate set of contacts to perform synchronous rectification - and our solid-state replacement would need to do just that.  That last part - rectification - was easy:  Just two, modern diodes would do the job - but chopping the DC would require a bit more circuitry.

The owner of this radio also had a few other things in mind:  He changed it from 6 volts, positive ground to 12 volts, negative ground so that it could be readily operated from this more-common power scheme.  The change to 12 volt filaments required a bit of work, but since all of the tubes were indirectly heated, the filament supply could be rearranged - but some tubes had to be changed to accommodate different filament voltages and currents as follows:

  • Oscillator and detector:  This was originally a 6D8 (6.3v @ 150mA) and it was replaced with a 6A8 (6.3V @ 300mA).  Other than filament current, these tubes are more or less the same.
  • IF Amplifier: The original 6S7 (6.3v @ 150mA) was retained.
  • 2nd Detector/AVC/1st Audio:  The original 6T7 (6.3V @ 150mA) was retained.
  • AF Output:  The original 1F5 (2.0v @ 150mA) was replaced with a 6K6 (6.3v @ 400mA).  The latter is a pentode, requiring a bit of rewiring and rebiasing to replace the original triode.
  • Magic Eye tube: The original 6N5 (6.3v @ 150mA) was replaced with a 6E5 (6.3v @ 300ma) - which is also a bit more sensitive than the 6N5, giving a bit more deflection.

The 6T7 (150mA), 6A8 (300mA) and the #47 dial lamp (6.3v @ 150mA) are wired in parallel on the low side with one end of the filament grounded while the 6K6 (400mA), 6S7 (150mA) and 6E5 (300mA) are wired in parallel on the high side with one end of the filament connected to +12 volts.  You might notice a current imbalance here (600mA on the low side with 850mA on the high side) but this is taken care of with the addition of 30 ohms of resistance between the midpoint of the filament string and ground to sink about 200mA getting us "close enough".

He also did some additional rebiasing and other minor modifications - particularly for the rewiring of the AF Output from the original 1F5 to a 6K6 as he swapped a triode for a pentode - which was then  wired as a triode.  The total current consumption of the radio at 13 volts is 1.6 amps - a bit more than half of that being the filament and pilot lamp circuits meaning that about 10 watts of power is being used/converted by the vibrator supply and consumed by the idle current of the audio output and other tubes.

The other issue with the 6 to 12 volt conversion is that of the primary of the high voltage transformer:  This transformer is center-tapped with that connection going to the "hot" side of the battery (which was originally at -6 volts) - but what this really means is that there's about 12 volts from end-to-end on the transformer at any instant.  We can deal with this difference simply by driving the transformer differently:  Rather than having the center tap "hot" with the DC voltage and alternatively grounding one end or the other as the vibrator did we can simply disconnect the transformer's center tap altogether and alternately apply 12 volts to either end, reversing the connection electronically.

This feat is done using an "H" bridge - an array of four transistors that will do just what we need when driven properly:  Apply 12 volts to one side and ground the other - or flip that around, reversing the polarity.

Consider the schematic below:

Figure 3:
Solid state equivalent of a vibrator supply.  This version uses an "H" bridge, suitable for
the conversion of a 6 volt radio to 12 volt operation as detailed in the text.
Click on the diagram for a larger version.

This diagram shows a fairly simple circuit.  For the oscillator we are using the venerable CD4011 quad CMOS NAND gate with the first two sections wired to produce a square wave with a frequency somewhere in the 90-150 Hz region - the precise value not being at all critical.  The other two sections (U1c and U1d) take the square wave and produce two versions, inverted from each other.

Figure 4:
The top (component side) of the circuit.  This is built on a
piece of phenolic prototype board.
Click on the image for a larger version.
The section of interest is the "H" bridge consisting of transistors Q1 through Q4 wired as two sets of complimentary-pair Darlington transistors.   Here's how it works:

  • Let us say that the output of U1c is high.  This causes the output of U1d to be low as it's wired as a logic inverter.
  • The output of U1c being high will cause the top transistor (Q1 - a PNP Darlington) to be turned OFF, but at the same time the bottom transistor of this pair, Q2, will be turned ON, causing the connection marked "PIN 1" to be grounded.
  • At the output of U1d - being low - we see that the bottom of this pair of transistors, Q4, is turned OFF, but the top transistor Q3 is turned ON causing V+ (12 volts) to appear at the connection marked "PIN 5".
  • In this way, the low-voltage primary of the transformer has 12 volts across it.
  • A moment later - because of the oscillator - the output of U1c goes low:  This turns off Q2 and turns on Q1 - and since this also causes the output of U1d to go high this, in turn, turns off Q4 and turns on Q3.  All of this causes "PIN 5" to now be grounded and "PIN 1" to be connected to V+ - thus applying the full 12 volts to the transformer in reverse polarity.

Also shown are D1 and D2, the solid-state replacements for the synchronous rectifier of the original vibrator.  While this could be a pair of high-voltage diodes (>=400 volts) we simply used half of a full-wave bridge rectifier from a junked AC-powered switching supply.  Finally, resistor R3 and capacitor C2 form a filter to keep switching noise and high-voltage spikes out of the power supply of U1 to prevent its destruction - a sensible precaution!

Now some of you might be concerned about "shoot through" - the phenomenon when both the "upper" transistors (Q1, Q3) might be on - if only for an instant - at the same time as the "lower" transistors (Q2, Q4) as the switching is done.  While this may happen to a small extent, it has negligible effect:  This circuit is efficient enough that no heat sinking is required on transistors Q1-Q4 and they get only barely warm at all.  Were I to build it again I might consider ways to minimize shoot-through, but this would come at the expense of simplicity which, itself, is a virtue - and since this circuit works just fine, would probably be not worth the effort.

Figure 5:
The bottom (wired side) of the circuit with flying leads
connecting to the original base socket.
Click on the image for a larger version.

These days one might consider building this same type of circuit using MOSFETs instead of Darlington transistors (e.g. P-channel for Q1 and Q3, N-channel for Q2 and Q4) and this should work fine - but the Darlington transistors were on hand at the time that this circuit was built and very easily driven by U1 - and the bipolar transistors are - at least in this case - arguably more rugged than the MOSFETs would be - particularly since there was no need to include a "snubber" network to suppress switching transients that might occur.  It's also worth noting that while standard MOSFET transistors would work fine for a 12 volt supply, you'd have to be sure to select "low gate threshold" devices to work efficiently at 6 volts or lower - something that would not really be an issue with the bipolar Darling transistors shown here.

This circuit is simple enough that it was wired onto a piece of phenolic prototyping board, snapped down to a size that will nicely fit into the original can that housed the vibrator.  To complete the construction, the top of the can - which was originally removed by careful filing and prying - was glued into its base using "shoe goo" - a rubber adhesive - keeping the board protected, but also allowing it to be easily disassembled in the future should modification/repair be necessary.

To be sure, the Internet is lousy with this same sort of circuit, but this version has worked very well.

What about the center tap version of the solid state vibrator?

You might ask yourself "what if we don't want to rewire a 6 volt radio to 12 volts?"  As noted previously, the boost transformer in the radio had its center tap connected to the "hot" side - which, in this case, would have been the negative terminal (because many vehicles had 6 volt, positive grounds at the time).  This circuit could be easily modified for that as you'd need only "half" an "H" bridge and the resistors driving the transistors would be changed to a lower value - perhaps 2.2k.  Depending on whether the it was positive-ground or negative ground, or whether the center-tap was grounded or "hot" - this would dictate whether you needed the PNP or NPN halves of the H-bridge.

(If you have a specific need, feel free to contact me by leaving a comment.)

* * * 

This page stolen from ka7oei.blogspot.com




Improving the thermal management of the RX-888 (Mk2)


Figure 1:
The RX888 showing the "top" and RF connectors.  While
the heat sinks attached to the sides are visible, the large one
on the "bottom" plate are not.
Click on the image for a larger version.
The RX-888 Mk2 SDR is a USB3-based software-defined receiver that, unlike many others, is JUST and analog-to-digital converter (with a bit a low-pass filtering and adjustable attenuation and amplification) coupled to a USB 3 PHY chip.  With a programmable sample rate and a 65-ish MHz low-pass filter, it is capable of simultaneously inhaling the entire spectrum from a few 10s of kHz to about 60 MHz when run with a sample rate of 130 Msps - a rate which pretty much "maxes out" the USB 3 interface.

(Note:  There is also a frequency converter on board which will take up to a 10 MHz swath of spectrum between about 30 and 1800 MHz and shift it to a lower frequency within range of the A/D converter - but that's not part of this discussions.)

The purpose of this post is to discuss the thermal management of the RX-888 Mk2 which, in two words, can be described as  "marginal" and "inconsistent".

Please note:

Despite the impression that the reader might get about the RX-888 (Mk2)'s thermal design and potential reliability, I would still consider it to be an excellent device at a good price - warts and all.

Its performance is quite good and especially since it lacks the FPGA that many other direct-sampling SDRs use, it is quite "future proof" in the sense that support of this receiver - and others like it that will no doubt appear soon - will be based on code running on the host computer (typically a PC or SBC) rather than on an FPGA contained within that requires specialized tools and knowledge for development and is limited by its own capacity.

If you think that an FPGA is needed, consider this:  For a few "virtual" receivers using "conventional" DSP techniques (e.g. HDSDR, SDR-Radio, etc.) a moderate Intel i7 is sufficient:  If using an optimized signal processing program like ka9q-radio along with a modest Intel i5, hundreds of virtual receivers covering the entire HF spectrum can be managed - but these are topics for another discussion.

In other words:  If you need a fairly simple, modestly-priced device to receive multiple RF channels it is well worth getting an RX-888 (Mk2) and performing some simple modification to it to improve its durability.  We can hope that future versions of this - and similar devices - will take these observations into account and produce even better hardware.

What's the problem?

There are scattered anecdotal reports of RX-888 (both the original and Mk2) simply "dying" after some period of time.  For most of these reports there are few details other than comments to this effect in various forums (e.g. little detailed analysis) but this was apparently enough of a problem  with the original version of the RX-888 that with the Mk2, "improved" thermal management is one of the features noted by its seller.  (I do not have an original RX-888, but I would expect that the same general techniques could be applied to it as well.)

In short, here are a few comments regarding the thermal management of the RX-888 Mk2:

  • DO NOT run it outside its case.  There is a compressible thermal pad that goes between the exposed metal pad below the A/D converter that is intended to transfer heat to the case and without this in place the A/D converter and surrounding components can exceed 100C at moderate ambient temperatures.  If you plan to shuck the case, you should be aware of this and make appropriate arrangements to draw away heat via the same method. 

Figure 2:
Showing the paper double-sided "sticky tape" used to mount
the heat sinks.  Despite improper materials, these work "less
badly" than expected, but it's best to re-attach them properly.
Click on the image for a larger version.

  • The heat sinks are held on by double-sided tape.  The heat sink on the A/D converter appears to be some sort of thermal table like that seen on Raspberry Pi heat sink kits, but  those on the exterior of the case (one on each side, another the top) are held on with standard, paper-based double-sided tape:  People have reported these falling off with handling.  Additionally, because both the case and heat sinks are extruded their surfaces are not flat and all of the RX-888 (Mk2) units that I had a gap between the heat sink and the case through which a sheet of paper can be slid meaning that the heat sinks should be flattened a bit and/or attached using a material that will work as a thermally-conductive void filler.
  • The thermal pad may not be adequate.  Unless the small-ish thermal pad is placed precisely in its correct location, it will not be effective in its thermal transfer.  Additionally, these pads require a bit of compression between the board and the heat sink to be effective and it seems that the spacing between the board and the case is somewhat "loose" in the slot into which the PCB slides and that thermal contact may be inconsistent - more on this shortly.
  • Other components get very hot.  Next to the A/D converter are the 3.3 and 1.8 volt linear regulators which run very hot.  While this may be OK, they are next to electrolytic capacitors which - if run very warm - will have rather short lifetimes.  While it is unknown if this is the case here, many regulators will become unstable (oscillate) if their associated capacitors degrade with lower capacitance and/or increased ESR (Equivalent Series Resistance) and if oscillation occurs due to capacitor degradation, this is likely to make the device unusable until the components are replaced.

Figure 3:
The top of the RX888 board.  The ADC's heat sink was
removed for the photo, but glued in place later to improve
its thermal transfer.
Click on the image for a larger version.

  • The FX3 USB interface chip can get very warm.  This chips is right next to the A/D converter.  There are anecdotal reports (again, nothing confirmed) that this particular chip can suffer reliability problems when running near its maximum rated temperature:  Whether this is due to a failure of silicon or (more likely) a mechanical failure of a solder connection on its BGA (ball grid array) as a result for thermal cycling remains to be seen, but either one could explain one of the RX-888's reported failure modes of no longer appearing to be the expected type of USB device, making the unit non-functional even though it seems to enumerate - albeit improperly.

Several different people have made spot measurements of the temperatures within an RX-888 and come up with different results, further indicating inconsistency in the efficacy of the passive cooling and showing the inherent difficulty in making such measurements - but here are a few comments that are likely relevant:

  • Unless you need coverage >30 MHz, do not run a sample rate higher than 65-70 Msps.  As with most devices, more current (and higher heat dissipation) will occur at a higher sample rate so keeping it well below its maximum (around 130 Msps) will reduce heating and potentially improve the lifetime.   If you do run at 65-70 Msps, it is recommended that a 30 MHz low-pass filter be installed as this will prevent aliasing due to this lower rate and the fact that the RX-888 Mk2 has only a 60 MHz low-pass filter internally.
  • At normal "room" temperatures (68F/20C) the thermal properties of the RX-888 Mk2 are likely "Okay", particularly if run at just 65-70 Msps - but increasingly marginal above this.  On several samples, the internal temperature of the A/D converter and other components was fairly high, but not alarmingly so, although this seemed to vary among samples (e.g. some seemed worse than others.)  Since thermal resistance can be characterized by a temperature rise, it makes sense that as the ambient temperature increases, so will the components by the same amount meaning that if the unit is in a hot location - or placed such that it will become warm (convective air movement across the heat sinks is restrictive or in/near the hot air flow of other equipment) then thermal stresses of the components also increase.

Again, the reader should be cautioned that the reported inconsistency between units (e.g. the efficacy of the thermal pad) may mean that the above advice may not apply to specific units that have, say, a misplaced thermal pad or extra "slop" in the spacing between the board and the case which reduces the compression of the pad causing extra thermal resistance.

"Board slop"doesn't help: 

Figure 4:
Measuring the "board slop" in the mounting rails.  As noted
in the text, the board's looseness was nearly 1 mm - the far
extent of which exceeding the 5mm thickness of the pad.
Click on the image for a larger version.

On this latter point (e.g. "slop" in the board position) with the covers removed I measured a variance of 0.170-0.205"(4.32-5.207mm) from the board to the case due to looseness in the board fitting in the rail on one of my RX-888.  Of the three units that I have to measure, this was the worst - but not by much as the the photo (figure 4) from another unit shows.

Considering that the thermal pad is nominally 5.0mm thick, this means that the board MAY not be conducting heat to the case if the gap is closer to 5.2mm.  Also considering the fact that the thermal pad will work better when it is compressed it would be a very good idea - if possible - to reduce this gap - more on this later.

I also observed that with the USB end plate fitted, it happened to push the board "down"(e.g. reduced the gap between the board and the case) by about 0.02"(0.5mm) and since this is the end of the board closest to the A/D converter chip, it likely reduces the gap by about 0.015"(0.38mm) owing to geometry (e.g. the fact that the A/D converter is located away from the edge.)  If desired, this fact could be exploited by adding a shim to the top of the USB connector and filing the bottom a bit to allow the end plate to push "down" on the board a bit, better-compressing the thermal pad and potentially reducing its thermal resistance. 

Figure 5:
The screwdriver tip points to where the end plate is pushing
down on the connector and board to reduce board-to-case
distance to better-compress the pad.
Click on the image for a larger version.
On the opposite end of the board, the RF connectors fit rather loosely in their mounting holes meaning that one could, in theory, move the connectors to the "bottom" of their holes and tighten the nuts on the SMA connectors.  This would not be advisable without adding a washer of appropriate thickness between the plate and the SMA connector as the connectors themselves are not right at the edge of the circuit board and firmly tightening the nuts would likely bend/break them loose.

Before getting out the file, however, I suggest considering the methods/modifications mentioned below to improve the thermal performance of the RX-888 (Mk2) in several other ways.

Ways to improve the thermal performance:

There are two ways to improve the thermal performance and reduce the temperature of the onboard components.

Add another heat sink and a fan

A "brute force" approach to this would be to move more air through and around the unit. using a small fan.  If you do this I would recommend two minor modifications:

  • Glue the heat sink to the A/D converter.  As noted earlier, the heat sink the A/D converter is held on by tape, but I would recommend that this be removed from the heat sink and the chip itself (using a bit of paint thinner or alcohol to remove residue) and it be reattached using thermally conductive epoxy rather than conventional "clear" epoxy.  This epoxy is readily available at the usual places (Amazon, etc.) but it should be noted that the gray (not clear!)"JB Weld" epoxy (available at auto-parts and "big box" stores) also has reasonable thermal conductivity and works quite well in this application.   Do NOT use an adhesive like "super glue" as it is not void-filling by its nature and it is unlikely to endure the heat.
  • Add a heat sink to the FX3 chip.  This chip - next to the A/D converter - should also be cooled and a small heat sink - such as that which comes with a Raspberry Pi heat sink kit - may be attached.  Again, I would recommend thermally-conductive epoxy rather than supplied double-sided sticky tape.

As for the fan mounting, several people have simply removed both side plates and fabricated the attachment for a small fan (say, 20x20mm to 30x30mm) on the side with the USB connector to blow air through the case on both sides of the board.  Others have temporarily removed the board from the case and put holes in the case (on the side with the labels) into which a fan is mounted.

Either of these will be quite effective - but since these are not passive cooling, the failure of a fan could result in excess heat.

Improve passive cooling by using a much larger thermal pad

This is likely the favored approach as it does not depend on a fan which - will have a defined useful lifetime - and the failure of which could result in immediate overheating in certain circumstances.  There are two parts to this approach:

Replace the thermal pad. 

At reasonable ambient temperature I believe that the area of the heat sinks on the RX-888 are of adequate size, provided that they are open for air flow and not placed in the heat exhaust of equipment.

As noted, the thermal pad is seemingly marginal and it is only as large enough to draw heat away from the A/D converter - an issue that may be exacerbated by the board-to-case spacing mentioned above.  Improper placement of this pad will prevent it from conducting heat from the A/D converter - the major heat producer - to the case - and subsequent heating of adjacent components.

Figure 6:
A piece of 45mm x 65mm thermal pad on the bottom of the
board.  This piece is large enough to cover all heat-
generating components.
Click on the image for a larger version.
It is also likely that the thermal pad material supplied with the unit is of lower thermal conductivity than other materials that are available (to save cost!) so the use of better thermal material and a larger pad will draw more heat away from all of the heat-producing components on the board and conduct it to the heat sink.

A suitable pad material is the Laird A15340-01 which may be found at Digi-Key (link here ).  This material has roughly half  the thermal resistance (e.g. better thermal conductivity) of other common pad materials and it is suitably "squishy" in that it will form around components and help fill small voids as it does so.  

Unfortunately, this material is somewhat expensive in that it's available only as a rather large piece - about $32 (at the time of posting - not including shipping) for one that is 22.8x22.8cm square - but this will modify several RX-888s - but even at the price of $32, it's still a reasonable price to pay for improved reliability of a $150-$200 device!  If you do this, it's recommended that you get with others to split the cost of the pad - but be sure to keep the pad - or any pieces that you cut from it - in a zip-bag or clean plastic cling film to prevent its surface from being contaminated with dirt and dust.  If you post this pad material to someone else, be sure to protect it between two pieces of cardboard to prevent it from being mangled.

Figure 7:
The new pad, installed, as viewed from the
end with the USB connector, near the ADC
and FX3 USB interface chip.
Click on the image for a larger version.

A rectangular piece of thermal pad 45mm x 65mm will cover the bottom of the board where there are heat-generating components and ensure superior heat transfer to the case.  Since this material is a bit "sticky", it may be a bit difficult to get it installed as it will be resistant to sliding, but a very light coating of white heat-sink grease on the side of the pad facing the heat sink material will provide sufficient lubrication to allow it to slide as the board is inserted along its mounting rails.

This process is fairly messy, so if you plan to add a connector for an external clock input, I would suggest that you do so at the time that you install the new pad as you will probably not to repeat the process unnecessarily.

Remount the heat sinks.

As noted earlier, the four heat sinks (to on the "bottom" side opposite the label and one on each side) are held on by double-sided paper tape.  It is recommended that these be removed - along with any tape residue (best done with paint thinner and/or alcohol) - and be reattached with thermal epoxy.

Figure 8:
An RX888 (Mk2) in the process of gluing on the side heat
sinks, using a vise for clamping.  Alternatively, weight may
be placed on the heat sink(s) while the epoxy cures to
compress it and squeeze out excess - but note that until it
cures that the heat sinks may slide slowly out of position
if one isn't careful.
Click on the image for a larger version.

As noted previously, the heat sinks do not fit flat with each other so  it would be a good idea to assure that the surfaces are reasonably to maximize thermal conductivity by drawing the case and the mating surfaces of the heat sinks across 800-grid sandpaper (using a flat piece of metal or glass as a substrate) - taking care to prevent metal particles from getting onto the board or inside the case:  It would be best to remove the board and do this prior to the installation of the new thermal pad and wash any such particles from the case before reassembly.

Once the mating surfaces have been flattened and cleaned, using thermal epoxy (or the gray "JB-Weld") reattach the heat sinks one-at-a-time - preferably by compressing them in a vice or with a clamp to squeeze out as much adhesive as possible.

It's worth noting that even if you don't go through the trouble of flattening the heat sink and the surface of the case, the use of a void-filling adhesive will certainly offer far more efficient thermal transfer than  the original double-sided paper sticky tape along with it s rather large void between the two surfaces.

Out of curiosity I measured the difference in temperature between the heat sinks stuck on with double-sided tape and the exposed portion of the case right next to the heat sink and it was found to be about 3-5F (1.7-2.8C) - surprisingly good, actually.

Before and after thermal measurements

Figure 9:
Two RX888 Mk2's with reattached heat sinks, ready for a 
bit of clean-up and final assembly.
Click on the image for a larger version.
Using a thermal infrared camera and verifying with a thermocouple, temperature measurements were made of various components with an RX-888 operating at 130 Msps at an ambient temperature of 74F (23C) after 10 minutes of operation.  The readings were as follows:

With the original thermal pad, end plates removed - heat sink cooling by convection only:

ADC:  175F (79C)

FX3 (USB interface): 155F (68C)

Capacitor near 3.3 volt regulator:  145F (63C)

3.3V Regulator:  170F (77C)

1.8V Regulator:  178 (81C)


With Laird 45mm X 65mm pad - heat sink cooling by convection only:

ADC: 145F (63C)

FX3: 130F (54C)

Capacitor near 3.3 volt regulator:  125F (52C)

3.3V Regulator:  145F (63C)

1.8V Regulator:  150F (66C)

Note:  There is another capacitor near the 1.8 volt regulator, but it is temperature cannot be readily measured while the board was installed in the case, but other measurements made outside the case indicates that its temperature was at least as high as that of the capacitor near the 3.3 volt regulator.

Results and comments:

The replacement of the original thermal pad with one that is 45mm X 65mm in size to cover the bottom of the board where there are active components has resulted in a very significant heat reduction:  As with all electronics, reducing the temperature of the components will increase the operational lifetime.

Considering that one can use - as a guideline - the temperature rise above ambient, we can make some estimations as to what will happen if the modified RX-888 (Mk2) is operated at a higher temperature.  

For example, if we consider 212F (100C) to be the maximum allowed case temperature of any of the components, we can see that with the original thermal pad, this limit would occur with the ADC converter at an ambient temperature of around 111F (44C) - a temperature that one could reasonably expect during the summer in a room without air conditioning.  In contrast, with the larger pad the ADC's temperature would likely be closer to 185F (85) in the same environment.

With a small amount of air moving across the heat sinks, their temperature rise would also be lower, further reducing internal temperature - and even though it isn't strictly necessary, it wouldn't hurt to use a small fan - even on a modified RX-888 (Mk2) to cool it even more, and feel confident that it will still survive should that fan fail.

Finally, I would again remind the reader that I consider the RX-888 (Mk2) to be an excellent-performing and extraordinarily flexible device and well worth extra trouble to make it better!

* * *

This page stolen from ka7oei.blogspot.com



Measuring signal dynamics of the RX-888 (Mk2)


As a sort of follow-up to the previous posting about the RX-888 (Mk2) I decided to make some measurements to help characterize the gain and attenuation settings.

The RX-888 (Mk2) has two mechanisms for adjusting gain and attenuation:

  • The PE4312 attenuator.  This is (more or less) right at the HF antenna input and it can be adjusted to provide up to 31.5dB of attenuation in 0.5dB steps.
  • The AD8370 PGA.  This PGA (Programmable Gain Amplifier) can be adjusted to provide a "gain" from -11dB to about 34dB.


While this blog posting has specific numbers related to the RX-888 (Mk2), its general principles apply to ALL receivers - particularly those operating as "Direct Sampling" HF receivers.  A few examples of other receivers in this category include the KiwiSDR and Red Pitaya - to name but two.

Other article RX-888 article:

I recently posted another article about the RX-888 (Mk2) discussing the thermal properties of its mechanical construction - and ways to improve it to maximize reliability and durability.  You can find that article here:  Improving the thermal management of the RX-888 (Mk2) - link.

* * * * *

Taking measurements

To ascertain the signal path properties of an RX-888 (Mk2) I set its sample rate to 64 Msps and using both the "HDSDR" and "SDR Radio" programs (under Windows - because it was convenient) and a a known-accurate signal generator (Schlumberger Si4031) I made measurements at 17 MHz which follow:

Gain setting (dB)Noise floor (dBm/Hz)Noise floor (dBm in 500Hz)Apparent Clipping level (dBm)

Figure 1:  Measured performance of an RX-888 Mk2.  Gain mode is "high" with 0dB attenuation selected.

For convenience, the noise floor is shown both in "dBm/Hz" and in dBm in a 500 Hz bandwidth - which matches the scaling used in the chart below.  As the programs that I used have no direct indication of A/D converter clipping, I determined the "apparent" clipping level by noting the amplitude at which one additional dB of input power caused the sudden appearance of spurious signals.  Spot-checking indicated that the measured values at 17 and 30 MHz were within 1 dB of each other on the unit being tested.

Determining the right amount of "gain"

It should be stated at the outset that most of the available range of gain and attenuation provided by the '4312 and '8370 are completely useless to us.  To illustrate this point, let's consider a few examples.

Consider the chart below:

Figure 2:  ITU chart showing various noise environments versus frequency.

This chart - from the ITU - shows predicted noise floor levels - in a 500 Hz bandwidth - that may be expected at different frequencies in different locations.  Anecdotally, it is likely that in these days of proliferating switch-mode power supplies that we really need another line drawn above the top "Residential" curve, but let's be a bit optimistic and presume that it still holds true these days.

Let us consider the first entry in Figure 1 showing the gain setting of 0dB.  If we look at the "Residental" chart, above, we see that the curve at 30 MHz indicates a value very close to the -113dBm value in the "dBm in 500 Hz" column.  This tells us several things:

  • Marginal sensitivity.  Because the noise floor of the RX-888 (Mk2) and that of our hypothetical RF environment are very close to each other, we may not be able to "hear" our noise floor at 30 MHz (e.g. the 10 meter amateur band).  One would need to do an "antenna versus no antenna" check of the S-meter/receiver to determine if the former causes an increase in signal level:  If not, additional gain may be needed to be able to hear signals that are at the noise floor.
  • More gain may not help.  If we do perform the "antenna versus no antenna" test and see that with the antenna connected we get, say, an extra S-unit (6dB) of noise, we can conclude that under those conditions that more gain will not help in absolute system sensitivity.

Thinking about the above two statements a bit more, we can infer several important points about operating this or any receiver in a given receive environment:

  • If we can already "hear" the noise floor, more gain won't help.  In this situation, adding more gain would be akin to listening to a weak and noisy signal and expecting that increasing the volume would cause the signal to get louder - but not the noise.  
  • More gain than necessary will reduce the ability of the receiver to handle strong signals.  The HF environment is prone to wild fluctuations and signals can go between well below the local noise floor and very strong, so having any more gain that you need to hear your local noise floor is simply wasteful of the receiver's signal handling capability.  This fact is arguably more important with wide-band, direct-sampling receivers where the entire HF spectrum impinges on the analog-to-digital converter rather than a narrow section of a specific amateur band as is the case in "conventional" analog receivers.

Let us now consider what might happen if we were to place the same receiver in an ideal, quiet location - in this case, let's look at the "quiet rural"(bottom line) on the chart in Figure 2.

Again looking at the value at 30 MHz, we see that our line is now at about -133dBm (in 500 Hz) - but if we have our RX-888 gain set at 0 dB, we are now ((-133) - (-113) = ) 20 dB below the noise floor.  What this means is that a weak signal - just at the noise floor - is more than 3 S-units below the receiver sensitivity.  This also means that a receiver that may have been considered to be "Okay" in a noisy, urban environment will be quite "deaf" if it is relocated to a quiet one.

In this case we might think that we would simply increase our gain from 0 dB to +33dB - but you'll notice that even at that setting, the sensitivity will be only -131dBm in 500 Hz - still a few dB short of being able to hear the noise in our "antenna versus no antenna" test.

Too much gain is worse than too little!

At this point I refer to the far-right column in Figure 1 that shows the clipping level:  With a gain setting of +33dBm, we see that the RX-888 (Mk2) will overload at a signal level of around -31dBm - which translates to a  signal with a strength a bit higher than "S9 + 40dB".  While this sound like a strong signal, remember that this signal level is the cumulative TOTAL of ALL signals that enter the antenna port.  Thinking of it another way, this is the same as ten "S9+30dB" signals or one hundred "S9+20dB" signals - and when the bands are "open," there will be many times when this "-31dBm" signal level is exceeded from strong shortwave broadcast signals and lightning static.

In the case of too-little gain, only the weakest signals, below the receiver's noise floor will be affected - but if the A/D converter in the receiver is overloaded, ALL signals - weak or strong - are potentially disrupted as the converter no longer provides a faithful representation of the applied signal.  When the overload source is one or more strong transmissions, a melange of all signals present is smeared throughout the receive spectrum consisting of many mixing products, but if the overload is a static crash, the entire receive spectrum can be blanked out in a burst of noise - even at frequencies well removed from the original source of static.

Most of the adjustment range is useless!

Looking carefully at Figure 1 at the "noise floor" columns, you may notice something else:  Going from a gain of 0 dB to 10 dB, the noise floor "improves"(is lower) by about the same amount - but if you go from 25 dB gain to 33 dB gain we see that our noise floor improves by only 1 dB - but our overload threshold changes by the same eight dB as our gain increase.

What we can determine from this is that for practical purposes, any gain setting above 20 dB will result in a very little receiver sensitivity improvement while causing a dramatic reducing in the ability of the receiver to handle strong signals.

Based on our earlier analysis in a noise "Urban" environment, we can also determine that a gain setting lower than 0 dB will also make our receiver too-insensitive to hear the weakest signals:  The gain setting of -25dB shown in Figure 1 with a receive noise floor of -79dBm (500 Hz) - which is about S8 - is an extreme example of this.

Up to this point we have not paid any attention to the PE4312 attenuator as all measurements were taken with this set to minimum.  The reason for this is quite simple:  The noise figure (which translates to the absolute sensitivity of a receiver system) is determined by the noise generation of all of the components.  As reason dictates, if you have some gain in the signal path, the noise contribution of the devices after the gain have lesser effects - but any loss or noise contribution prior to the gain will directly increase the noise figure.


For examples of typical HF noise figure values, see the following articles:

Based on the articles referenced above, having a receiver system with a noise figure of around 15dB is the maximum that will likely permit reception at the noise floor of a quiet 10 meter location.  If you aren't familiar with the effects of noise figure - and loss - in a receive signal path, it's worth playing with a tool like the Pasternack Enterprises Cascaded Noise Figure Calculator (link) to get a "feel" of the effects.

I do not have the ability to measure the precise noise figure of the RX-888 (Mk2) - and if I did do so, I would have to make such a measurement using the same variety of configurations depicted in Figure 1 - but we can know some parameters about the worst-case:

  • Bias-Tee:  Estimated insertion loss of 1dB
  • PE4312:  Insertion loss of 1.5dB at minimum attenuation
  • RF Switch (HF/VHF) 1dB loss
  • 50-200 Ohm transformer:  1dB loss
  • AD8370 Noise figure:  8dB (at gain of 20dB)

The above sets the minimum HF floor noise figure of the RX-888 (Mk2) at about 12.5dB with an AD8370 gain setting of 20dB - but this does not include the noise figure of the A/D converter itself - which would be difficult to measure using conventional means.

On important aspect about system noise figure is that once you have loss in a system, you cannot recover sensitivity - no matter how much gain or how quiet your amplifier may be!  For example, if you have a "perfect" 20 dB gain amplifier with zero noise, if you place a 10 dB attenuator in front of it, you have just turned it into an amplifier with 10 dB noise figurewith 10dB gain and there is nothing that can be done to improve it - other than get rid of the loss in front of the amplifier.

Similarly, if we take the same "perfect" amplifier - with 20dB of gain - and then cascade it with a receiver with a 20dB noise figure, the calculator linked above tells us that we now have a systemnoise figure of 3 dB since even with 20dB preceeding it, our receiver still contributes noise!

If we presume that the LTC2208 A/D converter in the RX-888 has a noise figure of 40dB and no gain (a "ballpark" value assuming an LSB of 10 microvolts - a value that probably doesn't reflect reality) our receive system will therefore have a noise figure of about 22dB.

What this meansis that in most of the ways that matter, the PE4312 attenuator is not really very useful when the RX-888 (Mk2) is being used for reception of signal across the HF spectrum, in a relatively quiet location on an antenna system with no additional gain.

Where is the attenuator useful?

From the above, you might be asking under what conditions would the built-in PE4312 attenuator actually be useful?  There are two instances where this may be the case - and this would be applied ONLY if you have been unable to resolve overload situations by setting the gain of the AD8370 lower.

  • In a receive signal path with a LOT of amplification.  If your receive signal path has - say - 30dB of amplification (and if it does, you might ask yourself "why?") a moderate amount of attenuation might be helpful.
  • In a situation where there are some extremely strong signals present.  If you are near a shortwave or mediumwave (AM broadcast) transmitter that induces extremely strong signals in the receiver that cause intractable overload, the temporary use of attenuation may prevent the receiver from becoming overloaded to the point of being useless - but such attenuation will likely cause the complete loss of weaker signals.  In such a situation, the use of directional antennas and/or frequency-specific filtering should be strongly considered!

Improving sensitivity

Returning to an earlier example - our "Quiet Rural" receive site - we observed that even with the gain setting of the RX-888 (Mk2) at maximum, we would still not be able to hear our local noise floor at 30 MHz - so what can be done about this?

Let us build on what we have already determined:

  • While sensitivities is slightly improved with higher gain values, setting the gain above 20dB offers little benefit while increasing the likelihood of overload.
  • In a "Quiet Rural" situation, our 30 MHz noise floor is about -133dBm (500 Hz BW) which means that our receiver needs to attain a lower noise floor than this:  Let's presume that -136dBm (a value that is likely marginal) is a reasonable compromise.

With a "gain" setting of 20dB we know that our noise floor will be around -128dBm (500 Hz) and we need to improve this by about 8 dB.  For straw-man purposes, let's presume that the RX-888 (Mk2) at a gain setting of 20dB has a noise figure of 25dB, so let's see what it takes for an amplifier that precedes the RX-888 (Mk2)to lower than to 17dB or so using the Pasternak calculator above:

  • 10dB LNA with 7 dB noise figure:  This would result in a system noise figure of about 16 dB - which should do the trick.

Again, the above presumes that there is NO  loss (cable, splitters, filtering) preceding the preamplifier.  Again, the presumed noise figure of 25dB for the RX-888 (Mk2) at a gain setting of 20 is a bit of a "SWAG"  - but it illustrates the issue.

Adding a low-noise external amplifier also has another side-effect:  By itself, with a gain setting of +33, the RX-888 (Mk2)'s overload point is -31dBm, but if we reduce the gain of the RX-888 to 20dB the overload drops to -18dBm - but adding the external 10dB gain amplifier will effectively reduce the overload to -28dBm, but this is still 5 dB better than if we had turned the RX-888's gain all of the way up!

Taking this a bit further, let's presume that we use, instead, an amplifier with 3dB noise figure and 8 dB gain:  Our system noise figure is now about 17dB, but our overload point is now -26dBm - even better!

Adding appropriate amounts of external gain has an additional effect:  The RX-888 (and all other SDRs) are computer/network connected devices with the potential of ingress of stray signals from connected devices (computers, network switches, power supplies, etc.).  The use of external amplifiers can help override (and submerge) such signals and if proper care is taken to choose the amount of gain of the external amplification and properly choose gain/attenuation settings within the receiver, superior performance in terms of sensitivity and signal-handling capability can be the result.

Additional filtering

Only mentioned in passing, running a wideband, direct-sampling receiver of ANY type (be it RX-888, KiwiSDR, Red Pitaya, etc.) connected to an antenna is asking a lot of even 16 bits of conversion!  If you happen to be in a rather noisy, urban location, the situation is a bit better in the sense that you can reduce receiver gain and still hear "everything there is to hear" - but if you have a very quiet location that requires extra gain, the same, strong signals that you were hearing in the noisy environment are just as strong in the quiet environment.

Here are a few suggestions for maximizing performance under the widest variety of situations:

  • Add filtering for ranges that you do not plan to cover.  In most cases, AM band (mediumwave) coverage is not needed and may be filtered out.  Similarly, it is prudent to remove signals above that in which you are interested.  For the RX-888 (Mk2), if you run its sampling rate at just 65 MHz or so, you should install a 30 MHz low-pass filter to keep VHF and FM broadcast signals out.
  • Add "window" filtering for bands of interest.  If you are interested only in amateur radio bands, there are a lot of very strong signals outside the bands of interest that will contribute to overload of the A/D converter.  It is possible to construct a set of filters that will pass only the bands of interest - but this does not (yet?) seem to be a commercial product.  (Such a product may be available in the near future - keep a lookout here for updates.)
  • Add a "shelving" filter.  If you examine the graph in Figure 2 you will notice that as you go lower in frequency, the noise floor goes UPWhat this means is that at lower frequencies, you need less receiver sensitivity to hear the signals that are present - and it also means that if you increasingly attenuate those lower frequencies, you can remove a significant amount of RF energy from your receiver without actually reducing the absolute sensitivity.  A device that does just this is described in a previous blog article "Revisiting the limited-attenuation high-pass filter - again (link)".  While I do not offer such a filter personally, such a device - along with an integrated 30 MHz low-pass filter - may be found at Turn Island Systems- HERE.


  • The best HF weak-signal performance for the RX-888 (Mk2) will occur with the receiver configured for "High" gain mode, 0 dB attenuation and a gain setting of about 20dB.  Having said this, you should always to the "antenna versus no antenna" test:  If you see more than 6-10dB increase in the noise level at the quietest frequency, you probably have too much gain.  Conversely, if you don't see/hear a difference, you probably need more gain - taking care in doing so.
  • For best HF performance of this - or any other wideband, direct-sampling HF SDR (RX-888, KiwiSDR, Red Pitaya, etc.) additional filtering is suggested - particularly the "shelving" filter described above.
  • In situations where the noise floor is very low (e.g. a nice, receive quiet location) many direct-sampling SDRs (RX-888, KiwiSDR, Red Pitaya) will likely need additional gain to "hear" the weaker signals - particularly on the higher HF bands.  While some of these receivers offer onboard gain adjustment, the use of external high-performance (low-noise) amplification (along with filtering and careful adjustment of the devices' gain adjustments) will give improved absolute sensitivity while helping to preserve large-signal handling capability.
  • Because the RX-888 is a computer-connected device, there will be ingress of undesired signals from the computer and the '888's built-in circuitry.  The use of external amplification - along with appropriate decoupling (e.g. common-mode chokes on the USB cable and connecting coaxial cables) can minimize the appearance of these signals.


This page was stolen from ka7oei.blogspot.com.



Resurrecting my FE-5680A Rubidium frequency reference


Fig 1:
The Hammond 1590 aluminum case
housing the FE-5860A rubidium osc-
oscillator and other circuitry - the
markings faded by time and heat.
Click on the image for a larger version.
Recently I was getting ready for the October 14, 2023 eclipse, so I pulled out my two 10 MHz rubidium frequency references (doesn't everyone have at least one?) as I would need an accurate and (especially) stable frequency reference for transmitting:  The details of what, why and how will be discussed in a post to be added in the near future.

The first of these - my Efratom LP-101 - fired up just fine, despite having seen several years of inactivity.  After letting it warm up for a few hours I dialed it in against my HP Z3801 GPSDO and was able to get it to hold to better than 5E-11 without difficulty.

My other rubidium frequency reference - the FEI FE-5680A - was another matter:  At first, it seemed to power up just fine:  I was using my dual-trace oscilloscope, feeding the 'Z3801 into channel 1 and the '5680A into channel 2 and watching the waveforms "slide" past each other - and when they stop moving (or move very, very slow) then you know things are working properly:  See Figure 2, below, for an example of this.

That didhappen for the '5680A - but only for a moment:  After a few 10s of seconds of the two waveforms being stationary with respect to each other, the waveform of the '5680A suddenly took off and the frequency started "searching" back and forth, reaching only as high as a few Hz below exactly 10 MHz and swinging well over 100 Hz below that.

My first thought was something along the lines of "Drat, the oven oscillator has drifted off frequency..."

Fig 2:
Oscillogram showing the GPS reference (red)
and the FE-5680A (yellow) 10 MHz signals
atop each other.  Timing how long it takes for the
two waveforms "slide" past each other (e.g. drift
one whole cycle) allows long-term frequency
measurement and comparison.
Click on the image for a larger version.

As it turns out, that was exactly what had happened.


 I've written a bit more about the aforementioned rubidium frequency references, and you can read about them in the links below:

Oscillator out of range

While it is the "physics package"(the tube with the rubidium magic inside) that determines the ultimate frequency (6834683612 Hz, to be precise) it is not the physics package that generates this frequency, but rather another oscillator (or oscillators) that produce energy at that 6.834682612 GHz frequency, inject it into the cavity with the rubidium lamp and detect a slight change in intensity when it crosses the atomic resonance.

In this unit, there is a crystal oscillator that does this, using digital voodoo to produce that magic 6.834682612 GHz signal to divine the hyperfine transition.  This oscillator is "ovenized" - which is to say, the crystal and some of the critical components are under a piece of insulating foam, and attached to the crystal itself is a piece of ceramic semiconductor material - a PTC (positive temperature coefficient) thermistor - that acts as a heater:  When power is applied, it produces heat - but when it gets to a certain temperature the resistance increases, reducing the current consumption and the thermal input and the temperature eventually stabilizes.

Because we have the rubidium cell itself to determine our "exact" frequency, this oven and oscillator need only be "somewhat" stable intrinsically:  It's enough simply to have it "not drift very much" with temperature as small amounts of frequency change can be compensated, so neither the crystal oven - or the crystal contained within - need to be "exact".

Fig 3:
The FE-5680A itself, in the lid of the
case of the 1590 box to provide heat-
sinking.  As you can see, I've had this
unit open before!
Click on the image for a larger version.
What is required is that this oscillator - which is "pullable"(that is, its precise frequency is tuned electronically) must be capable of covering the exact frequency required in its tuning range:  If this can't happen, it cannot be "locked" to the comparison circuitry of the rubidium cell.

The give-away was that as the unit warmed up, it did lock, but only briefly:  After a brief moment, it suddenly unlocked as the crystal warmed up and drifted low in frequency, beyond the range of the electronic tuning.

Taking the unit apart I quickly spotted the crystal oscillator under the foam and powering it up again, I kept the foam in place and watched it lock - and then unlock again:  Lifting the foam, I touched the hot crystal with my finger to draw heat away and the unit briefly re-locked.  Monitoring with a test set, I adjusted the variable capacitor next to the crystal and quickly found the point of minimum capacitance (highest frequency) and after replacing the foam, the unit re-locked - and stayed in lock.

Bringing it up to frequency

This particular '5680A is probably about 25 years old - having been a pull from service (likely at a cell phone site) and eventually finding its way onto EvilBay as surplus electronics.  Since I've owned it, it's also seen other service - having been used twice in geostationary satellite service as a stable frequency reference, adding another 3-4 years of time to its "on" time.

As quartz crystals age, they inevitably change frequency:  In general, they tend to drift upwards if they are overdriven and slowly shed material - but this practice is pretty rare these days - so they seem to tend to drift downwards in frequency with normal aging of the crystal and nano-scale changes in the lattice that continue after the quartz is grown and cut:  Operating at elevated temperature - as in an oven - tends to accelerate this effect.

By adjusting the trimmer capacitor and noting the instantaneous frequency (e.g. adjusting it mechanically before the slower electronic tuning could take effect) I could see that I was right at the ragged edge of being able to net the crystal oscillator's tuning range, so I needed to raise the natural frequency a bit more.

If you need to lower a crystal's frequency, you have several options:

  • Place an inductor in series with the crystal.  This will lower the crystal's in-circuit frequency of operation, but since doing so generally involves physically breaking an electrical connection to insert a component, this is can be rather awkward to do.
Fig 4:
The tip of the screwdriver pointing at the added 2.2uH
surface-mount inductor:  It's the black-ish component
at sort of a diagonal angle, wired across the two
crystal leads.
Click on the image for a larger version.
  • Place a capacitor across the crystal.  Adding a few 10s of pF of extra capacitance can lower a crystal's frequency by several 10s or hundreds of ppm (parts-per million), depending on the nature of the crystal and the circuit.

Since the electrical "opposite" of a capacitor is an inductor, the above can be reversed if you need to raise the frequency of a crystal:

  • Insert a capacitor in series with the crystal.  This is a very common way to adjust a crystal's frequency - and it may be how this oscillator was constructed.  As with the inductor, adding this component - where none existed - would involve breaking a connection to insert the device - not particularly convenient to do.
  • Place an inductor across the crystal.  Typically the inductance required to have an effect will have an impedance of hundreds of ohms at the operating frequency, but this - like the addition of a capacitor across a crystal to lower the frequency - is easier to do since we don't have to cut any circuit board traces.
With either method of tweaking the resonance of the oscillator circuit, you can only go so far:  Adding reactance in series or parallel will eventually swamp the crystal itself, potentially making it unreliable in its oscillation - and if that doesn't happen, the "Q" is reduced, potentially reducing the quality of the signal produce and furthermore, taking this to an extreme can reduce the stability overall as it starts to become temperature sensitive more with the added capacitor/inductor than just the crystal, alone.

In theory, I could have placed a smaller fixed capacitor in series with the trimmer capacitor  - or used a lower-value capacitor - but I chose, instead, to install a fixed-value surface-mount inductor in parallel with the crystal.  Prior to doing this I checked to see if there was any circuit voltage across the crystal, but there was none:  Had I seen voltage, adding an inductor would have shorted it out and likely caused the oscillator to stop working and I would have either reconsidered adding a series capacitor somewhere or, more likely I would have placed a large-value (1000pF or larger) capacitor in series with the inductor to block the DC.

"Swagging" it, I put a 2.2uH 0805 surface-mount inductor across the crystal and powered up the '5680A and after a 2-3 minute warm-up time, it locked.   After it had warmed up for about 8 minutes I briefly interrupted the power and while it worked to re-establish lock I saw the frequency swing nearly 100 Hz below and above the target indicating that it was now more less in the center if its electronic tuning range indicating success!  As can be seen from Figure 4, there is likely enough room to have used a small, molded through-hole inductor instead of a surface-mount device.
Fig 5:
The crystal is under the round disk (the PTC
heater) near the top of the picture and the
adjustment capacitor is to the right of the
Click on the image for a larger version.

With a bit of power-cycling and observing the frequency swing while the oscillator was hot, I was able to observing the electronic tuning range and in so-doing, increase the capacitance of the trimmer capacitor very slightly from minimum indicating that I now had at least a little bit of extra adjustment room - but not a lot.  Since this worked the first time I didn't try a lower value of inductance (say, 1uH) to further-raise the oscillator frequency, leaving well-enough alone.

Buttoning everything back up and putting it back in its case, everything still worked (always gratifying!) and I let the unit "burn in" for a few hours.

Comparing it to my HP Z8530 GPS Disciplined oscillator via the oscilloscope (see Figure 2) it took about 20 minutes for the phase to "slide" one entire cycle (360 degrees) indicating that the two 10 MHz signal sources are within better than 10E-10 of each other - not too bad for a device that was last adjusted over a decade ago and as seen about 15000 operational hours since!
This page stolen from ka7oei.blogspot.com

Remote (POTA) operation from Canyonlands National Park (K-0010)


As I am wont to do, I recently spent a week camping in the "Needles" district of Canyonlands National Park.  To be sure, this was a bit closer to "glamping" in the sense that we had a tent, a flush-toilet a few hundred feet away, plenty of food, solar panels for power and didn't need to haul our gear in on our backs - at least not any farther than between the vehicle(s) and the campsite.

While I did hike 10s of miles during the week, I didn't hike every day - and that left a bit of "down time" to relax and enjoy the local scenery.

As a first for me - even though I have camped there many times and have even made dozens of contacts over the years on HF - I decided to do a real POTA (Parks On The Air) activation.  In the days before departure, I finally got around to signing up on the pota.app web site and just before I left the area of cell phone coverage (there is none at all anywhere near where we were camping) I scheduled an activation to encompass the coming week as I had no idea exactly when I would be operating or on what bands.

Figure 1:
The JPC-7 loaded dipole at 10', backgrounded by red rock.
Click on the image for a larger version.

* * *

It wasn't until the day after I arrived that I finally had time to operate.  As it was easiest and most convenient to do so, I deployed my "modified" JPC-7 loaded dipole antenna (an antenna I'll describe in greater detail in a future post) affixing it atop a tripod light stand that could be telescoped to about 10 feet (3 meters) in height - attaching one of its legs to the swing-out grill of the fire pit to prevent it from falling over.  Being only about 10 feet from the picnic table, it offered a relatively short cable run and when it came time to tune the antenna, I simply disconnected it from the input of the tuner, connected it to my NanoVNA and adjusted the coils:  In so-doing, I could change bands in about two minutes.

The radio that I usually used was my old FT-100 - typically running at 50 watts on CW, 100 watts on SSB, but I would occasionally fire up my FT-817  and run a few contacts on that as well.  As you would expect, the gear was entirely battery-powered as there is not a commercial power line within 10s of miles of this place:  Often, one of my batteries would be off being charged from a solar panel, requiring that I constantly rotate through them.

* * *

For reasons of practicality - namely the fact that I would be operating in (mostly) daylight and for reasons related to antenna efficiency, I mostly operated on 30 meters and higher.  Because we were outside, this made a screen very difficult to see so I logged on a piece of paper - also convenient because this method required no batteries!  The very first contact - a Park-to-Park - occurred on 15 meter SSB, but I quickly QSY'ed down to 17 meters and worked a few dozen stations on CW - breaking in my "CW Morse" paddle for the first time on the air:  It would seem that my scheduling the activation and my Morse CW being spotted by the Reverse Beacon Network caused the notice to go out automatically where I was quickly pounced on.

In using this paddle for the first time I quickly discovered several things:

  • I've seen others using this paddle by holding it in their hand - but I was completely unable to do that:  I would get into the "zone" while sending and inevitably put my fingers on the "dit" and "dah" paddle's tension adjustment screws, causing me to send random elements:  At first I thought that something was amiss - perhaps RF getting into the radio - but one of the other folks I was with (who are also hams) pointed out what I was doing.
  • Since my CW Morse paddle has magnets in the base - and since the picnic table's top was aluminum - I stuck it to the bottom of a cast-iron skillet which solved the first problem, but I quickly discovered that the bottom of a well-used skillet is really quite smooth and lubricated with a fine layer of carbon.  What this meant was that not only did I have to use my other hand to keep the key from sliding around, I started looking like the carbon-covered operators of high-power Poulsen Arc transmitters of a century ago:  My arm and hand quickly got covered with a slight residue of soot!
  • During contacts, I would randomly lose the "Dit" contact.  I was presuming that this was from dust getting into the contacts (I'm sitting outside!) as it usually seemed to "fix" itself when I would lean over and blow into the paddle, but in once instance when this didn't work at all I wiggled/rotated the 3.5mm TRS jack on the back and it started working again.  I'm thinking that the issue was just a flaky contact on the jack.

At some point I'll need to figure out a better means of holding this paddle down - perhaps a small sheet of steel with bumpers and rubber feet - or simply learn to use the paddle with a much lighter touch!

Figure 2:
Operating CW from the picnic table, the paddle on a skillet!
Click on the image for a larger version.

With a few dozen CW contact under my belt I readjusted the antenna and QSYed down to 20 meter SSB where I worked several pages of stations, my voice getting a bit hoarse before handing the microphone over to Tim, KK7EF who continued working the pileup under my callsign.

* * *

After a while, we had to shut down as we needed the picnic table to prepare dinner - but this wasn't the last bit of activation:  Over the next few days - when time was available - I would often venture out on 40, 30, 20 and 17 meter CW - occasionally braving 17 meter SSB:  I generally avoided 20 meter SSB as the band generally seemed to be a bit busy - particularly during the weekend when some sort of activity caused the non-WARC bands to be particularly full.

* * *

By the end of the trip, I had logged about 387 total contacts - roughly 2/3 of them being CW.  When I got home I had to transcribe the paper logs onto the computer and learned something doing this:  If you do such a transcription, try to avoid doing so late at night when you are tired - and always wait until the next day - whether you were tired or not - and go back and re-check your entries BEFORE uploading the logs to LOTW, eQSL and/or the POTA web site!  Being tired, I hadn't thought the above through very well and later had to go back and make corrections and re-upload.

This page stolen from ka7oei.blogspot.com


Multi-band transmitter and monitoring system for Eclipse monitoring (Part 1)


It should not have escaped your attention - at least if you live in North America - there there are/have been two significant solar eclipses occurring in recent/near times:  One that occurred on October 14, 2023 and another eclipse in April, 2024.  The path of "totality" of the October eclipse happened to pass through Utah (where I live) so it is no surprise that I went out of my way to see it - just as I did back in 2012:  You can read my blog entry about that here.

 Figure 1:
The eclipse in progress - a few minutes
before "annularity".
(Photo by C. L. Turner)
I will shortly produce a blog entry related to my activities around the October 14, 2023 eclipse as well.

The October eclipse was of the "annular" type meaning that the moon is near-ish apogee meaning that the subtended angle of its disk is insufficient to completely block the sun owing to the moon's greater-than-average distance from Earth:  Unlike a solar eclipse, there is no time during the eclipse where it is safe to look at the sun/moon directly, without eye protection.  The sun will be mostly blocked, however, meaning that those in the path of "totality" experienced a rather eerie local twilight with shadows casting images of the solar disk:  Around the periphery of the moon it was be possible to make out the outline of lunar mountains - and those unfortunate to start at the sun during this time will receive a ring-shaped burn to their retina.

From the aspect of a radio amateur, however, the effects of a total and annular solar eclipse are largely identical:  The diminution of the "D" layer and partial recombination of the "F" layers of the ionosphere causing what are essentially nighttime propagation conditions during the daytime - geographically limited to those areas under the lunar shadow.

In an effort to help study these sort of effects - and to (hopefully) better-understand the propagation effects, a number of amateurs went (and are) going out into the field - in or near the path of "totality" - and setting up simultaneous, multi-band transmitters.

Producing usable data

Having "Eclipse QSO Parties" where amateur radio operators make contacts during the eclipse likely goes back nearly a century - the rarity of a solar eclipse making the event even more enigmatic.  In more recent years amateurs have been involved in "citizen science" where they make observations by monitoring signals - or facilitate the making of observations by transmitting them - and this will be happened during the October eclipse and should also happen during the April event as well.

While doing this sort of thing is just plain "fun", a subset of this group is of the metrological sort (that's "metrology", no "meteorology"!) and endeavor to impart on their transmissions - and observations of received signals - additional constraints that are intended to make this data useful in a scientific sense - specifically:

  • Stable transmit frequencies.  During the event, the perturbations of the ionosphere will impart on propagated signals Doppler shift and spread:  Being able to measure this with accuracy and precision (which are NOT the same thing!) adds another layer of extractable information to the observations.
  • Stable receivers.  As with the transmitters, having a stable receiver is imperative to allow accurate measurement of the Doppler shift and spread.  Additionally, being able to monitor the amplitude of a received signal can provide clues as to the nature of the changing conditions.
  • Monitoring at multiple frequencies.  As the ionospheric conditions change, its effects at different frequencies also changes.  In general, the loss of ionization (caused by darkness) reduces propagation at higher frequencies (e.g. >10 MHz) and with lessened "D" layer absorption lower frequencies (<10 MHz) the propagation at those frequencies is enhanced.  With the different effects at different frequencies, being able to simultaneously monitor multiple signals across the HF spectrum can provide additional insight as to the effects.

To this end, the transmission and monitoring of signals by this informal group have established the following:

  • GPS-referenced transmitters.  The transmitters will be "locked" to GPS-referenced oscillators to keep the transmitted frequencies both stable and accurate to milliHertz.
  • GPS referenced receivers.  As with the transmitters, the receivers will also be GPS-referenced to provide milliHertz accuracy and stability.

With this level of accuracy and precision the uncertainties related to the receiver and transmitter can be removed from the Doppler data.  For generation of stable frequencies, a "GPS Disciplined Oscillator" is often used - but very good Rubidium-based references are also available, although unlike a GPS-based reference, the time-of-day cannot be obtained from them.

Why this is important:

Not to demean previous efforts in monitoring propagation - including that which occurs during an eclipse - but unless appropriate measures are taken, their contribution to "real" scientific analysis can be unwittingly diminished.  Here are a few points to consider:

  • Receiver frequency stability.  One aspect of propagation on HF is that the signal paths between the receiver and transmitter change as the ionosphere itself changes.  These changes can be on the order of Hertz in some cases, but these changes are often measured in 10s of milliHertz.  Very few receivers have that sort of stability and the drift of such a receiver can make detection of these Doppler shifts impossible.
  • Signal amplitude measurement.  HF signals change in amplitude constantly - and this can tell us something about the path.  Pretty much all modern receivers have some form of AGC (Automatic Gain Control) whose job it is to make sure that the speaker output is constant.  If you are trying to infer signal strength, however, making a recording with AGC active renders meaningful measurements of signal strength pretty much impossible.  Not often considered is the fact that such changes in propagation also affect the background noise - which is also important to be able to measure - and this, too, is impossible with AGC active.
  • Time-stamping recordings.  Knowing when a recording starts and stops with precision allows correlation with other's efforts.  Fortunately this is likely the easiest aspect to manage as a computer with an accurate clock can automatically do so (provided that one takes care to preserve the time stamps of the file, or has file names that contain such information) - and it is particularly easy if one happens to be recording a time station like WWV, WWVH, WWVB or CHU.

In other words, the act of "holding a microphone up to a speaker" or simply recording the output of a receiver to a .wav file with little/no additional context makes for a curious keepsake, but it makes the challenge of gleaning useful data from it more difficult.

One of our challenges as "citizen scientists" is to make the data as useful as possible to us and others - and this task has been made far easier with inexpensive and very good hardware than it ever has been - provided we take care to do so.  What follows in this article - and subsequent parts - are my reflections on some possible ways to do this:  These are certainly not the only ways - or even the best ways - and even those considerations will change over time as more/different resources and gear become available to the average citizen scientist. 

* * *

How this is done - Receiver:

The frequency stability and accuracy of MOST amateur transceivers is nowhere near good enough to provide usable observations of Doppler shift on such signals - even if the transceiver is equipped with a TCXO or other high-stability oscillator:  Of the few radios that can do this "out of the box" are some of the Flex transceivers equipped with a GPS disciplined oscillator.

To a certain degree, an out-of-the-box KiwiSDR can do this if properly set-up:  With a good, reliable GPS signals and when placed within a temperature-stable environment (e.g. temperature change of 1 degree C or so during the time of the observation) they can be stable enough to provide useful data - but there is no guarantee of such.

To remove such uncertainty a GPS-based frequency reference is often applied to the KiwiSDR - often in the form of the Leo Bodnar GPS reference, producing a frequency of precisely 66.660 MHz.  This combination produces both stable and accurate results.  Unfortunately, if you don't already have a KiwiSDR, you probably aren't going to get one as the original version was discontinued in 2022:  A "KiwiSDR 2" is in the works, but there' no guarantee that it will make it into production, let alone be available in time for the April, 2024 eclipse. 

Figure 2:
The RX-888 (Mk2) - a simple and relatively inexpensive
box that is capable of "inhaling" all of HF at once.
Click on the image for a larger version.

The RX-888 (Mk2)

A suitable work-around has been found to be the RX-888 (Mk2) - a simple direct-sampling SDR - available for about $160 shipped (if you look around).  This device has the capability of accepting an external 27 MHz clock (if you add an external cable/connector to the internal U.FL connector provided for this purpose) in which it can become as stable and accurate as the external reference.

This SDR - unlike the KiwiSDR, the Red Pitaya and others - has no onboard processing capability as it is simply an analog-to-digital coupled with a USB3 interface so it takes a fairly powerful computer and special processing software to be able to handle a full-spectrum acquisition of HF frequencies.

Software that is particularly well-suited to this task is KA9Q-Radio(link).  Using the "overlap and save" technique, it is extraordinarily efficient in processing the 65 Megasamples-per-second of data needed to "inhale" the entire HF spectrum.

KA9Q-Radio can produce hundreds of simultaneous virtual receivers of arbitrary modes and bandwidths which means that one such virtual receiver can be produced for each WSPR frequency band:  Similar virtual receivers could be established for FT-8, FT-4, WWV/H and CHU frequencies.  The outputs of these receivers - which could be a simple, single-channel stream or a pair of audio in I/Q configuration - can be recorded for later analysis and/or sent to another program (such as the WSJT-X suite) for analysis.

Additionally, using the WSPRDaemon software, the multi-frequency capability of KA9Q-Radio can be further-leveraged to produce not only decodes of WSPR and FST4W data, but also make rotating, archival I/Q recordings around the WSPR frequency segments - or any other frequency segments (such as WWV, CHU, Mediumwave or Shortwave broadcast, etc.) that you wish.

Comment:  I have written about the RX-888 in previous blog posts:

  • Improving the thermal management of the RX-888 (Mk 2) - link 
  • Measuring signal dynamics of the RX-888 (Mk 2) - link

Full-Spectrum recording

Yet another capability possible with the RX-888 (Mk2) is the ability to make a "full spectrum" recording - that is, write the full sample rate (typically 64.8 Msps) to a storage device.  The result are files of about 7.7 gigabytes per minute of recording that contain everything that was received by the RX-888, with the same frequency accuracy and precision as the GPS reference used to clock the sample rate of the '888.  

What this means is that there is the potential that these recordings can be analyzed later to further divine aspects of the propagation changes that occurred during, before and after the eclipse - especially by observing signals that one may not have initially thought to consider:  This also can allow the monitoring of the overall background noise across the HF spectrum to see what changes during the eclipse, potentially filling in details that might have been missed on the narrowband recordings.

Because such a recording contains the recordings of time stations (WWV, WWVH, CHU and even WWVB) it may be possible to divine changes in propagation delay between those transmit sites and the receive sites.  If a similar GPS-based signal is injected locally, this, too, can form another data point - not only for the purposes of comparison of off-air signals, but also to help synchronize and validate the recording itself.

By observing such a local signal it would be possible to time the recording to within a few 10s of nanoseconds of GPS time - and it would also be practical to determine if the recording itself was "damaged" in some way (e.g. missed samples from the receiver):  Even if a recording is "flawed" in some way, knowing the precise location an duration of the missing data allows this to be taken into account and to a large extent, permit the data "around" it to still be useful.

Actually doing it:

Up to this point there has been a lot of "it's possible to" and "we have the capability of" mentioned - but pretty much everything mentioned so far was used during the October, 2023 eclipse.  To a degree, this eclipse is considered to be a rehearsal for the April 2024 event in that we would be using the same techniques - refined, of course, based on our experiences.

While this blog will mostly refer to my efforts (because I was there!) there were a number of similarly-equipped parties out in the fields and at home/fixed stations transmitting and receiving and it is the cumulative effort - and especially the discussions of what worked and what did not - that will be valuable in preparation for the April event.  Not to be overlooked, this also gives us valuable experience with propagation monitoring overall - an ongoing effort using WSPRDaemon - where we have been looking for/using other hardware/software to augment/improve our capabilities.

In Part 2 I'll talk about the receive hardware and techniques in more detail.

Stolen from ka7oei.blogspot.com


Observations, analysis and field use of the JPC-7 portable "dipole" antenna


Figure 1:
The JPC-7 and its original set of components in the case.  On
the left is a zippered section with the balun, strap, feedpoint
and mounting hardware for the elements.  On the right
can be seen the two telescoping sections, the two loading
coils and the four screw-together mast sections.
Click on the image for a larger version.
The JPC-7 (apparently by BD7JPC) is a portable dipole antenna - somewhat similar to the "Buddipole" - in that it is tripod-mounted, with telescoping elements that can be oriented horizontally.  Both use loading coils to increase the electrical length of the antenna, allowing them to operate down to 40 meters in their standard configuration.

I was able to get mine, shipped, via Ali Express for about US$170, but it is also sold domestically (in the U.S.) from a number of vendors - sometimes under the brand name of "Chelegance".

A portable antenna is not the same as a "home" antenna

As you might expect, this antenna is intended for portable use - and easy-to-assemble, quickly-deployable antennas are not likely to offer high performance compared to their "ful-sized, high up in the tree" counterparts that you might have at your home QTH.  Rather, this antenna's height is limited by the tripod on which it is mounted - which, for the lower bands where its height above ground is definitely below 1/4 wavelength - is likely to put it squarely in the "NVIS"(Near Vertical Incident Skywave) category - that is, an antenna with a rather high radiation angle that better-favors nearer stations than being a DX antenna.

Additionally, its element length as-shipped (with the two screw-in sections and the telescoping whip fully-extended, sans coil) is 125"(3.175 meters) is approximately a quarter-wavelength at 22MHz - near the 15 meter band meaning - that for all HF amateur bands 15 meters and below it requires the addition of the coils' inductance to resonate the two elements.  Being a loaded antenna - and with a small-ish aperture and with coils losses - means that its efficiency IS going to be less than that of its full-sized antenna (e.g. half-wave dipole) counterpart.

Of course, the entire reason for using a "portable" antenna is to enjoy the convenience of an antenna that is quick to deploy and fairly easy to transport - and anyone doing this knows (or shouldknow) that one must often sacrifice performance when doing this!

Having said this, after using the JPC-7 in the field several times I've found that it holds up pretty well against a similar "full size" antenna (e.g. dipole) on the higher bands (20 and up) while on 40 meters, subjective analysis indicates that it's down by "about an S-unit".  For SSB (voice) operation, this is usually tolerable under reasonable conditions and for digital or CW, it may hardly be noticeable.

Figure 2:
The components included with the JPC-7 - except the
strap and the manual.
Click on the image for a larger version.

What is included with the JPC-7:

  • Four aluminum mast sections.  These are hollow tubes with (pressed in?) in screw fittings on the ends - one male and the other female, both with M10-1.5 coarse threads that may be assembled piece-by-piece into a mast/extension.  End-to-end these measure 13-3/16"(33.5cm) each, including the protruding screw - 12-3/4"(32.4cm) from flat to flat.  These are 3/4"(1.9cm) diameter.  There are two of these sections per element to achieve the  125"(3.175 meter) length of each.
  • Telescoping sections.  These are stainless steel telescoping rods that are 13-1/8"(33.4cm) long including the threaded stud (12-7/8" or 32.7cm without) when collapsed and 99-11/16"(8' 3-11/16" or 253.2cm) when fully extended - not including the stud.
As with all stainless-steel telescoping whips, it is strongly recommended that you lubricate the sections as soon as you receive them.  As with about every telescoping whip you will ever see, these sections are "stainless on stainless" and as with many friction surfaces between the same type of metal, they will eventually gall and become increasingly difficult to operate as they scratch each other.  I use PTFE (Teflon) based "Super Lube" for this purpose as it does not dry out and become gummy as normal distillate oils like "3-in-1" or "household" do.  Do not use "lubricants" like "WD-40" as these aren't actually lubricants in the traditional sense in that they tend to evaporate and leave a varnish behind.  If the sections do get stiff over time, a buffing with very find steel wool and/or very fine (1000 or higher) grid sandpaper followed by wiping down and lubricating may help loosen them.
  • Adjustable coils.  These are constructed of what appears to be thermoplastic or possibly nylon with molded grooves for the wire.  This unit is connected to the others via a male threaded stud on the bottom and female threads on the top, both being M10-1.5 like everything else.
The form itself is 4-1/2"(11.4cm) long not including the stud and 1-11/16"(4.3cm) diameter - wound with 34 turns of #18 (1mm) stainless steel wire with an inside diameter of approximately 1.66"(4.21cm) over a length of about 2.725"(6.92cm).  It has a slider with a notched spring that makes contact with the coil and this moves along a stainless steel rod about 0.12"(3mm) diameter that is insulated at the top, meaning that as the slider is moved down, the inductance of the coil is increased.  I suggest that a drop of lubricant (I recommend the PTFE-based "Super Lube" as it doesn't dry and get gummy) be applied to the slider to make it easier to adjust and to minimize the probability of galling.
The coils have painted markings indicating "approximate" locations of the tap for both 20 and 40 meters when the telescoping section is adjusted as described in the manual.  These coils are wound with 1mm diameter 316 stainless steel wire:  The maximum inductance is a bit over 20uH and the DC resistance is about 4 ohms - more on this later.
  • Figure 3:
    A close-up of the feedpoint mount showing the
    brass inserts and index pins.  The holes in the knurled
    knobs are sized to receive the miniature banana plugs
    from the balun.
    Click on the image for a larger version.
    Feedpoint mount.  This is a heavy plastic piece molded about pieces of brass into which the elements/coils are threaded.  There are three 10mm x 1.5mm female threads into the brass inserts plus another female thread of larger size (1/2" NPT) into which the aluminum 5/8" gaffer stud mount is screwed.  On the surfaces with the brass inserts and the 10mm x 1.5mm female threads are a series of index holes into which the element mounts (described below) are seated to allow the elements to be adjusted at various angles.  Electrical connection is made via holes to receive 2.5mm miniature banana plugs (visible in Figure 3) which contact the adjacent 10mm x 1.5mm female thread bodies.
Element mounts.  These are two heavy-duty nickel-plated brass adapters that are held to the feedpoint mount via 10mm x 1.5mm screws with large handles - both included.  Into the mounting surfaces are holes to receive index pins allow the elements to be rotated to various angles - from a horizontal dipole to a "Vee" configuration - and even to an "L" with one element vertical and the other horizontal.  It can also be configured with just a single element as a plain vertical if one so-chooses - the counterpoise/ground needing to be supplied by the user.  These may be seen in Figure 8, below.
  • 5/8" stud (gaffer) mount.  As mentioned earlier, this kit includes a male 5/8" stud mount commonly found on photographic lighting tripods.  The other side of this has 1/2" NPT pipe threads that screw into the feedpoint mount.  This piece is shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4:
5/8 stud mount adapter to be used with
lighting tripods.  The "other" side is a 1/2 inch
NPT pipe thread that screws into the feedpoint mount.
Click on the image for a larger version.

  • 1:1 balun.  This appears to be a "voltage" balun, with DC continuity between the "balanced" and "unbalanced" sections and across the windings themselves.  This is in contrast to a "current" type balun that would typically consist of feedline, twisted pair or two conductors wound as a common-mode choke on a ferrite core. More on this later.
  • Hook-and-loop ("Velcro") strap for the balun.  This is used to attach the balun to the mast to prevent the weight of the coax and balun from pulling on the feedpoint mount.  This strap appears to be generic and doesn't really fit the balun too well unless it is cinched up, so I zip-tied it in place to keep the two together. 
  • Padded carrying case.  This zippered case is about 14" x 9"(35.5x23cm) with elastic loops to retain the above antenna components and a zippered "net" pocket to contain the counterpoise/radial cable kit and the instructions.  There is ample room in this case to add additional components such as coaxial cable - and enhancements to the antenna, as discussed below.  
  • Instruction manual.  The instructions included with this antenna are only somewhat better than typical "Chinese English" - apparently produced with the help of an online translator rather than someone with intimate knowledge of the English language resulting in a combination of head-scratching, laughter and frustration when trying to make sense of them.  Additionally, the instructions that came with my antenna included those for the JPC-12 vertical as well, printed on the obverse side of the manual.

Construction and build quality

About a year ago I purchased a JPC-12 vertical antenna and it shares many of the same components as this antenna - the only real differences are that this antenna comes with two telescoping whips and loading coils, the center mount for the elements, a 1:1 balun, and the 5/8" stud adapter for the center mount.

Many of these components are the same as supplied with the JPC-12 vertical:  The loading coils, the telescoping whips, and the screw-together antenna sections.  In other words, if you have both antennas, you can mix-match parts to augment the other.  You can, in fact, buy kits of parts for either antenna to supply the missing pieces to convert from one to the other.

Mechanically, this antenna seems to be quite well built:  During use, I have no sense of anything being "about to come apart" or "just barely good enough".  I suspect that the designers of this antenna did so iteratively, and the end product is a result of some refinement over time.  The only fragile parts are the telescoping whips, but these things are, by definition, fragile, no matter who makes them!

How it is mounted

This antenna does NOT come with any tripod or other support, but it offers three ways of being mounted:

  • 1/2" NPT threads.  The center support, as the primary mounting, has female 1/2" NPT threads.
  • 5/8" male stud mount.  This antenna comes with a machined aluminum mount (seen in Figure 4) that screws into 1/2" NPT threads in the center support that is a 5/8" stud mount - sometimes referred to as a "Gaffer" or "Grip" mount - of the sort found everywhere on tripods used for holding photographic lights.
  • 10mm x 1.5mm thread.  If you want to configure this antenna as a dipole, you also have the option of using a 10mm x 1.5mm thread that is on the side opposite the female threads into which the 5/8" stud mount screws.  While this thread isn't particularly common in the U.S.A., it would seem that this is a common size for portable antennas everywhere else in the world and hardware of this size is available at larger U.S. hardware stores.  As this mounting point may be used as part of the antenna
    Figure 5:
    A homebrew double-female 5/8 stud adapter.  These adapters
    have 3/8" threads and were attached using a thread
    coupler.  This piece was necessary as both the antenna and my
    tripod have male 5/8" stud mounts on them!
    Click on the image for a larger version.
    (when configured in an "L" shape or if configured as a vertical-only)
    so it's the same threads as the screw-in element sections.

For me the 5/8" male stud mount is the most useful as it happens that I have onhand an old gaffer tripod (light stand) of this sort - but there's a catch:  It, too, has a 5/8"male stud mount!  It would seem that these tripods come both ways - with either a male or female 5/8" mount, but for less than US$15 I was able to construct a "double-female" adapter that solved the problem.  From Amazon, I ordered two 5/8 female stud to 3/8"-16 adapters and coupled them together with a 3/8" thread coupler as seen in Figure 5.  The only "trick" with this was that I had to sort through my collection of flat washers to find the combination of thicknesses that resulted in both knobs facing the same direction when they were tightened.

Frequency coverage

This antenna is advertised to cover 40 through 6 meters - and this is certainly true:  When the four supplied mast sections are installed (two per side) the lowest frequency at which it can be resonated with the telescoping rods at full extension and the inductors set at maximum is around 6.7-6.8 MHz - well below the entirety of the 40 meter band.

On 40 meters, the 2:1 VSWR bandwidth was typically around 150 kHz:  A 2:1 VSWR is about the maximum mismatch at which most modern radios will operate at full power before SWR "foldback" occurs.  Of course, if your radio has a built-in tuner - even one with a limited range - you will certainly be able to make the radio "happy" across the entire 40 meter band without fussing with the antenna.

On the other extreme, with the minimum coil inductance and the two telescoping rods at maximum the resonant frequency was about 21.7 MHz:  This means that for all bands 15 meters and lower, you will need the inductors - but for 12 meters and up you can omit them entirely (which is recommended!), bringing the antenna to resonance solely by adjusting the length of the telescoping sections.

Tuning the antenna

This may be where some people have issues.  I am very comfortable using a NanoVNA:  I have several of these as they are both cheap and extremely useful - the only down-side really being that their screens are not easily viewed in direct sunlight - but simply standing with my back to the sun was enough to make it usable as all one is trying to see is the trace on the screen rather than any fine detail.

The biggest advantage of the NanoVNA over a traditional antenna analyzer is that you get the "big picture" of what is going on:  You can instantly see where the antenna is resonant  - and how good the match may be.  More importantly, you can see at a glance if the antenna is tuned high (too little inductance) or too low (too much inductance) and make adjustments accordingly whereas using a conventional antenna analyzer will require you to sweep up and down:  Still do-able, but less convenient.

Tuning is somewhat complicated by two factors:

  • There are two coils to adjust - and they must both be pretty close to each other in terms of adjustment to get the best match.  Simply looking at the coils one can "eyeball" the settings of the slider/contact to get them very close to each other - something that becomes easier with practice.
  • The "resolution" of the inductors' adjustments is limited by the fact that one can make adjustments by one turn at a time.  At 20 meters and higher, being able to only adjust inductance one turn at a time is likely to result in the best match being just above or below the desired frequency.  At lower frequencies (lots of turns) - say 40 and 30 meters - you can likely get 2:1 or better by adjusting the coil taps alone, but at higher frequencies you will likely need to tune for the best match just below the frequency of interest and then shorten the telescoping rods slightly to bring it right onto frequency.

 Once I'd used the antenna a few times I found that I could change bands in 2-3 minutes as I would:

  • Lower the antenna to shoulder height so that the coils and telescoping rods may be reached.  If you had previously shortened the telescoping elements for fine-tuning a band you should reset them to full length.
  • Set the NanoVNA to cover from the frequency to which it is already tuned and where I want to go:  If I was setting it up for the first time I would set the 'VNA to cover above and below the desired frequency by 5 MHz or so so I could see the resonant point even when it was far off-frequency.  After using it a few times you will remember about where the coil taps need to be set for a particular band.
  • On the NanoVNA I would then set a marker to the desired frequency.
  • I would then "walk" both coils up/down to the desired frequency while watching the 'VNA.  As the tuning of the elements interact, you may have to iterate a bit to get the VSWR down.  Again, you may have to tune for best match at a frequency just below the target frequency and then shorten the telescoping sections.
  • I would raise the mast to full height again.  I noticed  a slight increase in resonant frequency (particularly on the lower bands - 40 and 30 meters) by raising the antenna on the order of 50 kHz on 40 meters.  Usually, this doesn't matter, but with a bit of practice/experience you'll be able to compensate for this while tuning.
  • A match of 2:1 or better was easily obtained - but don't expect to get a 1:1 match all of the time as the only adjustments are those of resonating the elements.  Practically speaking, there is no performance difference between a 2:1 and 1:1 match unless your radio's power drops back significantly:  An antenna tuner could be used, but this will surely insert more loss than having a modest mismatch!

Figure 6:
As with almost any inductor adjustable using sliders, care
should be taken to assure that only one turn is being touched
by the contact, as shown.
Click on the image for a larger version.
All of that sounds complicated - and it may be the first time doing it - but I found it to be very quick and easy, particularly after even just a little bit of practice!

Carefully adjusting coil taps

 If you look very carefully at the sliding coil taps you'll notice that if very carefully adjusted that they will contact just one turn of wire - but it is almost easier for the contact spring to bridge two turns of wire, shorting them together.  When this happens the inductance will go down slightly and you may see the resonance go up in frequency unexpectedly.  Additionally, the shorting of two turns can also reduce the "Q"(and efficiency) of the coil slightly.

If you are aware of this situation - which can occur with nearly all tapped inductors adjusted with a slider - you can start to "feel" when the slider bridges two turns of the coil and avoid its happening as you make the adjustments.

* * *

Suggested modifications/additions:

All electrically-short antennas that require series inductance for tuning to resonance - like this one - will lose efficiency due to losses in the coil, but this can be offset - at least somewhat - by increasing the length of the elements themselves.  One of the easiest ways to do this is to purchase a couple of extra screw-on mast sections:  The addition of one on each side will increase the total length by about 25"(64cm) and allow a slight decrease in the required inductance - resulting in slightly lower loss and increase the aperture of the antenna slightly.  These additional screw-on sections are typically available from the sellers of the antenna for between US $10 and $15 each but are often called something like "Dedicated lengthened vibrator for JPC-7 (JPC-12)" or similar due to quirks of the translation.

Figure 7:
The elements may be lengthened by clipping a lead to each
end of the telescoping sections, reducing the amount of
needed inductance - and also allowing resonance on lower
bands - in this case, 60 meters.
Click on the image for a larger version.

While adding two additional sections will bring the resonant frequency down to about 5.7 MHz with full inductance and extension of the telescoping sections, the antenna can be made to cover 60 meters by clipping on short (18" or 46cm) jumper leads to the very end of the antenna elements and let them hang down.  In testing it on the air, the signals were about 1 or 2 "S" units below a full-sized dipole, but still quite good for a fairly compact antenna that was  close to the ground in terms of wavelength.

Of course these leads can be used for all bands for which the coils are needed to lower the inductance and reduce losses:  As it will always be the parts of the antenna that carry the most RF current that radiates the vast majority of the signal - and since those portions will always be the sections right near the coils for this type of antenna - adding these dropping wires at the ends won't appreciably affect the antenna pattern or its polarization.

As there is plenty of room to do so in the zipper case, I have since added two extra sections and two "clip leads" permanently into the kit.

Finally, I would order at least two extra telescoping sections as these are the most fragile parts of the antenna kit.  These can also be ordered from the same folks that sell the antennas for US $12-$16 each and are typically referred as something like "304 stainless steel 2.5M whip antenna for PAC-12 JPC7 portable shortwave antenna". 

The reason for ordering two of them is that if the antenna falls over, both whips are likely to be damaged (ask me how I know!):  The cost of getting two extra whips is likely to be less than the cost of fuel for even a modest road trip to wherever you are going, so their price should be kept in perspective.  As the zippered case for the antenna has plenty of extra elastic loops inside, there is ready storage for these two extra whips with no modification.

A word of caution:  However you store them, do not allow the telescoping whips to lay loosely:  If they bash into something else they may be easily dented which can make it impossible for them to be extended/retracted.  For this reason they should be secured in the elastic strap, or individually in a tubes or padded cases.

Note:  There are also available much heavier and longer telescoping whips with the same M10x1.5 thread that would easily allow 60 meter coverage:  I have not tried these to see how well they would work, mechanically, or if it would even be a good idea to do so (e.g. extra stress on the tubes, coils, mounting point - or how stable such a thing might be on a tripod).

Figure 8:
The mounting of the balun, just below the feedpoint mount.
The index holes allow flexibility in the orientation, the
connection being made by 2.5mm banana plugs.
Here, the antenna is shown with the elements configured
one hole higher than "flat", forming a lazy "Vee"
shape as seen in Figures 9 and 10.
Click on the image for a larger version.

Additional comments:

"To vee, or not to vee"

The feedpoint mount has a number of indexed holes that allow the elements to be mounted in a variety of configurations, from flat, in a number of "Vee" configurations, or even an "L" or vertical configuration.  

Personally, I use the flattest "Vee" configuration as seen in Figures 8, 9 and 10.  This configuration keeps the drooping ends of the telescoping whips higher than the feedpoint and helps clear any local obstacles (trees!)  - and just looks cool!

As can be seen in Figure 8, the connection between the balun and the feedpoint is made by plugging 2.5mm miniature banana plugs into the brass receptacles on the feed.  Shown in the photo are connections to the two sides, typically used for a dipole arrangement, but the third, unused connection on the top could be used to hold an element horizontal while one of the side connections hold it vertical - more on the use of this antenna as a vertical in the next section.

It should be no surprise that these 2.5mm miniature banana plugs are quite small and fragile and if one isn't careful - say, by allowing the weight of the balun to be supported by the wires rather than using the hook-and-loop strap - they can be broken.  For this reason I ordered a pack of ten 2.5mm banana plugs from Amazon and made a pair of short (4", 10cm) leads - one end with a small alligator clip and the other with a 2.5mm banana plug - to allow me to make a temporary connection should one get broken off in the field - something that could torpedo an activation if you didn't have spare parts! 

Operating as a vertical antenna

Because of the flexibility of the mounting point, it is possible to use this same kit as a vertical antenna with the second element as a resonant (rod) ground "plane" if - due to space or personal preference - emitting a signal with a vertically-polarized component is desired.  While this will certainly "work", if you do plan to operate with vertical polarization its recommended that you add several (2 or more) wire "radials" or counterpoises.

Because of the included balun (more on this in a moment) the coaxial feedline itself will not act as an effective part of the counterpoise network so rather than connecting additional radials to the shield, the ends of the wire should be clamped under the washer/bolt that holds the horizontally-configured element in place.  Of course, one need not use the balun and connect the coaxial cable directly, but if you choose this option you will be on your own to supply the means to make such a connection.

For best results with the fewest number of radials, choosing lengths that are odd-number quarter wavelengths long (1/4, 3/4, 5/4) and keeping them elevated a foot (25cm) or more off the ground is suggested as this will help minimize "ground" losses.  Having said this, almost no matter what you do, you will probably be able to radiate a useful amount of signal:  Operating CW or digital modes offers an improvement in "talk" capability owing to their efficiency - but if you are planning to operate SSB, it's worth taking a bit of extra time and effort to maximize performance.

Would I operate this antenna in "vertical" mode?  While I don't have plans to do so, I have purchased an extra ground stake of the sort used on the JPC-12 vertical, and the short banana plug/clip lead jumpers that I made could be used to make a temporary connection directly to a coaxial connector.

Nature of the balun

The supplied balun has a 1:1 impedance ratio and has DC connection between the input and output - butsince there is a DC connection between all of the conductors, it is more than a simple current balun (e.g. transmission line wound on ferrite).  As the balun seems to work well, I have no reason to break it open to figure out what's inside, but I did a bit of "buzzing" of the connections with a meter to measure inductance and here are the results:

  • Between coax shield and center conductor:  16.9uH
  • Between red and black (on antenna side):   16.9uH
  • Between center coax and black:  38.5uH
  • Between center and red:  3.4uH
  • Between Shield and black:  3.4uH
  • Between Shield and red:  3.4uH
  • The DC resistance between any combination of the leads is well under 1 ohm.

What does this tell us?  The inductance readings of about 16.9uH indicate that this may be a voltage balun providing about 500 ohms of inductive reactance at 5 MHz - more than enough for reasonable efficiency.  The interesting reading is the inductance between the center coaxial connection and the black wire which is only twice the inductance of the input or output windings:  If there was a direct connection between one of the coax and one of the output wires this would imply twice the number of turns and four times the inductance - but since it is only twice, this indicates that the total number of turns in the "center coax to black" route is about sqrt(2) (or 1.414x) as many turns as the primary/secondary - or there is another inductor in there.

Figure 9:
The JPC-7 backgrounded by red rock during a POTA
operating in K-0010.
Click on the image for a larger version.

While I'm sure that the balun is very simple, its exact configuration/wiring escapes me at this time.

Coil losses

As mentioned earlier, the coil is wound with 18 AWG (1mm diameter) type 316 stainless steel wire.  Fortunately, this wire appears is austenitic - which is to say that it is not of the variety that is magnetic and thus has a permeability of unity:  Were it magnetic, this would negatively impact performance significantly.

Knowing the diameter of the coil form and the fact that there are 34 turns, we know that the total length of the wire used is approximately 180 inches (457cm) and measurement shows that the stainless steel wire coil has a total DC resistance of about 4 ohms.  Using Owen Duffy's online skin effect calculator (link) and assuming 1mm diameter, 316 Stainless we can calculate the approximate RF resistance including skin effect - the tendency for RF to flow on the outside skin of a conductor rather than through its cross-section - versus frequency:

  • 3.5 MHz = 5.2 ohms
  • 7 MHz = 7.2 ohms
  • 14 MHz = 9.6 ohms
  • 28 MHz = 13.6 ohms

If was make a very broad assumption that the feedpoint resistance at each coil is about 25 ohms (the two in series being around 50 ohms) we can see that in this hypothetical situation about a third of the total resistance could be due to the coil, and since P = I2R - and if we presume that the current is consistent throughout the coil (it probably is not) we can roughly estimate that the total power loss will be proportional to the resistance implying that about 1/3rd of the total power is lost in the coil.  In practical terms, a 33% power loss is around 4.8dB - still less than one "S" unit, so this loss may go unnoticed under typical conditions.

In operation, we would be unlikely to need all - or even most of the turns of the coil for operating on the higher bands, so the overall coil losses are likely to go down as the need for loading inductance at these frequencies is also significantly reduced:  Since we actually use only about 2/3 of the turns of the coil on 40 meters, the loss is more likely to be something on the order of 5 ohms rather than 7.2, reducing the loss even more.

Note:  K6STI's "coil" program - Link - calculates the loss for this coil as being closer to 8 than 5 ohms - a bit higher than the simple loss calculation of Owen Duffy's wire calculation and likely more representative of in-situ measurements.

When operating on 40 meters with 100 watts, the coils definitely do get quite warm - but not dangerously so and thus I would presume that the very rough estimates above are likely in the ballpark.

By comparison, the calculated DC resistance of  the same length of 18 AWG bare copper wire is under 0.5 ohms, but the RF resistance due to skin effect at 28 MHz is around 2 ohms and about an ohm at 7 MHz - roughly a 7:1 difference meaning that if the above analysis is in any way close to being correct, our losses at 7 MHz when using the full coil (again, we don't!) and presuming that the feedpoint of the individual coil stayed at 25 ohms (it probably won't) our losses would drop from about 30% to less than 5%.

As a consequence, if wound with copper/silver plated I would expect that the not only would the antenna become narrower than the 40 meter 2:1 bandwidth of about 150 kHz - which would make it trickier to tune - I would also expect the feedpoint resistance to drop, possibly increasing the VSWR at the feedpoint.  From a practical standpoint, even a modest antenna tuner capable of handling only 3:1 mismatch should be able to cope with this, but it is likely that some of the gains from using lower-loss wire might be offset by the increase in losses caused by feedline mismatch and the losses within a tuner - both of which could easily exceed 3dB in a portable set-up with moderately-long, small-diameter coax.

Would it be worth rewinding the coil with (readily-available) 18AWG (1mm dia) silver-plated or bare copper wire?  Maybe.   I obtained another adjustable coil from the same vendor and rewound it with 1mm diameter (18 AWG) silver-plated copper wire (readily available and used for making jewelry).  I am in the process of running comparisons/tests and will produce a blog about that in the future.

Final comments

Figure 10:
Operating 20 meter CW from POTA entity K-6085, with the
Conger mountains and the JPC-7 dipole in the background.
Click on the image for a larger version.

Is this an antenna that is worth getting?  I would have to say "yes".

Remembering that you will also need to supply a suitable tripod mount (e.g. an inexpensive "light stand" ) this antenna is quite portable and, if you have a bit of practice, quick to set up and adjust.  Unlike a vertical antenna, it doesn't need a set of ground radials and it is likely that the antenna itself will be up and above everyone's heads when it is deployed.

Best used on the higher bands (20 and higher) its efficiency will be quite good - certainly equal to or better than a typical mobile antenna.   As this is a large-ish antenna on a tripod, be sure to weigh down the legs and/or attach simple guying to it to prevent it from blowing over in the wind or being knocked over by tripping over the coax:  I can attest personally that the latter can easily happen!

I also have the JPC-12 vertical (which will be discussed in a future post) and I find this antenna (the JPC-7 loaded dipole, that is) to be far more convenient to use (no radial system), particularly if you plan to change bands several times during the operation - something that is quite likely to happen on the higher bands as propagation varies over the course of a few hours - as best performance requires adjusting the radials as well as the antenna itself, although it would probably work "just fine" if the radials are left at maximum length.  Another advantage of this being a (largely) horizontally-polarized antenna is that in an urban environment it is likely to intercept less noise on receive than a vertical - and it can be inconspicuous in its deployment as compared to a taller vertical.

For the lower bands (40 and 30 meters) the JPC-7 works quite well - particularly if one operates CW or digital modes.  As mentioned, it can also work competently on 60 meters as well with the addition of extra length of the elements by the purchasing of extra rods and/or simply attaching "drooping" wires to the ends of the telescoping rods.

Over the course of several POTA and related activation I have made about 500 contacts with this antenna on the band 60 through 15 meters - on CW and voice:  I'm sure that the antenna works well on 12, 10 and 6 meters as well, but I just haven't tried it on those bands.

Overwhelmingly, the sense has been "If I can hear them, they can hear me." with this antenna as I have worked quite a few QRP and DX stations that I could barely copy above the band's natural QRN level.  Admittedly, some of these times I was on the receiving end of the frenzy - being the activator during POTA operation - but there were many times when I had to stop operating not because I ran out of people to work, but because I ran out of time.

* * * * *

This page stolen from ka7oei.blogspot.com


A simple VHF notch cavity from scraps of (large) Heliax


In a previous post I discussed how a band-pass"cavity" could be constructed from a chunk of 1-5/8" Heliax (tm) cable (a link to that article is here).  This is the follow-up to that article.

Figure 1:
The dual notch filter assembly - installed at the
Click on the image for a larger version.

Notch versus band-pass

As the name implies, a "notch" cavity (or filter) removes only a specific frequency, ideally leaving all others unaffected while a "band pass" cavity does the opposite - it passes only a specific frequency.  Being the real world, neither type of filter is perfect - which is to say that the "width" of the effect of the notch or pass response is not infinitely narrow, nor is it perfectly inert at frequencies other than where it is supposed to work:  The notch filter will have some effect away from its frequency of rejection, and a pass cavity will let through off-frequency energy.

The degree to which it is imperfect is significantly determined by the "Q" (quality factor) of the resonator and in general, the bigger the cavity (diameter of conductors and the container surrounding it) the better the performance will be in terms of efficacy - which is "narrowness" in the case of the notch filter and "width" and loss in the case of the band-pass cavity.

The use of large-ish coaxial cable as compared to smaller cable (like RG-8 or similar) is preferred as it will be "better" at everything that is important - but even a cavity constructed from 1-5/8" coax will be significantly inferior to that of a relatively small 4" (10cm) diameter commercial cavity - but there are many instance where "good" is "good enough.

Case study:  Removal of APRS/packet transmitter energy from a repeater input

As noted in the article about the band-pass cavities linked above, a typical repeater duplexer - even though it may have the words "band" and "pass" on the label and in the literature - RARELY have an actual, true "band-pass" response.  In other words, a true "bandpass" cavity would have 10s of dB of attenuation 20 MHz away from its tuned frequency - but most duplexers found on amateur repeaters will actually be down only 6-10 dB or so, meaning that off-frequency signals (FM broadcast, services around 150-174 MHz, TV transmitters) will hit the receiver nearly unimpeded.  When I tell some repeater owners of this fact, I'm often met with skepticism ("The label says'band-pass'!") but these days - with inexpensive NanoVNAs available for well under $100, they can check it for themselves - and likely be disappointed.

Many clubs have replaced their old Motorola, GE or RCA repeaters from the 70s and 80s with more modern amateur repeaters (I'm thinking of those made by Yaesu and Icom) and found that they were suddenly plagued with overload and IMD (intermod).  The reason for this is simple:  The old gear typically had rather tight helical resonator front-end filters while the modern gear is essentially a modified mobile rig - with a "wideband" receiver - in a box.  In this case, the only real "fix" would be the installation of band-pass cavities on the receive and transmit paths in addition to the existing duplexer.

In the case of APRS sharing a radio site, the problem is different:  Both are in the amateur band and it may be that even a "proper" pass cavity may not be enough to adequately reject the energy if the two frequencies are close to each other.  In this case, the scenario was about as good as it could be:  The repeater input was at 147.82 MHz - almost as far away as it could be from the 144.39 APRS frequency and still be in the amateur band.

What made this situation a bit more complicated was the fact that there was also a packet digipeater on 145.01 MHz - a bit closer to the repeater input,  but since it was about 600 kHz away from the 144.39 APRS frequency, that meant that just one notch wouldn't be quite enough to do the job:  We would need TWO.

Is it the receiver or transmitter?

Atop this was another issue:  Was it our receiver that was being desensed (overloaded) these packet transmitters, or was it that these transmitters were generating broadband noise across the 2 meter band, effectively desensing the repeater's receiver.

We knew that the operators of the packet stations did not have any cavity filtering on their own gear and were reluctant to spend the time, effort and money to install it unless they had compelling reason to do so.  Rather than just sit at a stalemate, we decided to do due diligence and install notch filtering on the receiver to answer this question - and give the operators of the packet gear a compelling reason to take action if it turned out that their transmitters were the culprit.

A simple notch cavity:

Suitable pass cavities are readily available for purchase new from a number of suppliers and used from auction sites - they are also pretty easy to make from copper and aluminum tubing - if you have the tools.  Because of the rather broad nature of a typical pass cavity, temperature stability is usually not much of an issue in that its peak could drift hundreds of kHz and only affect the desired signal by a fraction of a dB.

Another material that could be used to make reasonable-performance pass cavities is larger-diameter hardline or "Heliax"(tm).  Ideally, something on the order of 1-5/8" or larger would be used owing to its relative stiffness and unloaded "Q" and either air or foam dielectric cable may be used, the main difference being that the "Q" of the foam cable will be slightly lower and the cavity itself will be somewhat shorter.

Figure 2:
Cutting the (air core) cable to length
Refer to the calculator on the KF6YB web page, linked
at the end of this article.
Click on the image for a larger version.

The "Heliax notch cavity" described here can be built with simple hand tools, and it uses a NanoVNA for tuning and final adjustment.   While its performance will not be as good as a larger cavity, it will - in many cases - be enough to attenuate strong, out-of-band signals that can degrade receiver performance.

Using 1-5/8""Heliax":

Note:  For an online calculator to help determine the length of cable to use, see the link to KF6YB's site at the end of this article.

The "cavity" described uses 1-5/8" air-core "Heliax" - and it is necessary for the inner conductor to be hollow to accommodate the coupling capacitors.  Most - but not all - cable of this size and larger has a hollow center conductor.  Cables larger diameter than 1-5/8" should work fine - and are preferred - but smaller than this may not or may note be practical in situations where the notch and desired frequency are closely spaced - this, for reasons of unloaded "Q".  If the center conductor is solid or if its inside diameter cannot accommodate the coupling capacitors (described later on) you will have to improvise their construction, using either a discrete variable capacitor or a small "sleeve" capacitor - external to the piece of cable similar to the coupling capacitors described below.

Preparing the "shorted" end:

For 2 meters, a piece of cable 18" long was cut.  For the air dielectric, it's recommended that one cuts itgentlywith a hand saw rather than a power tool as the latter can "snag" and damage the center conductor.

Figure 3:
The "shorted" end of the stub with the slits bent to the middle
and soldered to the center conductor.
This end should be covered with electrical tape and/or
RTV/silicone to keep out insects/dirt.
Click on the image for a larger version.

For the "cold" (e.g. shorted) end, carefully (using leather gloves) remove about 3/4" (19mm) of the outer jacket and then clean the exposed copper shield with a wire brush, abrasive pad and/or sand paper.  With this done, use a pair of tin snips cut slots about 1/2" (12mm) deep and 1/4" (6mm) wide around the perimeter.  Once this is done, use a pair of needle nose pliers and remove every other tab, resulting is a "castellated" series of slots.  At this point, using a pair of diagonal pliers or a knife, cut away some of the inner plastic dielectric so that it is about 1/2" (12mm) away from the end of the center conductor.

Now, clean the center conductor so that it is nice and shiny and then bend the tabs that were cut inwards so that they touch the center conductor.  Using a powerful soldering iron (I used a 150 watter) or soldering gun - and, perhaps a bit of flux - solder the shield tabs to the center conductor all of the way around.  It's best to do this with the section of coax laying on its side so that hot solder/metal pieces do not end up inside the coax - particularly if air-core cable is used.  If you used acid-core flux, carefully remove it before proceeding.

With one end of the cable shorted you can trim back any protruding center conductor and file any sharp edges - again taking care to avoid getting bits of metal inside the cable or embedded in the foam.  At some point, you should cover the shorted end with RTV (silicone) and/or good-quality electrical tape to prevent contamination by dust or insects.

Preparing the "business" end:

Figure 4:
This shows how the tube for the coupling capacitor is placed.
This photo is from the band-pass version with two tubes.
Click on the image for a larger version.
At this point, the chunk of coax should be trimmed again, measuring from the point where the center conductor is soldered to the shield:  For air-core trim it to 17" (432mm) exactly and for foam core, trim it to 16-1/8" (410mm).  Again, using a sharp knife and gloves, remove about 3/4"(19mm) of the outer jacket and, again, clean the outer conductor so that it is bright and shiny.

Making coupling capacitors:

We now need to make a capacitor to couple the energy from the coaxial cable to the center resonator and for this, we could use either a commercially-made variable capacitor (an air-type up to about 20pF) or we could make our own capacitors:  I chose the latter.

Using RG-8 center for the coupling capacitor

For this, I cut a 4"(100mm) length of solid dielectric RG-8 coax, pulled out the center conductor and dielectric and threw the rest away.  I then fished around in my box of hardware and found a piece of hobby brass tubing into which the center of the RG-8 fit snugly.  If you wish, you can foam dielectric RG-8 center, but you may need to make the coupling capacitor slightly longer as the foam's dielectric constant is lower - and also the capacitance-per-unit length.

I then soldered to tubing inside the center conductor/resonator - offers good mechanical stability, preventing the piece of coax cable dielectric from moving around.

Using RG-6 center for the coupling capacitor:

While RG-8 and brass tubing is nice to use, I have also built these using the center of inexpensive RG-6 foam type "TV" coaxial cable and a small piece of soft copper water tubing.  This type of capacitor is fine for receive-only applications, but it is not recommended for more than a few watts:  The aforementioned RG-8 capacitor is better for that.

For this, I cut a 3"(75mm) long piece of RG-6 foam TV coaxial cable and from it, I removed and kept the center conductor and dielectric - removing any foil shield and then stripping about 1/2"(12mm) of foam from one end of each piece.

At this point, you'll need some small copper tubing:  I used some 1/4" O.D. soft-drawn "refrigerator" tubing, cutting a 2"(50mm) length and carefully straightening it out.  To cut this, I used a rotary pipe cutting tool which slightly swedged the ends - but this worked to advantage:  As necessary, I opened up the end cut with the deburring blade of the rotary cutting tool just enough that it allowed the inner dielectric of the RG-6 to slide in and out with a bit of friction to hold it in place.

Figure 5:
The PC Board plate soldered to the end of the coax.  This
is from the band-pass version, but you get the idea!
Click on the image for a larger version.

Using a hot soldering iron or gun, solder the tube for the coupling capacitor inside the Heliax's center conductor, the end flush with the end of the center conductor:  A pair of sharp needle-nose pliers to hold it in place is helpful in this task.

Making a box:

On the "business"(non-shorted) end of the piece of cable we need to make a simple box with a solid electrical connection to the outer shield to which we can mount the RF connectors with good mechanical stability.  For the 1-5/8" cable, I cut a piece of 0.062"(1.58mm) thick double sided glass-epoxy circuit board material into a square that was 3"(75mm) square and using a ruler, drew lines on it from the opposite corners to form an "X" to find the center.

Using a drill press, I used a 1-3/4"(45mm) hole saw to cut a hole in the middle of this piece of circuit board material, using a sharp utility knife to de-burr the edges and to enlarge it slightly so that it would snugly fit over the outside of the cable shield:  You will want to carefully pick the size of hole saw to fit the cable that you use - and it's best that it be slightly undersized and enlarged with a blade or file than oversized and loose.

Figure 6:
Bottom side of the solder plate showing the
connection to the coax.
Click on the image for a larger version.

After cleaning the outside of the coaxial cable and both sides of the circuit board material, solder it to the (non-shorted) end on both sides of the board, almost flush with just enough of the shield protruding through the top to solder it.  For this, a bit of flux is recommended, using a high-power soldering iron or gun - and it's suggested that it first be "tacked" into place with small solder joints to make sure that it is positioned properly.

When positioning the box, rotate it such that the two "capacitor tubes" that were soldered into the center conductor are parallel with one of the sides of the square - this to allow symmetry to the connectors:  This is depicted in Figure 8 where the left-hand and right-hand tubes (more or less) line up with their respective coaxial connectors.

Adding sides and connectors:

With the base of the box in place, cut four sides, each being 1-3/8"(40mm) wide and two of them being 3"(75mm) long and the other two being 2-1/2"(64mm) long.  First, solder the two long pieces to the top, using the shorter pieces inside to space and center them - and then solder the shorter pieces, forming a five-sided (base plus four sides) box atop the piece of cable.

Figure 7:
A look inside the box showing the connection to the center of
the capacitor, the "tuning" strips and ceramic trimmer.
Click on the image for a larger version.
Resonator adjustment capacitor:

You will need to be able to make slight adjustments to the frequency of the center conductor of the Heliax resonator.  If all goes well, you will have cut the coaxial cable to be slightly short - meaning that it will resonate entirely above the 2 meter band.  The installation of the coupling capacitor will lower that frequency significantly - but it should still be above the frequency of interest so a means for "fine tuning" is necessary.

Figure 7 shows two strips of copper:  One soldered to the center conductor (the sleeve of the coupling capacitor, actually) and another soldered to the inside for the Heliax shield.  These to plates are then moved closer/farther away to effect fine-tuning:  Closer = lower frequency, farther = higher frequency.  Depending on how far you need to lower the frequency, you can make these "plates" larger or smaller - or if you can't quite get low enough in frequency with just one set of these "plates", you can install another set.  

It is recommended that you do NOT install the copper strips for tuning just yet:  Go through the steps below before doing so.

If your resonant frequency is too low - don't despair yet:  It's very likely that you'll have to reduce the coupling capacitor a bit (e.g. pull it out of the tubing and/or cut it a bit shorter) and this will raise the frequency as well.

How it's connected:

A single notch cavity is typically connected on a signal path using a "Tee" connector as can be seen in Figure 1:  At the notch's resonant frequency, the signal is literally "shorted out", causing attenuation.  

As can be seen in Figure 7, there is only one connector (BNC type) on our PC board box - but we could have easily installed two BNC connectors - in which case we would run a wire from one connector to the center capacitor as shown and then run another wire from the capacitor to the other connector.

Adjusting it all:

For this, I am presuming that you have a NanoVNA or similar piece of equipment:  Even the cheapest NanoVNA - calibrated according to the instructions - will be more than adequate in allowing proper adjustment and measurement of this device.

Using two cables and whatever adapters you need to get it done, put a "Tee" connector on the notch filter and connect Channel 0 on one side of the Tee and Channel 1 on the other side of the Tee and put your VNA in "through" mode.  (Comment:  There are many, many web pages and videos on how to use the NanoVNA, so I won't go through the exact procedure here.)

Configure the VNA to sweep from 10 MHz below to 10 MHz above the desired frequency and you should see the notch - hopefully near the intended frequency:  If you don't see the notch, expand the sweep farther and if you still don't see the notch, re-check connections and your construction.

At this point, "zoom in" on the notch so that you are sweeping, say, from 2 MHz below to 2 MHz above and carefully note the width and depth of the notch.  Now, pull out the center capacitor (the one made from the guts of RG-8 or RG-6 cable) a slight amount:  The resonant frequency will move UP when you do this.

The idea here is to reduce the coupling capacitance to the point where it is optimal:  If you started out with too much capacitance in the first place, the depth of the notch will be somewhat poor (20dB or so) and it will be wider than desirable.  As the capacitance is reduced, it should get both narrower and deeper.  At some point - if the coupling capacitance is reduced too much - the notch will no longer get narrower, but the depth will start to get shallower. 

Comment:  You may need to "zoom in" with the VNA (e.g. narrow the sweep) to properly measure the depth of the notch.  As the VNA samples only so many points, it may "miss" the true shape and depth of the notch as it gets narrower and narrower.

The "trick" with this step is to pull a bit of the coax center out of the coupling capacitor and check the measurement.  If you need to pull "too much" out (e.g. there's a loop forming where you have excess) then simply unsolder the piece, trim it by 1/4-1/2"(0.5-1cm), reinstall, and then continue on until you find the optimal coupling.

It's recommended that when you do approach the optimal coupling, be sure that you have a little bit of adjustment room - being able to push in/pull out a bit of the capacitor for subsequent fine tuning.

At this point your resonant (notch) frequency will hopefully be right at or higher than your target frequency:  If it is too low, you may need to figure out how to shorten the resonator a bit - something that is rather difficult to do.  If you already added the "capacitor plates" for fine-tuning as mentioned above, you may need to adjust them to reduce the capacitance between the ground and the center conductor and/or reduce their size.

Presuming that the frequency is too high (which is the desirable state) then you will probably need to add the copper capacitor strip plates as describe above, and seen in Figure 7.  You should be able to move the resonant frequency down toward your target by moving the plates together.  Remember:  It is the proximity of the plate connected to the center conductor of the resonator to the ground that is doing the tuning!  If you can't get the frequency low enough, you can add more strips to the center conductor - but you will probably want to remove the coupling capacitor (e.g. the coax center conductor) to prevent melting it when soldering.

Optimizing for "high" or "low" pass:

As described above, the notch will be more or less symmetrical - but in most cases you will want a bit of asymmetry - that is, you'll want the effect of the notch to diminish more on one side than the other.  Doing this allows you to place the notch frequency (the one to block) and the desired frequency (the one that you want) closer together without as much attenuation.

Figure 8:
The simplest form of the "high pass" notch, used during
initial testing of the concept - See the results in Figure 9.
Click on the image for a larger version.

"High-pass" = Parallel capacitor

In our case - with the higher of the two notches as 145.01 MHz and the desired signal at 147.82 MHz, we want the attenuation to be reduced rapidly above the notch frequency to avoid attenuating the 147.82 signal - and this may be done by putting a capacitor in parallel with the center of the coupling capacitor and ground:  A careful look at Figure 7 will reveal a small ceramic trimmer capacitor.

This configuration is more clearly seen in Figure 8:  There, we have the simplest - and kludgiest - possible form of the notch filter where you can see two ceramic trimmer capacitors connected across the center coupling capacitor and the center pin of the BNC connector.  Off the photo (to the upper-left) was the connection to a "tee" connector and the NanoVNA.  If you just want to get a "feel" for how the notch works and tunes, this mechanically simple set-up is fine - but it is far too fragile and unstable for "permanent" use.

For 2 meters, a capacitor that can be varied form 2-35pF or so is usually adequate - the higher the capacitance, the more effect there is on the asymmetry - but at some point (with too much capacitance) losses and filter "shape" will start to degrade - particularly with inexpensive ceramic and plastic trimmer capacitors.  Ideally, an air-type variable capacitor is used, but an inexpensive ceramic trimmer will suffice for receive-only applications - and if the separation is fairly wide - as is the case here.  For transmit applications, the air trimmer - or a high-quality porcelain type is recommended.

"Low-pass" = Parallel inductor

While the parallel capacitor will shift the shape of the notch's "shoulders" for "low notch/high pass" operation, the use of a parallel inductor will cause the response to become "low pass/high notch" where the reduced attenuation is below the notch frequency.  If we'd needed to construct a notch filter to keep the 147.22 repeater's transmit signal out of the 145.01 packet's receiver, we would use a parallel inductor.

It is fortunate that an inductor is trivial to construct and adjust.  For 2 meters, one would start out with 4-5 turns wound on a 3/8"(10mm) drill bit using solid-core wire of about any size that will hold its shape:  12-18 AWG (2-1mm diameter) copper wire will do.  Inductance can be reduced by stretching the coil of wire and/or reducing the number of turns.  As with the capacitor, this adjustment is iterative:  Reducing the inductance will make the asymmetry more pronounced and with lower inductance, the desired frequency and the notch frequency can be placed closer together - but decrease the inductance too much, loss will increase.

Comment:  The asymmetry of the "pass" and "notch" is why some of the common repeater duplexers have the word "pass" in their product description:  It simply means that on one side of the notch or the other the attenuation is lower to favor receive/transmit.


Figure 9:
VNA sweep of one of the prototype notch filter
depicted in Figure 8.  This shows the asymmetric nature of
the notch and "pass" response when a parallel capacitor is
Click on the image for a larger version.

Figure 9 shows a the sweep of one of the notch filters from a NanoVNA screen.

The blue trace shows the attenuation plot:  At the depth of the notch (marker #1) we have over 24dB of attenuation, which is about what one can expect from a notch cavity simply "teed" into the NanoVNA's signal path.

We can also see the asymmetry of the blue trace:  Above the notch frequency we see Marker #2 - which is a few MHz above the notch and how the attenuation decreases rapidly - to less than 0.5dB.  In comparison the blue trace below the notch frequency has higher attenuation near the notch frequency.

Again, if we'd placed an inductor across the circuit rather than a capacitor, this asymmetry would be reversed and we'd have the lower attenuation below the notch frequency.

Note:  This sweep was done with the configuration depicted in Figure 8 to test how well everything would work.  Once I was satisfied that this notch filter could be useful, I rebuilt it into the more permanent configuration and tuned it properly, onto frequency.

Putting two notches together:

Because we needed to knock down both 144.39 and 145.01 MHz, we can see from the Figure 9 that we'd need two notch filters cascaded to provide good attenuation and not affect the 147.82 MHz repeater input frequency.  A close look at Figure 1 will reveal that these two filters are, in fact, cascaded - the signal from the antenna (via the receiver branch of the repeater's duplexer) coming in via one of the BNC Tees and going out to the receiver via another.

The cable between the two notches should be an electrical quarter wavelength - or an odd multiple thereof (e.g. 3/4, 5/4) to maximize the effectiveness of the two notches together.  A quarter wave transmission line has an interesting property:  Short out one end and the impedance on the other end goes very high - and vice-versa.  To calculate the length of a quarter-wave line we can use some familiar formulas:

300/Frequency (in MHz) = Wavelength in meters

If we plug 145 MHz into the above equation we get a length of 2.069 meters.

Since we are using coaxial cable, we need to include its velocity factor.  Since the 1/4 wave jumper is foam-type RG-8X we know that its velocity factor is 0.79 - that is, the RF travels 79% of the speed of light through the cable, meaning that it should be shorter than a wavelength in free space, so:

2.069 * 0.79 = 1.63 meters

(Solid dielectric cable - like many types of RG-8 and RG-58 will have a velocity factor of about 0.66, making a 1/4 wave even shorter!)

Since this is a full wavelength, we divide this length by 4 to get the electrical quarter-wavelength:

1.63 / 4 = 0.408 meters (16.09")

As it turns out, the velocity factor of common coaxial cables can vary by several percent - but the length of a quarter-wave section is pretty forgiving:  It can be as much as 20% off in either direction without causing too much degradation from the ideal - but it's good to be as precise as possible.  When determining the length of the 1/4 wave jumper, one should include the length to the tips of the connectors, not just the length of the cable itself. 

Figure 10:
The response of the two cascaded notch filters - one tune to
144.39 and the other to 145.01 MHz.
Click on the image for a larger version.

Because we know that the notch filters present a "short" at their tuned frequency, that means that the other end of a 1/4 wave coax at that same point will go high impedance - making the "shorting" of the second cavity even more effective.  In testing - with the two notches tuned to the same frequency, the total depth of the notch was on the order of 60dB - significantly higher than the sum of the two notches individually - their efficacy improved by the 1/4 wave cable between them.

As we needed to "stagger" the two notches, the maximum depth was reduced, but as can be seen in Figure 10, the result is quite good:  Markers 1 and 2 show 144.39 and 145.01 MHz, respectively with more than 34 dB of attenuation while Marker 3 at the repeater input frequency of 147.82 has an attenuation of just 0.79dB - not to bad for a homebrew filter made from scrap pieces!

Comment:  If you are wondering of the 0.79dB attenuation was excessive, consider the following:  Many repeaters are at shared sites with other users and equipment - in this case, there were two other land-mobile sites very nearby along with a very large cell site.  Because of this, there is a bit of excess background noise generated that is out of control of the amateur repeater operator - but this also means that the ultimate sensitivity is somewhat limited by this noise floor.  Using an "Iso-Tee", it was determined that the sensitivity of this repeater - even with coax, duplexer and now notch filter losses - was "site noise floor" limited by a couple of dB, so the addition of this filter did not have an effect on its actual sensitivity.

Putting it together:

Looking again at Figure 1, you will noticed that the two notches filters are connected together mechanically:  Short pieces of PVC "wood"(available from the hardware store) were cut and a hole saw was used to make two holes in each piece, slipped over the end and then secured with RTV ("Silicone") adhesive.

Rather than leaving the tops of the PC board boxes open where bugs and debris might cause detuning, they were covered with aluminum furnace tape which worked just as well as soldering a metal lid would have - plus it was cheap and easy!

Did it work?

At the time we installed the filter, the packet stations were down, so we tested the efficacy of the filter by transmitting at high power on the two frequencies alternately.  Without the filter, a bit of desense was noted in the receiver, but this was absent with it inline.

With at least 34dB of attenuation at either packet frequency we were confident that the modest amount of desense (on the order of 10-15dB - enough to mask weak signals, but not strong ones) - IF it was caused by receiver overload, would be completely solved by attenuating those signals by a factor of over 2000.  If it had no effect at all, we would know that it was, in fact, the packet transmitters generating noise.

Some time later the packet stations were again active - but causing a bit of desense, but this was not unexpected:  We were not sure if the cause of the desense was due to the repeater's receiver being overloaded, or noise from the packet transmitter - but because the amount of desense was the same after adding the notch filter we can conclude that the source of desense was, in fact, noise from the packet transmitter.

Having done due diligence and installed these filters on our receiver, we could then report back to the owner of the packet transmitters what we had done and more authoritatively request that they install appropriate filtering on their transmitters (notch or pass cavities - preferably the latter) in order to be good neighbors, themselves.

* * *

"I have 'xxx' type of cable - will it work?"

The dimensions given in this article are approximate, but should be "close-ish" for most types of air and foam dielectric cable.  While I have not constructed a band-pass filter with much smaller cable like 1/2" or 3/4", it should work - but one should expect somewhat lower performance (e.g. not-as-narrow band-pass with higher losses) - but it may still be useful.

Because of the wide availability of tools like the NanoVNA, constructing this sort of device is made much easier and allows one to characterize both its insertion loss and response as well as experimentally determining what is required to use whatever large-ish coaxial cable that you might have on-hand.

"Will this work on (some other band)?"

Yes, it should:  Notch-only filters of this type were constructed for a 6 meter repeater - and depending on your motivation, one could also build such things for 10 meters or even the HF bands!

It is likely that, with due care, that one could use these same techniques on the 222 MHz and 70cm bands provided that one keeps in mind their practical limitations.


 * * *

Related articles:

  • A 2-meter band-pass cavity using surplus Heliax - link - This article describes constructing a simple band-pass filter using 1-5/8" Heliax. The techniques used in that article are the same as those applied here.
  • Second Generation Six-Meter Heliax Duplexer by KF6YB - link  - This article describes a notch type duplexer rather than pass cavities, but the concerns and construction techniques are similar.
  • When Band-Pass/Band-Reject (Bp/Br) Duplexers really aren't bandpass - link - This is a longer, more in-depth discussion about the issues with such devices and why pass cavities should be important components in any repeater system.


* * *

This page stolen from ka7oei.blogspot.com


"TDOA" direction finder systems - Part 2 - Determining signal bearing from switching antennas in software.



This is a follow-up to a Part 1 blog post on this topic where we discuss in general how "rotating"(or switched) antennas may be used to determine the apparent bearing of a transmitter.  It is recommended that you read Part 1 FIRST and you can find it at:  "'TDOA' direction finder systems - Part 1 - how they work, and a few examples." - LINK.

In part 1 (linked above) we discussed a simple two-element "TDOA"(Time Difference Of Arrival) system for determining the bearing to a transmitter.  This method takes advantage of the fact that - under normal conditions - one can presume the incoming signal to be a wave "front", which is to say like ripples in water from a very distant source, they "sweep" over the receiver in lines that are at a right-angle to the direction from the transmitter.  Note that in this discussion, most of the emphasis will be placed on how it is done in the analog domain with switching antennas as this can help provide a clearer picture of what is going on.

Why this works

If we are using a two-antenna array, we can divine a difference between the arrival time of the two antennas as this drawing - stolen from part 1 of this article - illustrates:

Figure 1:
A diagram showing how the "TDOA" system works.
Click on the image for a larger version.


As illustrated in the top portion of the above illustration, the wave front "hits" the two elements at exactly the same time so, in theory, there is no difference between the signal from each of these elements.  In the bottom portion of the illustration, we can see that the wave front will hit the left-most element first and the RF will be out of phase at the second element (e.g. one element will "see" a the positive portion of the wave and the other will see the negative portion of the wave).

If we constrain ourselves with having just ONE receiver to use, you might ask yourself how one might use the signal from two antennas?  The answer is that one switches between the two antennas electronically - typically with diodes.  If the two signals are identical in their time of arrival - and the length of coaxial cable between the antenna and when one switches "perfectly" between the two antennas and there is no disturbance in the received signal, we know that the signal is likely to be broadside of our two-antenna array.

If the signal is NOT broadside to the the array, there will be a "glitch" in the waveform coming out of our receiver when we switch our antenna.  Because we are using an FM receiver - which detects modulation by observing the frequency change caused by audio modulation - we can also detect that "glitch".  To understand how this works, consider the following:

Recall the "Doppler Effect" where the pitch of the horn of a car increases from its original when it is moving toward the observer - and it is lower in pitch when it moves away from the observer:  It is only at the instant that the car is closest to the observer that the pitch heard is the actual pitch of the horn.

Now, consider this same thing when we look at the lower diagram of Figure 1.  If we switch from the left-hand antenna to the right-hand antenna, we have effectively moved away from the transmitter and for an instant the frequency of the received signal was lower because - from the point of the receiver on the end of the coax cable - the antenna moved away from the transmitter.  Because changes in frequency going up and down cause the voltage coming out of the receiver to go up and down by the same amount, we will get a brief "glitch" from having changed the frequency for a brief instant when our antenna "moved".

If we then switch back from the right-hand antenna to the left-hand antenna, we have suddenly moved it closer to the transmitter and, again, we shift the frequency - but in the opposite direction, and the glitch we get in the receiver is opposite as well.

We can see the glitching of this signal in the following photo, also stolen from "Part 1" of this article:

Figure 2:
Example of the "glitches" seen on the audio of a receiver connected to a TDOA system that switches antennas.

The photo in Figure 2 is that of an oscilloscope trace of the audio output of the FM receiver connected to it and in it, we can see a positive-going "glitch" when we switch from one antenna to the other, and a negative-going glitch when we switch back again.

If we have a simple circuit that is switching the antennas back-and-forth - and it "knows" when this switch happens, we can determine several things:

  • When the two antennas are broadside to the transmitter.  If we have the situation depicted in the top drawing of Figure 1, both antennas are equidistant and there will be NO glitches detected.
  • When antenna "A" is closer to the transmitter.  If we arbitrarily assign one of the antennas as "A" and the other as "B", we can see - by way of our "thought experiment" above - that if antenna "A" is closer to the transmitter than "B", our frequency will go DOWN for an instant when we switch from "A" to "B" - and vice-versa when it switches back.  Let us say that this produces the pattern of "glitches" that we seen in Figure 2.
  • When antenna "B" is closer to the transmitter.  If we take the above situation and rotate our two-antenna array around 180 degrees, antenna "B" will be closer to the transmitter than "A" and when our switch from "A" to "B" happens, our frequency will go UP for an instant when it does so - and vice-versa.  In that case, our oscilloscope will show the glitches depicted in Figure 2 upside-down.

In other words, by looking at the polarity of the glitches from our receiver, we can tell if the transmitter is to our left or to our right.  We can also infer a little bit about how far to the left or right our transmitter is by looking at the amplitude of the glitches:  If the signal is off the side of the antenna as depicted in the lower part of Figure 1, the glitches will be at the strongest - and the amplitude of the glitches will diminish as we get closer to having the two elements parallel as depicted in the top part of Figure  1.

There is an obvious limitation to this:  Unless we sweep the antenna back and forth, allwe can do is tell if the antenna is to our left or right.

Walking about with an antenna like this it is easy to sweep back and forth and with some practice, one can infer whether the the transmitter is to the left or right and in front or behind - but if you have a fixed antenna array (one that is not moving) or if you are in a vehicle where their orientation is fixed with respect to the direction of travel, this becomes inconvenient as you cannot tell if it is in front or behind.

Adding more antennas

Suppose that we want to know both "left and right" and "front and back" at the same time - and in that case, you would be correct if you presumed that you were to be able to do this by adding one more antenna and - and then did some switching between them.  Consider the case in Figure 3, below:

Figure 3:
A 3-antenna vertical array, with elements A, B and C.  A right-angle is formed between antennas "A" and "B" and "A" and "C".   Also see Figure #4.
Click on the image for a larger version.

In Figure 3 and 4 we have three vertical antennas - separated by less than 1/4 wavelength at the frequency of interest and we also have two transmitters located 90 degrees apart from each other.  Note that these antennas are laid out in a "three-sided square" - that is, if you were to draw lines between "A" and "B" and "A" and "C" they would form a precise right angle.

We know already from our example in Figure 1that if we are receiving Transmitter #1 that we will get our "glitch" if we switch between antenna "A" and "B" - but since antennas "A" and "C" are the same distance from Transmitter #1, we will get NO glitch.

Similarly, if we are listening to Transmitter #2, if we switch between antenna "A" and "C", we will get a glitch as "C" is closer to the transmitter than "A" - but since antennas "A" and "B" are the same distance, we would get not glitch.

From this example we can see that if we have three antennas, we can switch them alternately to resolve our "Left/Right" and "Front/Back" ambiguity at all times.  For example, let us consider what happens in the presence of Transmitter #2:

  • Switch from antenna "A" to antenna "B":  The antennas are equidistant from Transmitter #2, so there is no glitch.
  • Switch from antenna "A" to antenna "C":  We get a glitch in our received audio when we do this because antenna "C" is closer to Transmitter #2 than antenna "A".  Furthermore, we can tell by the polarity of the glitch that antenna "C" is closer to the transmitter.

Let us now presume that our array in Figure 3 and 4 was atop a vehicle and the front of the vehicle was pointed toward the left - toward Transmitter #1:  With just the above information we would know that this transmitter was located precisely to our right - and that if we wanted to drive toward it, we would need to make a right turn.

Figure 4:
A 3-antenna vertical array, with elements A, B and
C as viewed from the top.
Click on the image for a larger version.

Bearings in between the antennas

What if there a third transmitter (Transmitter #3 in Figure 4) located halfway between Transmitter #1 and Transmitter #2 and we were still in our car pointed at Transmitter #1?  You would be correct in presuming that:

  • Switching between Antenna "A" and "B" would indicate that the unknown transmitter would be to the front of the car.
  • Switching between Antenna "A" and "C" would indicate that the unknown transmitter would be to the right of the car.
  • We get "glitches" when switching between either pairs of antennas (A/B and A/C) - but these "glitches" are at lower amplitude than if the transmitter were in the direction of Transmitter #1 or Transmitter #2.

Could it be that if we measured the relative amplitude and polarity of the glitches we get from switching the two pairs of antennas (A/B and A/C) that we could infer something about the bearing of the signal?

The answer is YES.

By using simple trigonometry we can figure out - by comparing the amplitude of the glitches and noting their relative polarity - the bearing of the transmitter with respect to the antenna array - and the specific thing we need is the inverse function "ArcTangent".

If you set your "Wayback" machine to High School, you will remember that you could plot a point on a piece of X/Y graph paper  and relative to the origin, use the ratio of the X/Y values to determine the angle of a line drawn between that point and the origin.  As it turns out, there is a function in many computer languages that is useful in this case - namely the "atan2()" function in which we put our "x" and "y" values.

Figure 5:
Depiction of the "atan2" function and how to get the angle, θ.
This diagram is modified from the Wikipedia "atan2"
article - link.

Click on the image for a larger version.
Let us consider the drawing in Figure 5.  If you remember much of your high-school math, you'll remember that if straight-up is zero degrees and the right-pointing arrow is 90 degrees that the "mid-point" between the two would naturally be 45 degrees.

What you might also remember is that if you were drop a line between the dot marked as (x,y) in Figure 5 and the "x" axis - and draw another line between it and the "y" axis - those lines would be the same length.

By extension, you can see that if you know the "x" and "y" coordinates of the dot depicted in Figure 5 - and "x" and/or "y" can be either positive or negative - you can represent any angle.

Referring back to Figure 2, recall that you will get a "glitch" when you switch antennas that are at different distances from the transmitter - and further recall that in Figures 3 and 4 that you can use the switching between antennas "A" and "B" to determine if the transmitter is in front or behind the car - and "A" and "C" to determine if it is to the left or right of the car.

If we presume that the "y" axis (up/down) is front/back of the car and the "x" axis is right/left, we can see that if we have an equal amount of "glitching" from the A/B switch ("y" axis) and the A/C switch ("x" axis) - and both of these glitches go positive - we would then know that the transmitter was 45 degrees to the right of straight ahead.

Similarly, if we were to note that our "A/B"("y" axis) glitch was very slightly negative - indicating that the signal was behind and and that our "A/C" glitch was strongly negative indicating that it was far to our left:  This condition is depicted with the vector terminating in point "A" in Figure 5 to show that the transmitter was, in fact, to the left and just behind us - perhaps at an angle of about 260 degrees.

Using 4 antennas

The use of three antennas isn't common - particularly with an "L"(right-angle) arrangement - but one could do that.  What is more common is to arrange four antennas in a square and "rotate" them using diode switches with one antenna being active at a given instant.  Consider the diagram of Figure 6.

Figure 6:
A four antenna arrangement.
Click on the image for a larger version.

In this arrangement we have four antennas arranged in a perfect square - and this time we are going to switch them in the following pattern:


Now let us suppose that we are receiving Transmitter "A" - so we would get the following "glitch" patterns on our receiver:

  • A->B:  Positive glitch
  • B->C:  No glitch
  • C->D:  Negative glitch
  • D->A:  No glitch

As expected, going from "A" to "B" results in a glitch that we'll call "positive" as antenna "B" is farther away from the transmitter than "A" - but when we "rotate" to the other side and switch from "C" to "D" - because we are going toan antenna that is closer, the glitch will have the opposite polarity as the one we got when we switched from "A" to "B" - but both glitches will have the same amplitude.

Since antenna pairs B/C and A/D are the same distance from the transmitter we will get no glitch when we switch between those antennas.

As you can see from the above operation, every time we make one "rotation", we'll get four glitches - but they will be in equal and opposite pairs - which is to say the A->B and the C-> are one pair with opposite polarity and B->C and D->A are the other pair with opposite polarity.  If we take the measured voltage of these pairs of glitches and subtract each set, we will end up with vectors that we can throw into our "atan2" function and get a bearing - and what's more, since we are getting the same information twice(the equal-and-opposite pairs) this serves to increase the effective amplitude of the glitch overall to help make it stand out better from modulation and noise that may be on the received signal.

Similarly, if we were receiving a signal from Transmitter #3 (in Figure 6) we could see that being at a 45 degree angle, each of our four glitches would have the same strength but differing polarities - with the vector pointing in that direction.

A typical four-antenna ARDF unit will "spin" the antenna at anywhere between 300 and 1000 RPM - the lower frequencies being preferable as it and their harmonics are better-contained within the 3 kHz voice bandwidth of a typical communications-type FM receiver.

Figure 7:
Montreal "Dopplr 3" with compass rose,
digital bearing indication and adjustable switched-
capacitor band-pass filter running "alternate"
firmware (see KA7OEI link below).
Click on the image for a larger version.

Improving performance - filtering

As can be seen in the oscillogram of Figure 2, the switching glitches are of pretty low amplitude - and they are quite narrow meaning that they are easily overwhelmed by incidental audio and - in the case of weaker signals - noise.  One way to deal with this is to use a very narrow audio band-pass filter - typically something on the order of a few Hz to a few 10s of Hz wide.

In the analog world this is typically obtained using a switched-capacitor - the description of which would be worthy of another article - but it has the advantage of its center frequency being set by an external clock signal:  If the same clock signal is used for both the filter and to "spin" the antenna, any frequency drift is automatically canceled out.

It is also possible to use a plain, analog band-pass filter using op amps, resistors and capacitors - but these can be problematic in that these components - particularly the capacitors - are prone to temperature drift which can affect the accuracy of the bearing, often requiring repeated calibration:  This problem is most notable during summer or winter months when the temperature can vary quite a bit - particularly in a vehicle.

By narrowing the bandwidth significantly - to just a few Hz - it is far more likely that the energy getting through it will be only from the antenna switching and not incidental audio.

There is another aspect related to narrow-band filtering that can be useful:  Indicating the quality of signal.  In the discussions above, we are presuming that opposite pairs of antennas will yield equal-and-opposite "glitches"(e.g. A->B and C->D are mirror images, and B->C and D->A are also mirror images) - but in the case of multipath distortion - where the receive signal can come from different directions due to reflection and/or refraction - this may not be the case.  If the above "mirroring" effect is not true, this causes changes in the amplitude of the tone from the antenna spin rate (the "switching tone") which can include the following:

  • The switching tone can decrease overall due to a multiplicity of random wave fronts arriving at the antenna array.
  • The switching tone's frequency can double if each antenna's slightly-different position is getting a different portion of a multipath-distorted wave front.
  • The switching tone can be heavily frequency-modulated by the rapidly-changing wave fronts.
If you have everoperated VHF/UHF from a moving vehicle, you have experienced all three of the above to a degree:  It's likely that you have stopped at a light or a sign, only to find out that the signal to which you were listening faded out and/or got distorted - only to appear again if you moved your vehicle forward or backwards even a few inches/centimeters.  Imagine this happening to four antennas in slightly different locations on the roof of your vehicle!

Each of the above cause the switching tone in the receiver to be disrupted and with the worse disruption, less of the signal will get through the narrow filter.  Of course, having a good representation of the antenna's switching tone does not automatically mean that it is going to indicate a true bearing to the transmitter as you could be receive a "clean" reflection - but you at least you can detect - and throw out - obviously "bad" information!

Improving performance - narrow sampling

In addition to - or instead of narrow-band sampling - there's another method that could be used and that is narrow sampling.  Referring to Figure 2 again, you'll note that the peaks of the glitches are very narrow.  While the oscillogram of Figure 2 was taken from the speaker output of the receiver, many radios intended for packet use also include a discriminator output for use with 9600 baud and VARA modes which has a more "pristine" version of this signal.

Because we can know precisely when this glitch arrives (e.g. we know when we switch the antenna - and we can determine by observation when, exactly, it will appear on the radio's output) we can do a grab the amplitude of this pulse with a very  narrow window and thus reject much of the audio content and noise that can interfere with our analysis.  

Further discussion of this technique is beyond the scope of this article, but it is discussed in more detail here.

Improving performance - vector averaging

If you have ever used a direction-finding unit with an LED compass rose before, you'll note that in areas of multipath that the bearing seems to go all over the place - but if you look very carefully (and are NOT the one driving) you may notice something interesting:  Even in areas of bad multipath, there is likely to be a statistical weight toward the true bearing rather than a completely random mess.  This is a very general statement and it refers more to those instances where signals are blocked more by local ground clutter rather than a strong reflection from, say, a mountain, which may be more consistent in their "wrongness".

While the trained eye can often spot a tendency from seemingly-random bearings, one can bring math to the rescue once again.  Because we are getting our signal bearings by inputting vectors into the "atan2" function, we could also sum the individual "x" and "y" vectors over time and get an average.  
This works in our favor for at least two reasons:
  1. It is unlikely that even multipath signals are entirely random.  As signals bounce around from urban clutter, it is likely that there will be a significant bias in one particular direction.
  2. Through vector averaging, the relative quality of a signal can be determined.  If you get a "solid" bearing with consistently-good signals, the magnitude of the x/y vectors will be much greater than that from a "noisy" signal with a lot of variation.

In the case of #1, it is often that, while driving through a city among buildings that the bearing to a transmitter will be obfuscated by clutter - but being able to statistically reduce "noise" may help to provide a clue as to a possible bearing.

In the case of #2, being able to determine the quality of the bearing can, through experience, indicate to you whether or note you should pay attention to the information that you are getting:  After all, getting a mix of good and bad information is fine as long as you know which is the bad information!

Typically one would use a slidingaverage consisting of a recent history of samples.  If one uses the "vector average" method described above it is more likely that poor-quality bearings will have a lesser influence on the result. 

Antenna switching isn't ideal

Up to this point we have been talking about using a single receiver with a multi-antenna array that sequentially switches individual antennas into the mix - but electronic switching of the antennas is not ideal for several reasons:

  • The "modulation" due to the antenna switching imparts sidebands on the received signals.  Because this switching is rather abrupt, this can mean that signals 10s and 100s of kHz away can raise the receive system noise floor and decrease sensitivity.
  • The switching itself is quite noisy in its own right and can significantly reduce the absolute sensitivity of the receive system.  For this reason, only "moderate-to-strong" signals are good candidates for this type of system.
  • In the presence of multipath, the switching itself can result in the signal being more highly disrupted than normal.  This isn't too much of a problem since it is unlikely that one could get a valid bearing in that situation, anyway, but it can still be mitigated with filtering as described above.
If one is actively direction-finding with gear like this, it should not be the only tool in their toolbox:  Having a directional antenna - like a small Yagi - and suitable receiver (one with a useful, wide-ranging signal level meter) is invaluable both for situations where the signal may be too weak to be reliably detected with a TDOA system and when you are so close to it that you may have to get out of the vehicle and walk around.

Doing this digitally

There is something to be said about the relative simplicity of an analog TDOA system:  You slap the antennas on the vehicle, perform a quick calibration using a repeater or someone with a handie-talkie, and off you go.  To be sure, a bit of experience is invaluable in helping you to determine when you should and should not trust the readings that you are getting - but eventually, if the signal persists, you will likely find the source of the signal.

These days there are a number of SDR (Software-Defined Radio) systems - namely the earlier Kerberos and more recent Kraken SDRs.  Both of these units use multiple receivers that are synchronized from the same clock and use in-built references for calibration.

The distinct advantage of having a "receiver per antenna" is that one need not switch the antennas themselves, meaning that the noise and distortion resulting from the electronic "rotation" is eliminated.  Since the antennas are not switched, a different - yet similar - approach is required to determine the bearing of the signal - but if you've made it this far, it's not unfamiliar:  The use of "atan2" again:  One can take the vector difference of the signal between adjacent antennas and get some phasing information - and since we have four antennas, we can, again, get two equal and opposite pairs(assuming no multipath) of bearing data.

If you have two signals from adjacent antennas - let's say "A" and "B" from Figure 6 - we already know that the phasing will be different on the signal if the antenna hits "A" first rather than "B" first and this can be used in conjunction with its opposite pair of antennas ("C" and "D") to divine one of our vectors:  A similar approach can be done with the other opposite pairs - B/C and D/A.

This has the potential to give us better-quality bearings - but the same sorts of averaging and noise filtering must be done on the raw data as it has no real advantage over the analog system in areas where there is severe multipath:  It boils down to how it does its filtering and signal quality assessment and, more importantly, how you, the operator, interpret the data based on experience gained from having used the system enough have become familiar with it.

As far as absolute sensitivity goes between a Kerberos/Kraken SDR and an analog unit - that's a bit of a mixed bag.  Without the switching noise, the absolute sensitivity can be better, but in urban areas - and particularly if there is a strong signal within the passband of the A/D converter (which has only 8 bits) the required AGC may necessarily reduce the gain to where weaker signals disappear.
There are other possibilities when it comes to SDR-based receivers - for example, the SDRPlay RSPduo has a pair of receivers within it that can be synchronous to each other:  Using one of these units with a pair of magnetic loops can be used to effect the digital version of an old-fashioned goniometer!  This has the advantage of relative simplicity and can take advantage of the relatively high performance of the RSP compared to the RTL-SDR. 

Finally, there exist multi-site TDOA systems where the signals are received and time-stamped with great precision:  By knowing when, exactly, a signal arrives and then comparing this with the arrival time at other, similar, sites it is (theoretically) possible to determine the location of origin - a sort of "reverse GPS" system.  This system has some very definite, practical limits related to dissemination of receiver time-stamping and the nature of the received signal itself and would be a topic of of a blog post by itself!

Equipment recommendations?
My "go to " ARDF unit for in-vehicle use is currently a Montreal "Dopplr 3" running modified firmware (written by me - see the link to the "KA7OEI ARDF page, below) with four rooftop antennas.  Having used this unit for nearly 20 years, I'm very familiar with its operation and have used it successfully many times to find transmitters - both in for fun and for "serious" use (e.g. stuck transmitter, jammer, etc.) 
This unit has the advantage of being "grab 'n' go" in that it takes only a few seconds to "boot up" and it has a very simple, intuitive compass rose display. I believe that its performance is about as good as it can possibly be with a "switched antenna" type of ARDF unit:  For the most part, if a signal is audible, it will produce a bearing.

A disadvantage of this unit to some would be that it's available only in the form or a circuit board (still available from FAR circuits - link ) which means that the would-be builder must get the parts and put it together themselves.

"Pre-assembled" options for this type of unit include the MFJ-5005 which can sometimes be found on the used market and several options from the former Ramsey Electronics - along with the Dick Smith ARDF unit:  Information on these units may be found on the K0OV page linked below.

Another possible option is the "Kraken SDR":  I have yet to use one of these units, but I'm considering doing so for evaluation and comparison - which I will report here if I am actually able to do so.

Final words

This (rambling) dissertation about TDOA direction finding hopefully provides a bit of clarity when it comes to understanding how such things work - but there are a few things common to all systems that cannot really be addressed by the method of signal processing - analog or digital:
  • Bearings from a single fixed location should be suspect.  Unless you happen to have an antenna array atop a tall tower or mountain, expect the bearing that you obtain to be incorrect - and even if you do have it located in the clear, bogus readings are still likely.
  • Having multiple sources of bearings is a must.  Having more than one fixed location - or better yet having one or more sources of bearings from moving vehicles is very useful in that this dramatically decreases the uncertainty.
  • The most important information is often just knowing the direction in which you should start driving.  Expecting to be able to located a signal with a TDOA system with any reasonable accuracy is unrealistic.  It is often the case that when a signal appears, the most useful piece of information is simply knowing in which direction - to the nearest 90 degrees - that one should start looking.
  • The experience of the operator is paramount.  No matter which system you are using, its utility is greatly improved with familiarity of its features - and most importantly, its limitations.  In the real world, locating a signal source is often an exercise in frustration as it is often intermittent and variable and complicated by geography.  No-one should reasonably expect to simply purchase/build such a device and have it sit on the shelf until the need arises - and then learn how to use it!

 * * *

Related links:

  • K0OV's Direction Finding page - link - By Joe Moell, this covers a wide variety of topics activities related to ARDF. 
  • WB2HOL's ARDF Projects - link - This page has a number of simple, easy to build antenna/DF projects.
  • KrakenSDR page - link - This is the product description/sales page for the RTL-SDR based VHF/UHF SDR.


This page stolen from ka7oei.blogspot.com


Remote (POTA) operation from the Conger Mountain BLM Wilderness Area (K-6085)


It is likely that - almost no matter where you were - you were aware that a solar eclipse occurred in the Western U.S. in the middle of October, 2023.  Wanting to go somewhere away from the crowds - but along the middle of the eclipse path - we went to an area in remote west-central Utah in the little-known Conger Mountains.

Clint, KA7OEI operating CW in K-6085 with Conger
mountain and the JPC-7 loaded dipole in the background.
Click on the image for a larger version.

Having lived in Utah most of my life, I hadn't even heard of this mountain range even through I knew of the several (nearly as obscure) ranges surrounding it.  This range - which is pretty low altitude compared to many nearby - peaks out at only about 8069 feet (2460 Meters) ASL and is roughly 20 miles (32km) long.  With no incorporated communities or paved roads anywhere nearby we were, in fact, alone during the eclipse, never seeing any other sign of civilization:  Even at night it was difficult to spot the glow of cities on the horizon.

For the eclipse we set up on BLM (Bureau of Land Management) land which is public:  As long as we didn't make a mess, we were free to be there - in the same place - for up to 14 days, far more than the three days that we planned.  Our location turned out to be very nice for both camping and our other intended purposes:  It was a flat area which lent itself to setting up several antennas for an (Amateur) radio propagation experiment, it was located south and west of the main part of the weather front that threatened clouds, and its excellent dark skies and seeing conditions were amenable to setting up and using my old 8" Celestron "Orange tube" C-8 reflector telescope.

(Discussion of the amateur radio operations during the eclipse are a part of another series of blog entries - the first of which is here:  Multi-band transmitter and monitoring system for Eclipse monitoring (Part 1) - LINK)

Activating K-6085

Just a few miles away, however, was Conger Mountain itself - invisible to us at our camp site owing to a local ridge - surrounded by the Conger Mountain BLM Wilderness Area, which happens to be POTA (Parks On The Air) entity K-6085 - and it had never been activated before.  Owing to the obscurity and relative remoteness of this location, this is not surprising.

Even though the border of the wilderness area was less than a mile away from camp as a crow files, the maze of roads - which generally follow drainages - meant that it was several miles driving distance, down one canyon and up another:  I'd spotted the sign for this area on the first day as we our group had split apart, looking for good camping spots, keeping in touch via radio.

Just a few weeks prior to this event I spent a week in the Needles District of Canyonlands National Park where I could grab a few hours of POTA operation on most days, racking up hundreds of SSB and CW contacts - the majority of being the latter mode (you can read about that activation HERE).  Since I had already "figured it out" I was itching to spend some time activating this "new" entity and operating CW.  Among those others in our group - all of which but one are also amateur radio operators - was Bret, KG7RDR - who was also game for this and his plan was to operate SSB at the same time, on a different band.  As we had satellite Internet at camp (via Starlink) we were able to schedule our operation on the POTA web site an hour or so before we were to begin operation.

In the late afternoon of the day of the eclipse both Bret and I wandered over, placing our stations just beyond the signs designating the wilderness study area (we read the signs - and previously, the BLM web site - to make sure that there weren't restrictions against what we were about to do:  There weren't.) and several hundred feet apart to minimize the probability of QRM.  While Bret set up a vertical, non-resonant end-fed wire fed with a 9:1 balun suspended from a pole anchored to a Juniper, I was content using my JPC-7 loaded dipole antenna on a 10' tall studio light stand/tripod.

Bret, KG7RDR, operating 17 Meter SSB - the mast and
vertical wire antenna visible in the distance.
Click on the image for a larger version.
Initially, I called CQ on 30 meters but I got no takers:  The band seemed to be "open", but the cluster of people sending out just their callsign near the bottom of the band indicated to me that attention was being paid to a rare station, instead.  QSYing up to 20 meters I called CQ a few times before being spotted and reported by the Reverse Beacon Network (RBN) and being pounced upon by a cacophony of stations calling me.

Meanwhile, Bret cast his lot on 17 meters and was having a bit more difficulty getting stations - likely due in part to the less-energetic nature of 17 meter propagation at that instant, but also due to the fact that unlike CW POTA operation where you can be automatically detected and "spotted" on the POTA web site, SSB requires that someone spot your signal for you if you can't do it yourself:  Since we had no phone or Internet coverage at this site, he had to rely on someone else to do this for him.  Despite these challenges, he was able to make several dozen contacts.

Back at my station I was kept pretty busy most of the time, rarely needing to call CQ - except, perhaps, to refresh the spotting on the RBN and to do a legal ID every 10 minutes - all the while making good use of the narrow CW filter on my radio.

As it turned out, our choice to wait until the late afternoon to operate meant that our activity spanned two UTC days:  We started operating at the end of October 14 and finished after the beginning of October 15th meaning that with a single sitting, each of us accomplished two activations over the course of about 2.5 hours.  All in all I made 85 CW contacts (66 of which were made on the 14th) while Bret made a total of 33 phone contacts.

We finally called it quits at about the time the sun set behind a local ridge:  It had been very cool during the day and the disappearance of the sun caused it to get cold very quickly.  Anyway, by that time we were getting hungry so we returned to our base camp.

Back at camp - my brother and Bret sitting around
the fake fire in the cold, autumn evening after dinner.
Click on the image for a larger version.

My station

My gear was the same as that used a few weeks prior when I operated from Canyonlands National Park (K-0010):  An old Yaesu FT-100 equipped with a Collins mechanical CW filter feeding a JPC-7 loaded dipole, powered from a 100 amp-hour Lithium-Iron-Phosphate battery.  This power source allowed me to run a fair bit of power (I set it to 70 watts) to give others the best-possible chance of hearing me.

As you would expect, there was absolutely no man-made noise detectable from this location as any noise that we would have heard would have been generated by gear that we brought, ourselves.  I placed the antenna about 25'(8 meters) away from my operating position, using a length of RG-8X as the feedline, placing it far enough away to eliminate any possibility of RFI - not that I've ever had a problem with this antenna/radio combination.

I did have one mishap during this operation.  Soon after setting up the antenna, I needed to re-route the cable which was laying on the ground, among the dirt and rocks, and I instinctively gave it a "flip" to try to get it to move rather than trying to drag it.  The first couple of "flips" worked OK, but every time I did so the cable at the far end was dragged toward me:  Initially, the coax was dropping parallel with the mast, but after a couple flips it was at an angle, pulling with a horizontal vector on the antenna and the final flip caused the tripod and antenna to topple, the entire assembly crashing to the ground before I could run over and catch it.

The result of this was minor carnage in that only the (fragile!) telescoping rods were mangled.  At first I thought that this would put an end to my operation, but I remembered that I also had my JPC-12 vertical with me which uses the same telescoping rods - and I had a spare rod with that antenna as well.  Upon a bit of inspection I realized, however, that I could push an inch or so of the bent telescoping rod back in and make it work OK for the time-being and I did so, knowing that this would be the last time that I could use them.

The rest of the operating was without incident, but this experience caused me to resolve to do several things:

  • Order more telescoping rods.  These cost about $8 each, so I later got plenty of spares to keep with the antenna.
  • Do a better job of ballasting the tripod.  I actually had a "ballast bag" with me for this very purpose, but since our location was completely windless, I wasn't worried about it blowing over.
  • If I need to re-orient the coax cable, I need to walk over to the antenna and carefully do so rather than trying to "flip" it get it to comply with my wishes.

* * *

Epilogue:  I later checked the Reverse Beacon Network to see if I was actually getting out during my initial attempt to operate on 30 meters:  I was, having been copied over much of the Continental U.S. with reasonably good signals.  I guess that everyone there was more interested in the DX!

P.S.  I really need to take more pictures during these operations!

This page stolen from ka7oei.blogspot.com


Reducing RFI (Radio Frequency Interference) for a POE (Power Over Ethernet) camera or access point


One of the (many) banes of the amateur radio operator's existence is often found at the end of an Ethernet cable - specifically a device that is being powered via "Ethernet":  It is often the case that interference - from HF through UHF - emanates from such devices.

Figure 1:
POE camera with both snap-on ferrites installed -
including one as close to the camera as possible -
and other snap-on/toroids to suppress HF through VHF.
Click on the image for a larger version.

Why this happens

Ethernet by itself is usually relatively quiet from an (HF) RF standpoint:  The base frequency of modern 100 Megabit and gigabit Ethernet is typically above much of HF and owing to the fact that the data lines are coupled via transformers making them inherently balanced and less prone to radiate.  Were this not the case, the integrity of the data itself would be strongly affected by the adjacent wires within the cable or even if the cable was routed near metallic objects as it would radiate a strong electromagnetic field - and any such coupling would surely affect the signal by causing reflections, attenuation, etc.

This is NOT the case with power that is run via the same (Ethernet) cable.  Typically, this power is sourced by a switching power supply - too often one that is not filtered well - and worse, the device at the far end of the cable (e.g. a camera or WiFi access point - to name two examples) is built "down to a cost" and itself contains a switching voltage converter with rather poor filtering that is prone to radiation of RF energy over a wide spectrum.  Typically lacking effective common-mode filtering - particularly at HF frequencies (it would add expense and increase bulk) - the effect of RF radiating from the power-conducting wires in an Ethernet cable can be severe.

Even worse than this, Ethernet cables are typically long - often running in walls or ceilings - effectively making them long, wire antennas, capable of radiating even at HF.  The "noisy" power supply at one or both ends of this cable can act as transmitters.

What to do

While some POE configurations convey the DC power on the "spare" conductors in an eight conductor cable (e.g. the blue and brown pairs), some versions use the data pairs themselves (often using center-tapped transformers in the Ethernet PHY) meaning that it may not be easy to filter just the DC power.

While it is theoretically possible to extract the power from the Ethernet cable, filter it and and reinsert it on the cable, the various (different) methods of doing this complicate the matters and doing so - particularly if the DC is carried on the data pairs - can degrade the data integrity by requiring the data to transit two transforms incurring potential signal attenuation, additional reflection and affecting frequency response - to name just a few.  Doing this is complicated by the fact that the method of power conveyance varies as you may not know which method is used by your device(s).

It is possible to subject the entire cable and its conductors to a common-mode inductance to help quash RFI - but this must be done carefully to maintain signal integrity.


Some POE cameras also have a coaxial power jack that permits it to be powered locally rather than needing to use POE.  I've observed that it is often the case that using this local power - which is often 12-24 volts DC (depending on the device) - will greatly reduce the noise/interference generated by the camera and conducted on the cable - provided, of course, that the power supply itself is not a noise source.  Even if a power supply is used near the camera, I would still suggest putting its DC power cable through ferrite devices as described below to further-reduce possible emissions.

Ferrite can be your friend

For VHF and UHF, simple snap-on ferrites can significantly attenuate the conduction of RF along, but these devices are unlikely to be effective at HF - particularly on the lower bands - as they simply cannot add enough impedance at lower frequencies.

To effectively reduce the conduction of RF energy on HF, one could wrap the Ethernet cable around a ferrite toroidal core, but this is often fraught with peril - particularly with Gigabit Ethernet cable - as tight radius turns can distort the geometry of the cable, affect the impedance and cause cross-coupling into other wire pairs.  If this happens, one often finds that the Ethernet cable doesn't work reliably at Gigabit speeds anymore (being stuck at 100 or even 10 Megabits/second) or starts to "flap" - switching between different speeds  or slowing down due to retransmissions on the LAN.

One type of Ethernet cable that is quite resistant to geometric distortion caused by wrapping around a toroidal core is the flat Ethernet cable (sometimes erroneously referred to as "CAT6" or "CAT7").  This cable is available as short jumpers around 6 feet (2 meters) long and, with the aid of a female-female 8P8C (often called "RJ-45") coupler can be inserted into an existing Ethernet cable run.  As it is quite forgiving to being wrapped around ferrites, this flat cable can be pre-wound with such devices and inserted at the Ethernet switch end and/or the device end at a later time.  I have found that with reasonable quality cable an couplers that this does not seem to degrade the integrity of the data on the LAN cable - at least for moderate lengths (e.g. 50 feet/15 meters or less) - your mileage may vary with very long cable runs.

A double-female "splice" connector will be required to insert the jumpers - described below - into an existing Ethernet run and, unfortunately, it's sometimes difficult to find known-good quality devices that will not degrade the connection, so testing the splice on a Gig-Ethernet before you install it somewhere is a good idea.

Practical examples

Best attenuation across HF

Figure 2:
Three toroids wound on "flat" Ethernet cable.  An FT114-43
is used on each end with an FT114-31 in the middle.
Click on the image for a larger version.
Using a test fixture with a VNA, I determined that for best overall attenuation across the entire HF spectrum I needed three ferrite toroids on the 2 meter long flat Ethernet jumper.  All three of these were FT-114 size (1.14", 29mm O.D.) with the first and last being of material type 43 and the center being type 31:  Both types 31 and 43 offer good impedance to low HF but 43 is more effective on the higher bands - namely 10 and 6 meters:  The three toroids, separated by a few inches/cm, offer better all-around rejection from 160 meters through 10/6 meters than just one.  Having said this, it is unrealistic to expect more than 20dB or so of attenuation to be afforded by ferrite devices at high HF/low VHF - "because physics".

One might be tempted to use the more-available FT-240 size of toroids (2.4", 60mm O.D.) but this is unnecessarily large, comparatively fragile and expensive:  While one can fit more turns on the larger toroid, one hits the "point of diminishing returns"(e.g. little improvement with additional turns) very quickly owing to the nature of the ferrite and coupling between turns.  Using the FT-114 size is the best balance as it can accept 6-8 turns with the cable's connector installed, and more than 6-8 turns is rapidly approaching the point of diminishing returns for a single ferrite device, anyway.

In bench testing with a fixture, it was found that three toroids on a piece of flat Ethernet cable provided the best, overall attenuation across HF and to 6 meters - significantly better than any combination of FT114 or FT240 toroids of either 43 or 31 mix alone:  Figure 2, above, shows what this looks like.  Two FT114-43 and one FT114-31 toroid were used - the #31 toroid being placed in the center, providing the majority of series impedance at low HF and a #43 at each end being more effective at higher HF through 6 meters.

To construct this, the flat Ethernet cable was then marked with a silver marker in the center and four turns were wound from each end, in turn, for a total of eight turns on the FT114-31.  Placing an FT114-43 at 12 inches (25cm) and winding seven turns puts the FT114-43 fairly close to each connector, allowing the installation of one or two snap-on ferrites very close  to the connector if it is determined that more suppression is required to suppress radiation at VHF frequencies.  Small zip-ties (not shown in Figure 2) are used to help keep the turns from bunching up too much and also to prevent the start and stop turns from getting too close to each other:  Do not cinch these ties up enough to distort the geometry of the Ethernet cable as that could impact speed - particularly when using Gig Ethernet.

It is important that, as much as possible, one NOT place a "noisy" cable in a bundle with other cables or to loop it back onto itself - both of which could cause inadvertent coupling of the RFI that you are trying to suppress into the other conductors - or to the far side of the cable you are installing.

Best attenuation at VHF andHF

If you are experiencing interference from HF through VHF, you will need to take a hybrid approach:  The use of appropriate snap-on and toroidal ferrite devices.  While snap-on ferrite devices are not particularly useful for HF - especially below about 20 MHz - they can be quite effective at VHF, which is to be expected as that is the purpose for which they are typically designed.  Similarly, a ferrite toroid such as that described above - particularly with type 43 or 31 material - will likely have little effect on VHF radiation - particularly in the near field.

Figure 3:
A combination of a snap-on device with an extra turn looped
through it and two ferrites to offer wide-band suppression
from HF through VHF.
Click on the image for a larger version.

Figure 3 shows such a hybrid approach with a snap-on device on the left and two toroids on the right to better-suppress a wider range of frequencies.  In this case it is important that the snap-on device be placed as close to the interference source as possible (typically the camera) as even short lead lengths can function as effective antennas at VHF/UHF.  You may also notice that the snap-on has two turns through its center as this greatly improves efficacy.

Doing this by itself is not likely to be as effective in reducing radiation at VHF/UHF from the cable itself, often requiring the placement of additional ferrite devices.  Figure 1 shows the installation of several snap-on devices placed as close to the POE camera as physically possible - mainly to reduce radiation at VHF and UHF as at those frequencies even a few inches or centimeters of cable emerging from the noise-generating device can act as an effective antenna.

Determining efficacy

During the installation of these devices on my POE cameras I was more interested in how much attenuation would be afforded at VHF:  Since I'd already used the "chokes on a flat cable" approach like that in Figures 2 and 3 I knew that this would likely be as effective as was practical - but because the VHF/UHF noise could be radiated by comparatively short lengths of "noisy" cable, I needed to be able to quantify that what I did made a difference - or not.

Figure 4:
The cable in Figure 3 installed, but not yet
tucked into place as depicted in Figure 1.
(This does not show the snap-on ferrites installed
where the wire exits the camera housing.
The female-female RJ45/8P8C "splice" can be
seen in the upper-left corner of the picture.
Click on the image for a larger version.

For HF this was quite simple:  I simply tuned my HF receiver to a frequency where I knew that I could hear the noise from the cameras and compared S-meter readings with the system powered up and powered down.  This approach is best done at a time during which the frequency in question is "dead" or at least weak (e.g. poor propagation) - 80/40 meters during the midday and 15/10 meters at night is typical.

For VHF this required a bit more specialized equipment.  My "Go-To" device for finding VHF signals - including noise - is my VK3YNG DF sniffer which has extremely good sensitivity - but it also has an audible "S-meter" in terms of a tone that rises with increasing signal level.  Switching it to this mode and placing it and its antenna at a constant distance fairly close to the device being investigated allowed me to "hear" - in the form of a lower-pitched tone - whether or not the application of a ferrite device made a difference.

Slightly less exotic would be an all-mode receiver capable of tuning 2 meters such as the Yaesu FT-817, Icom IC-706, 703 or 705.  In this case the AM mode would be selected and the RF gain control advanced such that the noise amplitude audibly decreased:  This step is important as not doing this could mean that if the noise decreased, the AGC in the receiver would simply compensate and hiding the fact that the signal level changed.  By listening for a decrease in the noise level one can "hear" when installing a snap-on ferrite made a difference - or not.

One cannot use a receiver in FM mode for this as an FM detector is designed to produce the same amount of audio (including noise) at any signal level:  A strong noise source and a weak one will sound exactly the same.  It's also worth noting that the S-meter on a receiver in FM mode - or an FM-only receiver - are typically terrible in the sense that their indications typically start with a very low signal and "peg" the meter at a signal that isn't very strong at all which means that if you try to use one, you'll have to situate the receiver/antenna such that you get a reading that is neither full-scale or at the bottom of the scale to leave room for the indication of change.

Of course, a device like a "Tiny SA"(Spectrum Analyzer) could be used to provide a visual indication, using the "Display Line", markers and stored traces to allow a quick "before and after" indication.  As mentioned above, one would want to place the antenna and the receiving device (an actual receiver or spectrum analyzer) at a fairly close distance to the device being investigated - but keep it in the same location during the entire time so that one can get meaningful "before and after" readings.


With the use of ferrites alone, one should not expect to be able to completely suppress radiation of RF noise from an Ethernet cable - the typical maximum to be reasonably expected is on the order of about 20dB (a bit over 3 "S" units).  In a situation where the POE device is very close to the antenna, it may not be possible to knock the interference down to the point of inaudibility.

The most effective use will be for noise sources will be at some distance from the receive antenna - particularly if a long cable is used that may act as an antenna.

Be prepared to install appropriate ferrite devices at both ends of the cable as it's often the case that not only does the POE device itself (camera, wireless device) radiates noise but also the POE switch itself:  No-name brand POE power supplies and switches are, themselves often very noisy and the proper course of action would be to first swap out the supply with a known quiet device before attaching ferrite.

As every interference situation is unique, your mileage may vary and the best road to success is being able to quantify that changes you have made made things better or worse.

This page stolen from ka7oei.blogspot.com


Repairing a dead Kenwood TS-850S


Recently, a Kenwood TS-850S - a radio from the mid-early 1990s - crossed my workbench.  While I'm not in the "repair business", I do fix my own radios, those of close friends, and occasionally those of acquaintances:  I've known this person for many years and have many mutual friends.

If you are familiar with the Kenwood TS-850S to any degree, you'll also know that they suffer from an ailment that has struck down many pieces of electronic gear from that same era:  Capacitor Plague.

Figure 1:
The ailing TS-850S.  The display is normal - except
for the frequency display showing only dots.  This error is
accompanied by "UL" in Morse.
Click on the image for a larger version.
This isn't the same "Capacitor Plague" of which you might be aware where - particularly in the early 2000s - many computer motherboards failed due to incorrectly formulated electrolytic capacitors, but rather early-era surface-mount electrolytic capacitors that began to leak soon after they were installed.

The underlying cause?

While "failure by leaking" is a common occurrence in electronics, this failure is somewhat different in many aspects.  At about this time, electronic manufacturers were switching over to surface-mount devices - but one of the later components to be surface-mounted were the electrolytic capacitors themselves:  Up to this point it was quite common to see a circuit board where most of the components were surface-mount except for larger devices such as diodes, transistors, large coils and transformers - and electrolytic capacitors - all of which would be mounted through-hole, requiring an extra manufacturing step.

Early surface-mount electrolytic capacitors, as it turned out, had serious flaws.  In looking at the history, it's difficult to tell what aspect of their use caused the problem - the design and materials of the capacitor itself or the method by which they were installed - but it seems that whatever the cause, subjecting the capacitors themselves to enough heat to solder their terminals to the circuit board - via hot air or infrared radiation - was enough to compromise their structural integrity.

Whatever the cause - and at this point it does not matter who is to blame - the result is that over time, these capacitors have leaked electrolyte onto their host circuit boards.  Since this boron-based liquid is somewhat conductive and mildly corrosive in its own right, it is not surprising that as surface tension wicks this material across the board, it causes devastation wherever it goes, particularly when voltages are involved.

The CAR board - the cause of "display dots"

In the TS-850S, the module most susceptible to leaking capacitors is the CAR board - a circuit that produces multiple, variable frequency signals that feeds the PLL synthesizer and several IF (Intermediate Frequency) mixers.  Needless to say, when this board fails, so does the radio.

They most obvious symptom of this failure is when damage to the board is so extensive that it can no longer produce the needed signals - and if one particularly synthesizer (out of four on the board) fails, you will see that the frequency display disappears - to be replaced with just dots - and the letters "UL" are sent in Morse Code to indicate the "Unlock" condition by the PLL.

Figure 2:
The damaged CAR board.  All but one of the surface-mount
electrolytic capacitors has leaked corrosive fluid and damaged
the board.  (It looked worse before being cleaned!)
Click on the image for a larger version.
Prior to this, the radio may have started going deaf and/or transmitter output was dropping as the other three synthesizers - while still working - are losing output, but this may be indicative of another problem as well - more on this later.

Figure 2 shows what the damaged board looks like.  Actually, it looked a bitworse than thatwhen I first removed it from the radio - several pins of the large integrated circuits being stained black.  As you can see, there are black smudges around all (but one) of the electrolytic capacitors where the corrosive liquid leaked out, getting under the green solder mask and even making its way between power supply traces where the copper was literally being eaten away.

The first order of business was to remove this board and throw it in the ultrasonic cleaner.  Using a solution of hot water and dish soap, the board was first cleaned for six minutes - flipping the board over during the process - and then very carefully, paper towels and then compressed air was used to remove the water.

Figure 3:
The CAR board taking a hot bath in soapy water in an
ultrasonic cleaner.  This removes not only debris, but spilled
electrolyte - even that which has flowed under components.
Click on the image for a larger version.
At this point I needed to remove all of the electrolytic capacitors:  Based on online research, it was common for all of them to leak, but I was lucky that the one unit that had not failed (a 47uF, 16 volt unit)"seemed" OK while all of the others (all 10uF, 16 volt) had disgorged their contents.

If you look at advice online, you'll see that some people recommend simply twisting the capacitor off the board as the most expedient removal procedure, but I've found that doing so with electrolyte-damaged traces often results in ripping those same traces right off the board - possibly due to thinning of the copper itself and/or some sort of weakening of the adhesive.

My preferred method is to use a pair of desoldering tweezers - which is more or less a soldering iron with two prongs that will simultaneously heat both pins of the part simultaneously, theoretically allowing its quick removal.  While many capacitors are easily removed with this tool, some are more stubborn:  During manufacture, drops of glue were used under the part to hold it in place prior to soldering and this sometimes does its job too well, making it difficult to remove it.  Other times, the capacitor will explode (usually just a "pop") as it is being heated, oozing out more corrosive electrolyte.

With the capacitors removed, I tossed it in the ultrasonic cleaner for other cycle in the same warm water/soap solution to remove any additional electrolyte that had come off - along with debris from the removal process.  It is imperative when repairing boards with leaking capacitors that all traces of electrolyte be completely removed or damage will continue even after the repair.

At this point one generally needs to don magnification and carefully inspect the board.  Using a dental pick and small blade screwdriver, I scraped away loose board masking (the green overcoating on the traces) as well as bits of copper that had detached from the board:  Having taken photos of the board prior to capacitor removal - and with the use of the Service Manual for this radio, found online - I was confident that I could determine where, exactly, each capacitor was connected.

When I was done - and the extent of the damage was better-revealed - the board looked to be a bit of a mess, but that was the fault of the leaking capacitors.  Several traces and pads in the vicinity of the defunct capacitors had been eaten away or fallen off - but since these capacitors are pretty much placed across power supply rails, it was pretty easy to figure out where they were supposed to connect.

Figure 4:
The CAR board, reinstalled for testing.
Click on the image for a larger version.
As the mounting pads for most of these capacitors were damaged, I saw no point in replacing them with more surface-mount capacitors - but rather I could install through-hole capacitors on the surface, laying them down as needed for clearance - and since these new capacitors included long leads, they could be used to "rebuild" the traces that had been damaged.

The photo shows the final result.  Different-sized capacitors were used as necessary to accommodate the available space, but the result is electrically identical to the original.  It's worth noting that these electrolytic capacitors are in parallel with surface-mount ceramic capacitors (which seem to have survived the ordeal) so the extra lead length on these electrolytics is of no consequence - the ceramic capacitors doing their job at RF as before.  After successful testing of the board, dabs of adhesive were used to hold the larger, through-hole capacitors to the board to reduce stress on the solder connections under mechanical vibration.

Following the installation of the new capacitors, the board was again given two baths in the ultrasonic cleaner - one using the soap and water solution, and the other just using plain tap water and again, the board was patted dry and then carefully blown dry with compressed air to remove all traces of water from the board and from under components and then allowed to air dry for several hours.

Testing the board

After using an ohmmeter to make sure that the capacitors all made their proper connections, I installed the board in the TS-850S and... it didn't work as I was again greeted with a "dot" display and a Morse "UL".

I suspected that one of the "vias" - a point where a circuit traces passes from one side to another through a plated hole - had been "eaten" by the errant electrolyte.  Wielding an oscilloscope, I quickly noted that only one of the synthesizers was working - the one closest to connector CN1 - and this told me that at least one control signal was missing from the rest of the chips.  Probing with the scope I soon found a missing serial data signal ("PDA") used to program the synthesizers "stopped" beyond the first chip and a bit of testing with an ohmmeter showed that from one end to the other, the signal had been interrupted - no doubt in a via that had been eaten away by electrolytic action.

Figure 5:
Having done some snooping with an oscilloscope, I noted
that the "PDA" signal did not make it past the first of the
(large) synthesizer chips.  The white piece of #30 Kynar
wire-wrap wire was used to jump over the bad board "via"
Click on the image for a larger  version.

The easiest fix for this was to use a piece of small wire - I used #30 Kynar-insulated wire-wrap wire - to jumper from where this control signal was known to be good to a point where it was not good (a length of about an inch/two cm) and was immediately rewarded with all four synthesizer outputs being on the correct frequencies, tuning as expected with the front-panel controls.

Low output

While all four signals were present and on their proper frequencies - indicating that the synthesizers were working correctly - I soon noticed, using a scope, that the second synthesizer output on about 8.3 MHz was outputting a signal that was about 10% of its expected value in amplitude.  A quick test of the transmitter indicated that the RF output was only about 15 watts - far below that of the 100 watts expected.

Again using the 'scope, I probed the circuit - and comparing the results with the nearly identical third synthesizer (which was working correctly) and soon discovered that the amplitude dropped significantly through a pair of 8.3 MHz ceramic filters.

The way that synthesizers 2 and 3 work is that the large ICs synthesize outputs in the 1.2-1.7 MHz area and mix this with a 10 MHz source derived from the radio's reference to yield signals around 8.375 and 8.83 MHz, respectively - but this mix results in a very ugly signal spectrally - full of harmonics and undesired products.  With the use of these ceramic bandpass filters - which are similar to 10.7 MHz filters those found in analog AM and FM radios - these signals are "cleaned up" to yield the desired output over a range of the several kiloHertz that they vary depending on the bandpass filter and the settings of the front panel "slope tune" control.

Figure 6:
The trace going between C75 and CF1 was cut and a bifilar-
wound transformer was installed to step up the impedance
from Q7 to that of the filter:  R24 was also changed to 22
ohms - providing the needed "IF-7-LO3" output level at J4.
Click on the image for a larger version.

The problem here seemed to be that the two ceramic 8.3 MHz filters  (CF1, CF2)were far more lossy than they should have been.  Suspecting a bad filter, I removed them both from the circuit board and tested them using a NanoVNA:  While their "shape" seemed OK, their losses were each 10dB more than is typical of these devices indicating that they are slowly degrading.  A quick check online revealed that these particular frequency filters were not available anywhere (they were probably custom devices, anyway) so I had to figure out what to do.

Since the "shape" of the individual filter's passbands were still OK - a few hundred kHz wide - all I needed was to get more signal:  While I could have kludged another amplifier into the circuit to make up for the loss, I decided, instead, to reconfigure the filter matching.  Driving the pair of ceramic filters is an emitter-follower buffer amplifier (Q7) - the output of which is rather low impedance - well under 100 ohms - but these types of filters typically "want" around 300-400 ohms and in this circuit, this was done using series resistors - specifically R24.  This method of "matching" the impedance is effective, but very lossy, so changing this to a more efficient matching scheme would allow me to recover some of the signal.

Replacing the 330 ohm series resistor (R24) with a 22 ohm unit and installing a bifilar-wound transformer (5 turns on a BN43-2402 binocular core) wired as a 1:4 step-up transformer (the board trace between C75 and CF1 was cut and the transformer connected across it) brought the output well into the proper amplitude range and with this success, I used a few drops of "super glue" to hold it to the bottom of the board.  It is important to note that I "boosted" the amplitude of the signal prior to the filtering because to do so after the filtering - with its very low signal level - may have also amplified spurious signals as well - a problem avoided in this method.

Rather than using a transformer I could have also used a simple L/C impedance transformer (a series 2.2uH inductor with a 130pF capacitor to ground on the "filter side" would have probably done the trick) but the 1:4 transformer was very quick and easy to do.

With the output level of synthesizer #2 (as seen on pin CN4) now up to spec (actually 25% higher than indicated on the diagram in the service manual) the radio was now capable of full transmit output power, and the receiver's sensitivity was also improved - not surprising considering that the low output would have starved mixers in the radio's IF.

A weird problem

After all of this, the only thing that is not working properly is "half" of the "Slope Tune" control:  In USB the "Low Cut" works - as does the "High Cut" on LSB, but the "High Cut" does not work as expected on USB and the "Low Cut" does not work as expected on LSB.  What happens with the settings that do NOT work properly, I hear the effect of the filter being adjusted (e.g. the bandwidth narrows) but the radio's tuning does not track the adjustment as it should.  What's common to both of these "failures" is that they both relate to high frequency side of the filter IF filters in the radio - the effect being "inverted" on LSB.

I know that the problem is NOT the CAR board or the PLL/synthesizer itself as these are being properly set to frequency.  What seems to NOT be happening is that for the non-working adjustments, the radio's CPU is not adjusting the tuning of the radio to track the shift of the IF frequency to keep the received signal in the same place - which seems like more of a software problem than a hardware problem:  Using the main tuning knob or the RIT one can manually offset this problem, but that is obviously not how it's expected to work!

In searching the Internet, I see scattered mentions of this sort of behavior on the TS-850 and 950, but no suggestions as to what causes it or what to do about it:  I have done a CPU reset of the radio and disconnected the battery back-up to wipe the RAM contents, but to no avail.  Until/unless this can be figured out, I advised the owner to set the affected control to its "Normal" position.

Figure 7:
The frequency display shows that the synthesizer is now
working properly - as did the fact that it outputs full power
and gets good on-the-air signal reports.
Click on the image for a larger version.

Final comments

Following the repair, I went through the alignment steps in the service manual and found that the radio was slightly out alignment - particularly with respect to settings in the transmit output signal path - possibly during previous servicing to accommodate the low output due to the dropping level from the CAR board.  Additionally, the ALC didn't seem to work properly - being out of adjustment - resulting in distortion on voice peaks with excessive output power.

With the alignment sorted, I made a few QSOs on the air getting good reports - and using a WebSDR to record my transmissions, it sounded fine as well.

Aside from the odd behavior of the "Slope Tune" control, it seems to work perfectly.  I'm presently convinced that this must be a software - not a hardware - problem as all of the related circuits function as they should, but don't seem to be being "told" what to do.

* * * * *

This page stolen from ka7oei.blogspot.com


Using an external clock with the RX-888 (Mk2)


The RX-888 (Mk2) and external clocking

Figure 1:
The RX-888 with external clock input (right)
The enable/disable switch is barely
visible behind the USB connector.
Click on the image for a larger version.
Note: I have posted blog two previous entries related to the RX-888 (Mk2) that you may find relevant:

Adding an external clock connection

While the internal 27 MHz TCXO in the RX-888 (Mk2) is pretty good, there may be instances where one wishes better accuracy and stability.  Fortunately, the RX-888 (Mk2) has provisions for doing so in the form of a jumper to disable the internal clock (when the jumper is removed) and a small connector (a tiny U.Fl) on board to accept that clock.

Unfortunately, it is up to the user to add the cable to feed an external clock - but short 4-6"(10-15cm) cables already fitted with a U.Fl male and SMA chassis-mount female connector are easily obtained from the likes of Amazon, EvilBay and others - just be sure that you do NOT get a "Reverse" (RP) SMA by mistake!

This leaves the jumper.  While many people simply remove the jumper and mount the external clock connector between the HF and VHF inputs - or sometimes to the right of the USB connector knowing - from then on - their RX-888 will be unusable unless there is an external clock input - I prefer to make use of the ability of the internal clock to be switched - using (ahem) a switch allowing for testing/use of the RX-888 in a "stand alone" configuration - but this is up to you.

If one is careful, it's possible to mount the external clock SMA connector and switch on the same panel as the USB connector, orienting so that its handle is toward the "Clock In" connector to indicate that an external clock is to be used - but labels or markings are always nice, too!

If one takes the route of mounting the external clock input between the HF and UHF inputs, the switch could be placed to the right of the USB connector - or, if as in the case of one of my RX-888s where I put a heat sink on the FX3 chip and there wasn't room there - I found a very small toggle switch that just fit between the case screw and left side of the USB connector and tip of this switch may be spotted just behind the USB connector in Figure 1, above.

IMPORTANT:  As the external clock input is simply wired in parallel with the internal 27 MHz clock.  What this means is that with the internal clock enabled, it will be present on the external clock input.  Similarly, if you supply a 27 MHz external clock without disabling the internal one, the two will "fight" each other and you'll get "garbage" results.

What type of signal to use as an external clock

  • The best external clock source is a 27 MHz sine wave of between 1.25 and 3.3 volts peak-to-peak.
  • A series coupling capacitance of between 100pF and 1000pF (470pF typ.)should be present on the "center pin" between the RX-888 to eliminate a DC path to ground on the signal line.

While a capacitively-coupled 27 MHz sine wave is recommended for reasons that will be mentioned later, a lot of devices offer square wave outputs - and getting these to work reliablyrequires at least a little bit of attention.

Using the Leo Bodnar Precision GPS Clock to drive an RX-888:

Because the RX-888 natively requires a 27 MHz clock this means that if you already have a 10 MHz standard (GPS, Rubidium, etc.) kicking around, you will not be able to use it directly.  While it's not too difficult to synthesize 27 MHz from 10 MHz (a number of Si5351-based devices can do this) it's most common for users of the RX-888 to use a device such as that sold by Leo Bodnar, which can be programmed for almost any frequency (from audio through UHF) with good precision and accuracy.

You can look at these products here:  https://www.leobodnar.com  (I have no stake in Bodnar, but I have used them and I and others have had good success.)

The most commonly-used device is the Bodnar "Mini" - which has one output - and this single output is often "daisy-chained" between RX-888s.  There is also the functionally similar LB-1420 with a single output and the "Precision GPS Reference Clock" which has two signal outputs - but there is very limited ability to set the "second" output to a specific frequency and it's mostly useful for outputting the same frequency on the two ports - or outputting a 1PPS signals on an "unused" port.

As the RX-888 (Mk2) external clock input is directly coupled to its Si5351 clock synthesizer, we have to act as if we are driving that chip directly.  While not directly specified in the Si5351 data sheets (at least the ones that I have found) testing done my myself indicates that a capacitively-coupled sine of about 750 millivolts peak-peak will trigger the '5351 reliably:  A bit of looking in online forums reveals the consensus that a 1 volt peak-peak sine wave is suggested so I would be comfortable with the suggestion of this amplitude being used a a guidline.

Testing with a square wave - such as that produced by the Leo Bodnar GPS reference revealed that the drive level was far more finicky - and this has to do with the fact that a "square" wave with a reasonably fast rise time does NOT remain a square wave for very long as it quickly turns into something rather spiky and distorted as depicted in the image below:

Figure 2:
A typical square wave output from a Bodnar GPS reference at the end of about 3 feet
(1 meter) of unterminated cable.  Ringing is evident!

This 27 MHz signal shows clear evidence of ringing:  This was measured right at the RX-888 with the signal passing through around 3 feet (1 meter) of 50 ohm coaxial cable.  As the '888 does not offer resistive termination, it presents a simple capacitance at the end of the cable and this tends to distort harmonic-rich waveforms like a square wave.

With multiple "spikes" that can occur on such waveforms due to distortion, it's possible - even likely - that certain combinations can result in multiple triggering peaks of the waveform.  In an extreme case, such distortion can cause the Si5351 to be triggered at twice the actual clock rate - but rather the result may be instability resulting in the RX-888 clocking which can be manifest as anything from no signals being "present" to those that are being off-frequency, varying, or just "noisy".

It's important to realize that like the RX-888, the Bodnar is ALSO DC-coupled which explains why the above waveform largely rests above the center line (zero volts) with the exception of some "ringing" which extends negative and is likely being clamped somewhat by the '888's internal diodes.

With a 3.3 volt waveform emanating from the Bodnar, we can reasonably expect that - if the signal isn't too "ringy" that a signal exceeding about 1 volt positive just once per cycle is likely to trigger the 888's Si-5351 correctly.

IMPORTANT:  If you try to directly drive an RX-888 with the output of a Bodnar, it will probably NOT work reliably!

Remembering that the external clock input of the '888 goes directlyto very sensitive logic devices, a simple resistive attenuator pad will do double duty:

  • Rather than a very high impedance circuit that has a low resistance path from the outside world to a sensitive logic gate, resistance to ground offers a degree of protection by offering a relatively low resistance to ground and the series resistance provides at least some limit to input currents.
  • While theoretically OK, the output of the Bodnar will not reliably drive the input of the Si5351 in the RX-888 directly, but being reduced to half or third of its original output seems to be pretty reliable.

A 6 to 12 dB resistive pad - either 50 or 75 ohms - is a reasonable choice offering a bit of voltage reduction - but staying well above the 1 volt usability threshold - and such a pad, even if it is not connected to a 50 ohm load, will provide a bit of resistive termination, likely reducing the tenacity of reflections.  While a resistive pad does not offer DC decoupling between the center pin of the '888's external clock input, it works with the Bodnar as that device sources a square wave referenced to zero volts so the pad simply acts as a voltage divider for that square wave.

Testing has shown that the '888 seems a bit more forgiving of signal drive levels if there is a DC blocking capacitor on its signal input - something that could be provided by placing a "DC block" device (available in SMA, BNC or F-type connectors)between the '888 and the external clock source.

Caveats and warnings - and why the '888 is so finicky about its external clock

The external clock input of the RX-888 - as described in better detail in the next section of this blog post - is connected DIRECTLY to inputs within the '888 and as such, it has a few undesirable properties:

  • There is a DC connection between the external clock, the oscillator output and the input to the 888's internal Si5351 synthesizer.  This exposes the clock input directly to extremely static and voltage-sensitive inputs.
    • Because of this, it's extremely easy to damage the RX-888 when using and external clock, particularly if there are voltage potentials between different pieces of equipment.
  • There is diode clamping between ground and the 3.3 volt input.  In the '888, this is primarily a BAT99 dual diode, but it also includes the protection diodes of the other devices.  At first this might seem like a good thing - and it sort of is - but this means that any signal input to the RX-888 should be capacitively coupled - or directly to a 0-3.3 volt signal.  This is one aspect of the '888 that was definitely not well considered or implemented.
    • What this means is that if you try to drive the RX-888's clock input with a source that is DC "grounded" - which includes devices that are transformer-coupled (e.g. a splitter to send the clock to multiple units) that the voltage output will be bipolar.
    • For example: 
      • If you were try to use a T1-1 isolation transformer to break a ground loop between the external clock input and the Bodnar - as well as other devices - the signal input may be 3.3 volts - but bipolar - that is, it will go above and below "ground" by about 1.65 volts - but since there is diode clamping this will distort the waveform.
      • The result of this can either be finessing required to find the precise drive level to make it work at all or - sometimes - you will find the signals at the wrong frequencies (sometimes at about half the expected frequencies) if the badly-distorted waveform triggers the input of the Si5351 synthesizer in the '888 twice on every clock cycle.
All of these factors often confound users of the RX-888 (Mk2) trying to feed an external clock - and things get more complicated if multiple devices are use.  For example:
  • As with any sensitive piece of RF equipment, having multiple, disparate connections between pieces of equipment will usually end up with circulating currents - and since every conductor has resistance, this can cause noises to appear in the RF input.  A few examples:
    • The RX-888 - or any SDR - will have multiple connections to it - typically the antenna and power input.  In the case of the RX-888 and many other SDRs, this means an antenna and USB connection.
      • Isolating the RF signal lines from longitudinal currents (e.g. common mode) is a useful tool.
        • Often, this can take the form of small coaxial cable (RG-142 or RG-174) wound with 8-12 turns on an FT-140 or FT-240 core of 31 or 43 material (the former being better for lower frequencies).  This is useful for HF (160-10 meters) but it loses efficacy below this and is not helpful if your interest extends into the AM broadcast bands and lower frequencies (e.g. longwave - including LF and VLF which includes the 2200 and 630 meter amateur bands.)
        • Another tool can be an "voltage balun" - essentially an isolation transformer with no DC connection at all.  Often, these are built around the Mini-Circuits T1-1.  These lose their efficacy below a MHz or so so they may have excessive attenuation on LF and VLF frequencies.  At higher frequencies (above 10 MHz) their common-mode rejection also starts to drop meaning that in a very noisy environment, signals can "leak in" at high HF from the surrounding equipment - something that needs to be checked if you try it.
    • Power supplies and computers (via a USB cable) are notoriously noisy, so you WILL get circulating currents flowing between the devices.  Having a choking USB cable (e.g. 6-12 turns on an FT-140 or FT-240 core of 31 or 43 material) can help significantly, as can doing similar on a DC supply line and also choosing a "known RF-quiet" power supply.
    • Adding a "third" connection to the receiver - such as the external clock, in case of the RX-888 (Mk2) - can further complicate issues as it adds yet another  avenue of common-mode currents and noise.
      • This connection, too, should be appropriately isolated - but doing so is complicated by the way the external clock input is implemented.
      • The fact that the external clock device is connected to a potentially-noisy power supply and  a GPS antenna - which may or may not have its own grounding (which can further introduce circulating currents) is yet another thing about which you should be wary!
One issue that also arises is that output of devices like the Bodnar are square wave.  This, by itself, isn't a problem - and a direct connection between the Bodnar and '888  - since they both have 3.3 volt signal levels - works OK, at least with very short cables.
Conveying this square wave signal - particularly over greater distances and considering that the clock input to the RX-888 is high-impedance with a bit of capacitance means that long runs (anywhere near 1/4 wave at the clock frequency or longer) can result in reflections due to unterminated cables.  What one can do is put a 50-75 ohm termination at the far end of the cable. This, however, does not help with the issue of DC/galvanic isolation between individual receivers.
Testing the stability of your external clock mechanism:
As properties of solid-state devices change over temperature - and signal levels may vary depending on what other devices are connected to your clock source - it would be a very good idea to varying the clock signal to determine if you have enough margin to allow it to work if levels change, or if you are on the "ragged edge".

Reducing the signal level is the most obvious test:  The use of a step attenuator - or use a variety of fixed attenuator pads (be sure that they pass DC) and reducing the level by between 1 and 15 dB - and then observing when clocking becomes unreliable:  This will give you a good idea as to the margin between what you are feeding to the '888 and when it will quite - and it may prompt you to reduce your signal level slightly.

Using HDSDR under Windows

Determining when the clocking signal into the '888 becomes unreliable is a bit trickier in some cases.  By far the easiest is to use a program like HDSDR with the "SDDC" ExtIO driver on a fairly fast Windows computer with USB3 ports:  A higher-end Intel i5 or medium-high end Intel i7 will suffice.  Connecting the '888 to an external antenna and tuning in a reliable signal (like a shortwave broadcaster or a time station like WWV/H or CHU - or tuning it your own signal generator) while watching the waterfall will tell you immediately when the external clocking fails.

If you are using Linux with ka9q-radio, you can use the "Monitor" program to tune a signal with the audio being sent to the default audio device - but doing this is beyond the scope of the document.  If you are using a Mac, I don't have a suggestion unless someone speaks up.

Transformer-based signal isolation NOT recommended for the '888's clock input - sort of...

It is important for any receiver to minimize the amount of current circulating through the "ground" connections.  Such currents in an analog receiver can induce hum in unbalanced audio lines and if the receiver is actually a transceiver, those same signal paths can induce RF into seemingly unrelated equipment in the ham shack.

Sometimes overlooked is the fact that these same currents can induce RF currents on the cables interconnecting equipment and it is likely that these will find their way into the receiver's front end and degrade performance by raising the noise floor.  This is especially true when a computer-connect software-defined radio - like the RX-888 - is involved as we now have a connection (via the USB cable) to a device that is likely to be "noisy" at RF - namely the computer - but this also means that noise can come from other devices to which this computer is connected directly or indirectly, namely its power supply, other peripherals, its power supply - and noisy devices on the AC mains into which this power supply is plugged.

Current "balun"

For receiver RF connections one way to deal with this is to use a common-mode RF choke which is typically a dozen or so turns of coaxial cable wound on a T-140 or T-240 toroid - usually with 31 or 43 type material.  This will break up common-mode currents on the cable - at least at HF - and can reduce such issues and this works for both the signal (antenna) and external clocking lines.

At DC and mains frequencies such chokes offer little/no efficacy and at low frequencies (below a MHz or so) these chokes lose their effective series resistance owing to limited inductance.  What this means is that if you have strong circulating currents (e.g. current flowing between your antenna "ground" and house mains "ground") they will have little effect.

Voltage "balun"

A possible alternative is to use a transformer to couple between RF sources:  A reliable, low-cost, commonly-available device for this is the Mini-Circuits Labs T1-1 which provides complete galvanic isolation between the source and load with a reasonable degree of longitudinal isolation.

While the T1-1 works well for the RF input, it will not work so well for the RX-888's external clock input by itself and the reason for this is that the output from a transformer winding is, by definition, bipolar about the zero volt point.  In the case of an external clock signal of, say, 1 volt peak-peak, each half would be above and below zero volts and with a direct DC connection to the Si5351's input it is unlikely to properly drive/trigger it.

If the signal is of higher amplitude - such as our 3.3 volt square wave - half of this "ugly" waveform will lie below ground potential and that below the 0.6 volt diode conduction voltage will be clamped, potentially distorting the waveform even more.

If a transformer-based method of isolation is used it is strongly suggested that a capacitor be placed in series with the '888's signal input to allow the waveform and voltage to float above ground and avoid negative clamping.  As mentioned earlier, a "DC Block" device could be used if you choose not to build your own device.

Example homebrew devices:

Here are a few (relatively) simple devices that one could build on a piece of scrap PC board - or you could go through the effort of designing and building a board with these features.

Figure 3, below, shows a simple resistive coupler incorporating the features suggested above:
Figure 3: 
A simple 10-ish dB resistive pad with DC blocking to keep the external clock input of the RX-888 "happy" and to prevent clipping of negative-going voltage by built-in protection diodes.  The "small" capacitor value also minimized the amount of stored charge dumped into the '888 due handling/shorting of the input cable.

This diagram shows a resistive pad that offers about 10 dB of attenuation - the values being determined assuming a 50 ohm system - but since the '888's input impedance is almost exclusively capacitive (a few 10s of pF) it is operating more as a voltage divider presenting a resistive load that just happens to be around 50 ohms.  The coupling capacitor between the pad and the '888 offers DC blocking to make it more forgiving to varying signal levels.  While the capacitor blocks DC, the signal being input to the Si5351 will find its own level due to the clamping effects of the protection diodes in the '888.

Also shown is the optional inclusion of a 1000pF capacitor that can be inserted at point "X":  This will decouple DC and mains AC currents that might flow between the clock source and the RX-888 itself - but it is low enough impedancethat it does not necessarily offer RF decoupling between devices.  With the circuit shown above, however, you can precede it with decoupling device - such as a common-mode choke (e.g. current balun - the type with a dozen or so turns on a toroid) or even a T1-1 transformer.

Figure 4, below, shows another possible approach:
Figure 4: 
This circuit provides both common-mode isolation and a degree of band-pass filtering of the 27 MHz clock signal:  Filtering to a sine-like waveform reduces glitching due to cabling issues (reflections, misterminations) as well as offers a degree of protection to the RX-888's input as the filter will limit the amount of energy that could be imparted.  It also provides a (small) degree of termination (<150 ohms).   The "optional" 1000pF capacitor shunts low level leakage of the 27 MHz signal due to transformer imbalance - but it is suggested that one use a common-mode choke to restore isolation at HF frequencies.

This device is slightly more complicated, but it offers several advantages:

  • "L1" is a trifilar-wound toroidal transformer (that is, its turns consist of three wires gently twisted together before winding on the toroid).  Its intrinsic inductance is around 0.22uH and with the 150pF capacitor seen on the lower half of the diagram, it resonates broadly at 27 MHz - the external clock frequency for the '888.
  • The resistors shown offer a bit of resistive termination to the signal source (a bit below 150 ohms) which can help to reduce reflections on the cable.
  • These series 150 and 100 ohm resistors "decouple" the resonant circuit from the signal path somewhat and the values were chosen to allow sufficient "Q" to offer reasonable filtering of the input signal into a fairly good sine wave.
  • Figure 5: 
    The (nearly) sine wave output from the circuit depicted
    in Figure 4.
    Click on the image for a larger version.
    As this is a transformer-coupled circuit, there is no DC connection at all between the input and output.  Because it is resonant at 27 MHz, it will also offer a degree of rejection of other signals that might be present.  As the resonant circuit is wired to the "RX-888 side" of the circuit, it offers excellent protection to it.
  • As with the previous circuit, an optional 1000pF capacitor is shown as well:  Including this will reduce the common-mode isolation between the input and output but it will suppress a bit of leakage of the 27 MHz clock signal that can occur owing to the fact that the transformer that is L1 is not perfectly balanced.

The disadvantage of this circuit is that it requires the winding of a toroidal transformer and tuning it to 27 MHz - something easily done with a NanoVNA or an oscilloscope and an oscillator.  

Figure 5 shows the resulting waveform that has passed through the circuit depicted in Figure 4:  It is nearly a sine wave and as such, it is much more resistant to causing false triggering on "ringing" edges as compared to a square wave.

Figure 6: 
The prototype transformer/filter circuit depicted in Figure 4
connected at the Bodnar, connected to the '888 with a
short BNC<>SMA jumper.
Click on the image for a larger version.

Figure 6 shows the circuit of Figure 4 in action, connected directly to the Bodnar's output and - via a very short BNC to SMA cable - to the RX-888 sitting atop it.

This prototype unit was built in a piece of copper-clad PC board material.  On the top side, the components were wired with flying leads to the connectors and "dead bug" on the copper itself:  Between the "Bodnar" and the "RX-888" side the copper was cut to provide the two separate signal "grounds" with only the transformer coupling between the two.

At some point, it may be worth designing a small PC board for this, but for the meantime a small number of these prototypes have been built and put into service very successfully.  As suggested earlier, the a step attenuator was inserted between the Bodnar and this circuit and the signal reduced until the '888 no longer reliable locked to the external clock and it was found that there was plenty of margin to assure stable operation under varying conditions.

Lots of other possibilities

Now that you know what the RX-888 "wants", you have a better idea of what you are likely to be able to "safely" use to drive the external clock input of the RX-888.

* * * * *

This page stolen from ka7oei.blogspot.com


Analysis of interference from a SolarEdge PV (solar) electric system.



This article - while it centers about the investigation of a SolarEdge PV (PhotoVoltaic) system - the discussions of techniques and strategies should be generally useful when investigating interference from any make or model of PV system - or even interference from other sources.

* * *

Several months ago I got a call from a local amateur who was very concerned about a sudden rise in his noise floor across the HF spectrum (3-30 MHz).  This increase in noise seemed to be coincident with the installation and commission of a 5 kW PV (Photovoltaic, or "Solar") electrical system on the house of an adjacent neighbor.  I suggested that he talk to the manufacturer of the PV system to discuss the situation - and to request from them possible solutions.

A few weeks ago, he got back to me and he had, in fact, talked to the manufacturer and an online meeting was arranged in which they would remotely idle the neighbor's system while we were monitoring via the amateur's receive antenna.

Out of curiosity - and as sort of a practice run - I went over the weekend before the online meeting to get a better idea as to the spectral signature of this system - a SolarEdge series string system with optimizers - when it was operating normally.  The amateur had obtained permission from the neighbor to allow us to enter their yard to make very "close in" measurements (e.g. within a few inches/cm of the equipment, conductors) to obtain spectral "samples" of the system, thereby excluding external signals.

For these measurements, I used an amplified, shielded magnetic ("H") loop antenna (about 18"/50cm) in diameter as the "sense" antenna and an HP/Agilent/Keysight spectrum analyzer, recording the plots electronically.  None of the readings were to represent "absolute" signal levels as all that we were really interested in were relative measurements, and as such all that we needed to do was keep our measurements consistent - that is, being able to precisely repeat the conditions between subsequent measurements.

The nature of the QRM:

The interference observed by this amateur was evident as two types of signals:

  • Moderate to strong clusters of carriers every "even" 200 kHz.  At 200 kHz intervals (e.g. 7.0, 7.2, 7.4 and 14.0, 14.2 and 14.4 MHz) from below 3 MHz through at least 30 MHz could be heard a melange of closely-spaced carriers within about 500 Hz of each other on the lower bands.  While these carriers sounded like mostly CW (unmodulated) signals, there was also evidence of low rate data signalling buried in the cacaphony.
  • Background "white" noise amplitude-modulated at the mains frequency.  If you were just casually listening at this amateur's QTH on the HF bands - say 40 meters - you might be forgiven in the short term for presuming that nothing was wrong.  In reality the noise floor had been elevated several "S" units by the PV system - the result sounding superfically like plain, old white noise:  Switching from SSB to AM reveals the loud "hum" that is riding on the noise - modulation that is almost "invisible" if one is listening only using SSB.

While the appearance of the above interference coincided with the activation of the neighbor's system, that fact that it disappeared at night further pointed to a PV system as the source of the QRM.

"Close-in" measurements

Placing the sense antenna right at the main inverter, we wanted to take a snapshot of the spectrum at that location:

Figure 1:  0-30 MHz sampled right at the main inverter

With each horizontal division representing 3 MHz, this 0-30 MHz plot shows a high concentration of noise in the 3-9 MHz area from a location right at the inverter.

Because Figure 1 represents the spectrum at the inverter, we wondered what it would look like at one of the solar panels so we placed the sense antenna right against one of the solar panels:

Figure 2:  0-30 MHz sweep with sense antenna placed next to a solar panel

 In the same scale as Figure 1 - but with the "reference level" adjusted by 20 dB to move the trace "up" a bit - and we can see that the spectrum next to the panel looks quite different from that sampled right at the inverter.  This isn't unexpected as Figure 2 would likely represent more of the noise that is emitted from the DC (input) side of the optimizer whereas the spectrum represented in Figure 1 would be more likely to show that of the DC output of the optimizer plus whatever noise was riding on the conductors carrying the DC input and AC output of the main string inverter.

Although it is difficult to be sure, the 0-30 MHz plots taken from a greater distance (10 meters or more) had the general appearance of the noise spectra shown in Figure 2 more than that of Figure 1 leading me to believe that a significant portion of the QRM may be being radiated from the panels themselves rather than just the conductors going from the optimizers  to the main inverter - but certainly, both are likely involved.

Comment:  For both of these plots, the RF energy from the PV system was many 10s of dB above the typical background noise floor - in this case, 40-50dB for Figure 1 and at least 30dB for Figure 2 in the area around 7 MHz.

As the 0-30 MHz sweep does not have enough resolution to visualize the narrower 200 kHz signals, the analyzer was readjusted as depicted in Figure 3 - again with the antenna next to the panel:

Figure 3:  From near the panel, a "zoomed in" spectral sweep showing narrowband birdies.

In this spectrum plot we can see not only the "white" noise on the floor of the sweep representing the "hummy hiss", but also the much stronger signals every 200 kHz - plus a number of weaker signals in between:  It is these signals that are the most obvious to the casual operator and appear to be unique to a SolarEdge system.

On this same day we waited until after sunset - monitoring the groups of carriers at 7.2 MHz hand hearing them "flicker" out of existence as it got dark and we re-did the "next to the panel" measurements - this time the spectrum was devoid of the 200 kHz-spaced carriers (they were no longer audible on the amateur receiver, either) and the 0-30 MHz plots were 10s of dB lower than in the daylight. 

Comment:  The 2 MHz sweeps in Figures 3-7 use a resolution bandwidth of 10 kHz which is almost exactly 4 times wider than the typical SSB bandwidth of an amateur receiver of about 2.5 kHz making their apparent level above the background noise appear lower than it is actually is.

What this means is the coherent signals - such as the 200 kHz carriers - appear to be another 6 dB farther above the noise floor in an SSB bandwidth than what the analyzer plots show.

Plots from a distance

Having captured some "close-in" plots, we now had an idea as to what the signals emitted by the PV system looked like.

A few days after we made the above plots we were in a virtual meeting with the manufacturer of the PV system (SolarEdge) from the ham's shack.  Having reconfigured the feed to his main radio, we could quickly switch the feedline from the antenna feeding the radio and the spectrum analyzer.

At this time we also learned that there was a second SolarEdge system south of this amateur's QTH - about 150 feet (45 meters) away across the cul de sac - and that the neighboring system and the one across the street would but remotely shut down, in that order, to determine how much QRM was emanating from each.

While we captured 0-30 MHz plots of each stage of system shutdown, for the purposes of this article we'll show just the "narrow" plots in 2 MHz sweeps as depicted in Figure 3 as the presence of the 200 kHz signal are generally representative of the presence of the broadband noise as well and these signals were easily identifiable and now known to be indicators of QRM from this type of PV system.

First, here's the plot from the amateur's 40 meter inverted Vee antenna with both systems on:

Figure 4:  6-8 MHz plot from the 40 meter antenna showing the 200 kHz peaks - and a bit of broadband noise as well.
The next plot shows the effects when the neighboring system was turned off, but the one across the street still on:

Figure 5:  The neighboring system off - but the one across the street still on.

As can be seen, the broadband noise floor around the 40 meter band (approximately one horizontal division below and above the marker) has dropped visibly - around 3-4 dB - and the amplitude of the carrier at 7.2 MHz has dropped about 6 dB - and the 200 kHz signals have disappeared almost entirely below about 6.5 MHz.  The system across the street was then shut off and the only remaining signals were those that happened to be on the 40 meter band.  (No trace is available for this configuration, unfortunately.)

As the 40 meter inverted Vee is oriented to favor east-west signals it was not necessarily the best candidate to test the effects of the PV system across the street, so we switched to a 20 meter antennawhich was responsive in that direction and this trace shows the plot between 13 and 15 MHz:

Figure 6:  This plot of the 20 meter band and surrounding frequencies shows only propagated signals, with no sign of PV system QRM.

As both systems were off, the trace was quite clear - only showing signals that actually were on or near the 20 meter band, propagated from elsewhere in the world.  The folks at SolarEdge then turned on the system across the street with the following result:

Figure 7:  Same as Figure 6, but with the PV system across the street activated.

The effect is very obvious:  In the vicinity of the 20 meter band, the appearance of rather strong signals every 200 kHz is obvious - and there is an obvious 2-4 dB increase in the noise floor indicating that this system, too, is causing harmful interference.

Readings on the radio:

It would seem that the folks at SolarEdge had worked with more than one amateur radio operator on similar issues and I was pleasantly surprised when they asked for some "S-Meter" reading comparisons with the neighbor's system on and off.  Using a calibrated signal generator, I'd already determined the signal level (in dBm) that correlated with the S-meter readings for the Icom radio - and here are the results for 40 meters:

Both systems off:

S1 (<= -84 dBm) - no carrier groups every 200 kHz.

Neighbor system on:

S4 (-78 dBm) - white noise

S9 (-67dBm) - carriers at 7.2 MHz

This shows that at 40 meters, the degradation to noise alone was on the order of 6 dB (most Japanese radios are calibrated for 3dB per S-unit) and that the cluster of carriers on 200 kHz intervals was far more destructive, rising a bit short of 20dB out of the noise floor.

As our time with the SolarEdge folks in the virtual meeting was limited, we were not able to do similar "S-meter" tests on 20 meters, but we can use the 40 meter results and correlate them with the 40 and 20 meter spectrum analyzer traces and determine that the severity of QRM from the PV system on 20 meters on the receiver would have been roughly comparable to that on 40.

Analysis of these readings and implications:

As mentioned earlier, there are two types of interfering signals produced by these SolarEdge PV systems:

  • Moderate to strong clusters of carriers every "even" 200 kHz.  These are very obvious, easy to identify, and quite strong compared to the noise.
  • Background "white" noise amplitude-modulated at the mains frequency.  This is also present, but it borders on insidious as the average amateur may not be able to quantify its existence - let alone its effects - as its effects may be obscured if one only listens for it using SSB modes.

Will my radio's DSP help?

While you might think that modern receivers' ability to "notch out" tones might help alleviate the effects of the signals every 200 kHz, you would be wrong.  It appears that each, individual optimizer module (there is one for every solar panel) produces one of these signals and being based on individual oscillators, their frequencies will be slightly different from each other meaning that instead of needing to notch just one tone, your DSP would have to notch out dozens - and it just cannot do that!  What's worse, these carriers are also modulated by the low-rate data used to communicate to/from each, individual module which broadens their spectrum as well.

As for the "white" noise, it is unlikely that noise reduction would help much, either:  The source of this appears to be an artifact of the actual voltage converters themselves and as it is random, it is as difficult to reduce in its effects as the normal background noise of the bands.

As each optimizer module contains is own switch-mode power converter to maximize panel efficiency, they, to - like any switch-mode supply - will produce harmonic energy.  It would appear that SolarEdge uses switch-mode controllers that employ "spread spectrum" clocking so that instead of having a myriad of harmonics and birdies all throughout the RF spectrum, that energy is "smeared" all over the place making it somewhat less obtrusive.

The use of spread-spectrum clocking is very widely used these days for the reasons noted above - and for the fact that it also enables the exploitation of a quirk when a device is subjected to testing for regulatory compliance:  Aspects of that testing specify the maximum amount of signal energy that may be present in a given bandwidth - but by "spreading" it over a much wider bandwidth, that same amount of energy would be diluted and make the readings obtained during the testing appear lower.  This is perfectly legal and commonly done - but this technique does nothing to reduce the total amount of energy radiated - only filtering can do that!

It is apparent that in this particular case, both the neighboring system and the one across the street contribute a magnitude of interference that would be considered to be "harmful" in that it is perfectly capable of submerging weak-to-moderate signals into locally-generated noise - and if such signals happened to land near a 200 kHz harmonic, the effects are >10dB more destructive.

It is also apparent that the radiated noise extends - at the very least - from the 40 meter to 20 meter bands (7-14 MHz) but the 30 MHz plots imply a significant amount of RF energy above and below this:  The limited time permitted a semi-detailed analysis of only the interference around the 40 and 20 meter bands.

You can listen for yourself!

Somewhat ominously, I have since tuned to 14.2 and 14.4 MHz on my mobile HF station while driving around residential and interstate roads in my local area (Salt Lake City, Utah)I can, in many places, hear the characteristic "roar" of narrow carriers every 200 kHz - likely from SolarEdge PV systems as these carriers seem to disappear during the hours of darkness.

I have heard this characteristic signal even in locations that appear to be several city blocks from any structure that might be equipped with a PV system.  They may also be heard on other bands - including 40 meters - but the signals emitted on the higher bands seem to be emitted with greater efficiency.

It would seem that these 200 kHz-spaced groups of carriers really get out!

After the meeting:

At the conclusion of these tests, the analyzer readings that took were forwarded to the folks at SolarEdge for their analysis - and it is still too soon to know of any conclusions that would indicate what sort of actions that they might take.  We were, however, heartened to know that they seemed to understand and were sympathetic to the plights of amateurs affected by neighboring systems that might be adversely affect amateur radio operation.

The folks at SolarEdge themselves offered the best hope of resolution:  They noted that they have a special version of PV hardware that has additional filtering that could be retrofitted to reduce the potential for interference.  As this retrofit would be done on their "dime" - and it would be rather expensive - they understandably want to be sure that they have identified only systems that are of their manufacture that are causing interference.

"I have interference from a PV system - what should I do?"

At this point I will not reiterate remediation methods that might be undertaken by a radio amateur affected by this type of PV system:  The June, 2016 QST article (link) discusses attempted mitigation using ferrite devices in detail. (Note:  This article refers to experiences with a SolarEdge system - but the spectra of the system described there is different from what I found on the systems described here.) I will only mention in passing that there's the possibility that a degree of mitigation maybe possible with the use of "noise cancelling" antennas of the sort offered by Timewave, MFJ and others - but their utility is also somewhat limited owing to practical concerns (e.g. such techniques work best on distant "point sources" of interference rather than very nearby, spread-out radiators in the near field).

If you have interference from a PV system, it is up to YOU to do your due diligence to determine that it is, in fact, a PV system that is causing the issues and NOT other devices in your house our those of your neighbors that is causing the problem.  If you own a PV system - or have one installed on your house - that you suspect is causing a problem, making detailed measurements with it on and off on various frequencies would be a suggested first step.

As this article relates only to the SolarEdge PV system that I investigated, I cannot possibly offer advice to another brand of system that uses other brands of equipment in regards to interference potential - but if you suspect that you or your neighbor(s) have this brand of PV system that is causing interference, I would suggest the following checks:

  • Are there signals every 200 kHz?  Common frequencies where this would be observed include 3.6, 3.8, 4.0, 7.0, 7.2, 14.0, and 14.2 MHz.  This is definitely one of the hallmarks of a SolarEdge system - but it may be produced by others.
  • Does the "hiss" that is elevating your noise floor have an obvious "hum" to it when you switch to AM?  You can't easily hear this when you are in SSB mode.  Listen for this on frequencies in the vicinity of 60, 40, 30 and 20 meters.
  • Does the "hummy hiss" greatly reduce when it gets very cloudy?  The "hummy hiss" - which appears to be a property of the voltage converters - seems to become more intense with increased output from the PV system.
  • Do the 200 kHz signals and the "hummy hiss" go away after sunset and return only after sunrise?  Not unexpectedly, this is hallmark of many PV systems' noise generation.
    • Be aware that some models/brands (although not the one discussed in this article) can produce RF interference if either solar illumination OR mains voltage is present and that it takes the removal of BOTH to silence them (e.g. turning of the mains breaker feeding the system at night.)

If you believe that you are being affected by a PV system, it is up to YOU to be prepared to take all appropriate measures to document the interference, do your own testing, and make repeated observations prior to reporting them to the manufacturer, a regulatory agency, or club or national organization.  A few things to consider:

  • Treat this as if you were causing interference to someone else.  Just as if a neighbor complained that you were causing problems to their equipment, it is incumbent on YOU to determine if the problem is on your end.  There are likely many, many devices in your house that can cause similar types of interference so be sure that you have ruled those out - and DO NOT forget that you may have devices running on UPSs or battery back-up that may still make noise even if you shut off your power.  (Many UPSs are known to be noisy in their own right!)
  • Document the issue over the period of days, weeks or even months.  Many sources of interference come and go - but if it's a PV system, it will be there day in and day out.  Noting over time the consistency of the noise may give you a clue if it's some other type of device - and if it, in fact, related to a PV system, GOOD documentation will only help your case.
  • Once you have ruled out everything else, go ahead and contact the manufacturer - but be nice!  If you are confident that your own house is in order (e.g. you have ruled out other devices) then contact the manufacturer.
    • If you have been following the above steps, you will already have some documentation which makes your specific case more solid.
    • The manufacturer may schedule an online meeting to discuss the issue and run tests.  Be sure that you have the ability to use Zoom or Google Groups - or find someone who does.
    • If the manufacturer runs tests, they will likely turn on/off suspected systems so YOU should be ready to document changes in noise floor - and of the signals every 200 kHz (in the case of a SolarEdge system of the type investigated here).  If you have already been taking notes/documenting, you should be already familiar with your local signal environment and be able to expedite the running of these tests - and have a basis of comparison as well.
    • If the manufacturer decides that they wish to help remedy your situation, remember that they may be doing it at their own expense:  It is incumbent on YOU to be cooperative, competent, and courteous, honest and accurate when you are dealing with them and their requests.
    • If you feel the need to do so, you may wish to enlist the help of one or more friends to help you with these tasks - and even have someone else who can talk "nerd" be your spokesperson!
    • You should be clear to the manufacturer to define "interference" differently from "harmful interference".  If you can just hear weak birdies that don't really cause any issues, this could be considered just plain, old "interference" and you may not get as much sympathy or action as you like.  "Harmful interference" is that which - when present - obliterates even moderately strong signals that would otherwise be quite usable and thus, they should be taken more seriously.

While this article is rather specific to the SolarEdge PV system as described, this may  be applicable to other manufacturers and models in more general ways.

Good luck!

* * * * *

P.S.  Myself and other local amateur radio friends have PV (solar) at our own QTHs and experience ZERO interference.  As we chose to take an active part in our PV system design, we chose SunnyBoy series-string systems which are known (and proven!) to have zero interference potential on any LF, MF or HF amateur band as described in the link(s) below.  Unfortunately, some installers will not entertain the use of this type of system if it is not in the suite of products that they offer.

Other local amateurs that I know have microinverter-based PV systems using Enphase IQ modules and have reported minimal or no interference.  As I have not (yet) had the opportunity to carefully analyze the spectral signature of this product, I can only go by their assertion that their own system has not caused them obvious problems.

Please post in your comments your experiences with PV systems - but please do so in the context of having fully read this article and at least perused the articles linked below.

  * * * * *

Other articles at this blog on related topics:

Stolen from ka7oei.blogspot.com



Repairing a dead RX-888 (no A/D converter clocking)


On this blog I have posted three previous entries related to the RX-888 (Mk2) which may be of interest to the reader:

Figure 1 - The (stock) RX-888

The "Thermal Dynamics" page referred to reliability issues experienced - possibly heat-related, but this page discusses vulnerabilities and repairs that may be needed if - when using an external clock - the device has stopped functioning.

Comment:  There are many reasons why an RX-888 may not produce signals.  One of the better, easier tools to diagnose/test an RX-888 is to use the SDDC "ExtIO" driver along with a problem like "HDSDR" on a Windows machine:  A fairly fast computer (at least a quad-core Intel i7 at 3 GHz or better) is recommended and a USB3 port is required.

How did I know that the problem appeared to be due to no clocking of data from the A/D converter?  On my Windows 10 machine I could see that the USB PHY enumerated properly, but the results of the waterfall/spectrum plot from HDSDR  - and the fact that there was no difference in the (lack of) signal regardless of the frequency or sample rate - caused me to suspect such.

What finally clinched it was partially disassembling the '888 and probing it with an oscilloscope and finding the clocking to be absent from the A/D converter - and subsequent removal and probing under the shield covering the clock section.

Using the external clock:

Note:  If your RX-888 failed after you have used an external clock, the damage described on this page may have happened to your device.  If you have disabled the onboard 27 MHz clock (e.g. removed the jumper) you may wish to (temporarily) restore its operation for the purposes of diagnosing the problem and subsequent testing - and doing so is strongly recommended as it allow one to rule out other issues - particularly those that may be related to external clocking.

While the internal 27 MHz oscillator seems to be quite stable, there are instances where you might want to reference it to an external and more stable source such as that derived from a GPS or an atomic standard.  Most commonly, this is done using one of the Leo Bodnar GPS-stabilized references allowing sub-milliHertz accuracy and stability across the HF spectrum.

Figure 2:  Board
Out of the box, the RX-888 (Mk2) has no external connector mounted to accept external clocking but it was designed with doing so in mind:  Figure 2 shows the RX-888's PC board and just above the upper-left corner of the shielded box can be see an U.Fl connector on the board to which the clock may be applied.

Just above this is a jumper (green, in this case) which, when removed, disables the on-board clock so that the externally-applied oscillator does not conflict.

Reverse-engineering the clock circuit:

As schematics for the RX-888 (Mk2) are not publicly available, exactly how it worked was unknown and thus the type of external signal to be used was unknown, found with trial and error.  In the process of this repair I had to figure out how the circuit worked, so here is a brief outline:

  • The external clock input goes to a BAT99 dual diode (there is no blocking capacitor anywhere) - one side grounded and the other side connected to the local 3.3 volt supply:  Under this shield, the oscillator, Si5351 and LVDS driver have their very own 3.3 volt LDO regulator.
  • From the BAT99, the external clock goes to the output pin of the oscillator and to the clock input of the Si5351:  The "enable/disable" jumper simply disables the internal 27 MHz oscillator, putting its output in a Hi-Z state which is why you get 27 MHz appearing on the "external clock" connection if the onboard oscillator is enabled.
  • The output of the Si5351 that feeds the main ADC goes to the LVDS Driver chip (an SN65LVDS1DBVR) which provides buffering and biphase clocking to the A/D converter.
  • Also under this shield is a 3.3 volt regulator that provides power just for the Si5351 and LVDS driver to help ensure that their power supply (and clock signal) isn't "noised up" by other circuitry on board.

What seems to go wrong:

In the description you may note that the external clock input goes directly to the output of the crystal oscillator and also to the clock input of the Si5351 with no blocking capacitor:  There's the BAT99 dual diode that ostensibly offers protection - but this is probably not the appropriate protection device as we'll see.

Figure 3:  The clock section - under the shield.

An RX-888 (Mk2) crossed my workbench that seemed "dead" - but critically, it would enumerate on the USB and would load the firmware, indicating that one of the apparent issues - that of the FX3 interface chip - appeared to be working OK.  A quick check with the oscilloscope on the clock pins of the A/D converter showed that it was completely absent even with the internal clock enabled (jumper pins shorted).  This indicated that the clock generator had failed in some way.

On the RX-888 (Mk2) all of the clock generation circuitry - the 27 MHz TCXO, the Si5351 synthesizer, the LVDS driver and a "local" 3.3 volt regulator for the aforementioned devices - is located under the metal shield.  This was removed carefully using a hot-air rework tool and some large-ish tweezers to expose (and not disturb) the components underneath.

Figure 3 shows what's under the shield:

  • The three terminal device in the upper-left corner is a BAT99 dual diode - one side connected to ground, the other connected to the local 3.3 volt supply.
  • Just to the right of the the BAT99 diode you can see the metal can of the 27 MHz oscillator.
  • Below it oscillator is the Si5351.
  • To the right of the '5351 is the local 3.3 volt regulator.
  • Just above the regulator - in an identical-looking package - is the SN65LVDS1DBVR LVDS driver.

With the shield removed, I could see that the 27 MHz clock (which was enabled by bridging the jumper) was making it to the input pin of the Si5351 synthesizer, but nowhere else.  I could also probe the data and clock lines used for programming the Si5351 and when the firmware was loaded, I could see a brief string of pulses on each line indicating that the FX3 was attempting to program it.

At the time I had some "wrong" Si5351s available:  I'd previously ordered a pre-programmed version (fixed frequency, non reprogrammable) by accident so I dropped one of those on the board (hot-air rework soldering) and was greeted with output signals (at the wrong frequency) but I observed that they stopped at the LVDS driver chip indicating that it, too, was dead:  A signal was on its input, but only one output had anything at all and its output was only a few 10s of millivolts - possibly due to leakage from the input rather than the device actually doing anything.

Placing an order with DigiKey, I soon had in hand some proper Si5351s and a handful of the SN65LVDS1DBVR driver chips and dropped them on the board as well, restoring operation of this RX-888 (Mk2).  

A few notes on chip replacement:

A modest hot-air rework station was used in the repair of this '888.

For removal of the defective parts, the board was set on a heatproof, stable service:  My station has a set of aluminum bars with ridges to allow a board to be secured and sit flat.  Using a pair of curved, ceramic-tipped(which have lower heat conductivity than metal) tweezers, just enough heat was applied to remove the defective device(s) once they had been appropriated warmed by targeted air from rework station's hot-air wand.

The defective devices remove, a very thin layer of solder past was added to the pads after removing the defective chip(s) and the new device was placed in position, being sure that the pin orientation was correct.  Applying heat - but not enough air flow to cause the part to be blown out of position - the device will center itself once the solder melts and surface tension takes over.

Closely examining the part for solder bridges (magnification is helpful for this) and if there are some, apply a small amount of liquid solder flux (a low-residue "flux pen" is good for this) apply some heat from a clean, tinned iron through a small piece of "solder wick" whetted with flux should remove them.

What likely happened:

The key to the mode of failure is noting what had failed and how the components were related.  As mentioned earlier, there is a "protection" diode (BAT99) connected between ground and the local 3.3 volt supply - but while this will prevent negative-going excursions, it is less effective in positive-going swings that exceed 3.3 volts as it dumps that energy into the local 3.3 volt supply.  As the clock, the Si5351 and the LVDS driver are all on that same supply, it appears that much more than 3.3 volts appeared there, blowing up the '5351 and LVDS driver - and it is only by serendipity that the 27 MHz clock survived - likely due to its ability to handle much higher voltages by design (e.g. it may be 5 volt tolerant, built using a much larger fabrication process, etc.) 

Obviously, the local 3.3 volt regulator survived as well - but one should remember that it, too, can take rather higher voltages on its input.  Also note that typical regulators like this will only source current - they have no circuitry within to sink or clamp higher-than-expected voltages on their output so when the "high" voltage was applied to the clock input the BAT99 diode - and the protection diodes on the oscillator and Si5351 - shunted it to the 3.3 volt supply which is how the LVDS driver - which has NO direct connection to the external clock input - got destroyed as well from high supply voltage.

What probably happened to damage the '888 likely occurred when the external clock was being connected/disconnected.  Typically, an SMA connector is used - mounted on one of the end panels - to feed the external clock into the unit but a problem with this type of connector (and others like the type "F" and "UHF") can make a connection with the center pin BEFORE the ground/shield is firmly connected.

What this means is that if there is a "ground" differential between pieces of equipment of several volts, this voltage can be dumped into the high-impedance and poorly protected input of the RX-888 (Mk2) as the connector is mated and tightened.

This voltage differential between pieces of equipment is actually quite common.  Let us consider a possible scenario in which we have the following:

  • An RX-888 connected to an antenna and a computer.
  • An external clock source from a Leo Bodnar GPS reference that is powered by a different computer via the USB port and connected to a GPS antenna.

In the above we have four different "grounds" connected between the pieces of equipment:

  • The receive antenna for the RX-888 may be "grounded" somewhere - possibly distant from the local equipment ground - say, at the entry panel where the antenna cable comes into the building.
  • The "ground" of the GPS antenna which may or may not come in through the same cable entry as the RF antenna:  If it comes in elsewhere and is grounded at that point, that "ground" may have a different voltage potential due to differential currents through the local soil and/or building wiring.  It is often the case that this antenna isn't grounded at all, but "floating", with no connection anywhere along the GPS signal cable except to the antenna and the receiver.
  • The "ground" of the computer connected to the RX-888.  It's unlikely that most users would think of tying their computer chassis to an "earth" ground directly so it is either connected via the safety ground (third prong on the power plug) or left floating - as in the case of a laptop or a computer with an external power supply (e.g. a "wall wart").
  • The "ground" of the computer powering the Bodnar via USB.  This may be the same as the computer running the RX-888, but if not, it may have a "different" grounding situation.
    • If the Bodnar is powered not by USB but an external supply, it, too, may have a slightly different "ground".

The problem here is that what is called a "ground" colloquially does not mean that they are at exactly at the same potential:  It is very common for a "ground" on an RF coaxial cable grounded some distance away nearer the antenna has a slightly different voltage on it than the wiring "ground" in a building:  Ground has finite resistance and currents are always flowing around through the earth - and this is especially true during lightning storms where two "grounds" could be hundreds of volts apart for a brief instant if there is a nearby lightning strike.

The other problem is that many computers may not be "grounded" in the way that you think - particularly laptops small desktops powered by a remote supply (e.g. a "wall wart").  Sometimes, these power supplies do not have a DC connection between the "ground" pin of the mains supply and the DC output meaning that they are "floating":  Often - usually due to EMI filtering of the switch-mode supply - this causes the DC output to float at some (usually AC) voltage that may be many tens of volts away from the ground - a phenomenon usually caused by the (needed!) capacitors in the filter circuit.  As these capacitors are often coupled in some way to the mains, they will conduct a small amount of current - but if it's shorted to ground at the instant that the mains voltage waveform is at a peak, the energy of the capacitor may instantaneously be dump through that connection resulting in a very brief - but surprisingly high - current spike, even if the capacitance is quite low.

While the amount of current of the "floating" supply between its output and the "ground"(third prong on the outlet) is likely to be quite small, it can easily be enough to induce small currents through interconnecting cable.  What's worse is that if you have two pieces of equipment - one being firmly grounded through its antenna such as the RX-888 and the source of the external clock which may be powered from a source that is "floating" as well - that when the connection is made between the output of the external clock and the signal source is made that there will be an elevated voltage:  As it's common for the center pin of the cable to make contact first, this voltage - and the capacitors in whatever EMI filtering may be present on the "ground" of the device powering/connected to the external clock - will dump into the clock input of the RX-888 - and from there, into the other circuitry of the '888's clock circuit.

How to drive the '888 to prevent this from happening again?

As it happens, I have already produced a blog entry on this very subject, so I'll leave it to the reader to peruse that article, found here:

This page stolen from ka7oei.blogspot.com

Observations, analysis and modifications of the JPC-12 vertical antenna


The JPC-12antenna (possibly made by BD7JPC) is relatively inexpensive a portable vertical antenna - made in China, of course - that may be found for sale at quite a few places  under a few different brand names (including "Chelegance") with the price varying very widely - sometimes well over $200 - but I got mine via AliExpress for about $120, shipped, about a year and a half ago.


I analyzed the JPC-7 loaded dipole antenna - which is made by the same company and uses many of the same components - and reported on it in previous article, and you may find that discussion HERE.

Figure 1:
All of the standard components of the JPC-12 kit.
Click on the image for a larger version.
As for a vertical antenna, there are only so many variations on a theme.  The JPC-12 is intended to be used as resonant vertical, and with its included coil, it is capable of operation down to 40 meters - but it can be operated sans loading coil at higher bands, adjusting the length of the
telescoping section to resonance.

"The perfect is the enemy of the good"

The above statement should be kept in mind when doing any temporary, portable installation.  The idea is to have an antenna that will allow work "well enough" to do the job.  It's also likely that in the situation where you are portable, you will not (and cannot!) spend an inordinate amount of time tweaking things to eke out the last decibel.

This is not to say that one should not be mindful of good practices as too much corner-cutting can excessively impact performance and potentially replacing enjoyment with frustration.  One should achieve a balance between that which works well and something that will allow more operation than fussing about.

Remember:  The more time you spend trying to get that last bit of performance out of your system is less time that you are spending operating - and I'm presuming that operating is your goal.

What is included with the JPC-12

As shipped and as depicted in Figure 1, the antenna comes with several components:

  • Aluminum ground stake.  This is a pointed stake 9-5/8"(24.5cm) long end-to-end.  These are about 1/2"(1.3cm) diameter.  This stake has M10-1.5(coarse) threads on the end - the same as all other male and female threads used on the other components of this antenna.
This stake is intended to be pushed into the ground and be capable of holding it vertically - which works fine in fairly compact soil, but it may be inadequate for looser soil or sand requiring, instead, a longer stake or a bit of guying.  Faced with the situation where putting the stake in the ground was not an option (the soil was way too rocky) I have also clamped it to existing supports, such as a metal "T" stake using locking pliers.
While the antenna is ostensibly "grounded" with the stake, solely stabbing metal into lossy dirt is never going to result in an effective vertical antenna so its being "grounded" by the stake is incidental and not important to its overall performance:  It's going to be the system of radial and/or counterpoise wires that you set up that will form other "half" of this antenna to make it work effectively.
  • Four aluminum mast sections.  These are hollow tubes with (pressed in?) in screw fittings on the ends - one male and the other female, both with M10-1.5 coarse threads that may be assembled piece-by-piece into a mast/extension.  End-to-end these measure 13-3/16"(33.5cm) each, including the protruding screw - 12-3/4"(32.4cm) from flat to flat.  These are 3/4"(1.9cm) diameter.
    Figure 2:
    The feedpoint for the JPC-12.  The upper half (right)
    is insulating while the bottom portion is machined aluminum.
    Click on the image for a larger version.

  • Feedpoint assembly.  This has a (correctly-machined!) SO-239 (female UHF connector) - the shield of which connects to the bottom half while the top - which is isolated by a section of fiberglass tubing - is connected to the center pin.  On both ends are female threads to receive the screw from the ground stake (on the bottom) and the "hot" portion of the antenna on top.  This piece appears to be well built and is 6-9/16"(16.7cm) long.
  • Adjustable coil.  This is a piece of what appears to be thermoplastic or possibly nylon with molded grooves for the wire.  This unit is connected to the others via a male threaded stud on the bottom and female threads on the top, both being M10-1.5 like everything else.

Figure 3: 
The adjustable resonator coil, wound with 1mm stainless-
steel wire.  (The markings are mine.)
Click on the image for a larger version.

The form itself is 4-1/2"(11.4cm) long not including the stud and 1-11/16"(4.3cm) diameter - wound with 34 turns of #18 (1mm) stainless steel wire with an inside diameter of approximately 1.66"(4.21cm) over a length of about 2.725"(6.92cm).  It has a slider with a notched spring that makes contact with the coil and this moves along a stainless steel rod about 0.12"(3mm) diameter that is insulated at the top, meaning that as the slider is moved down, the inductance of the coil is increased.
The coil has painted markings indicating "approximate" locations of the tap for both 20 and 40 meters when the telescoping section is adjusted as described in the manual using the four (originally) supplied mast sections.  The maximum inductance is a bit over 20uH and the DC resistance of the entire coil is about 4 ohms - more on this later.
  • Telescoping section.  This is a stainless steel telescoping rod that is 13-1/8"(33.4cm) long including the threaded stud (12-7/8" or 32.7cm without) when collapsed and 99-11/16"(8' 3-11/16" or 253.2cm) when fully extended - not including the stud.
As with all stainless-steel telescoping whips, it is strongly recommended that you lubricate the sections as soon as you receive them.  As with about every telescoping whip you will ever see, these sections are "stainless on stainless" and as with many friction surfaces between the same type of metal, they will eventually gall and become increasingly difficult to operate as they scratch each other.  I use PTFE (Teflon) based "Super Lube" for this purpose as it does not dry out and become gummy as normal distillate oils like "3-in-1" or "household" do.  Do not use "lubricants" like "WD-40" as these aren't actually lubricants in the traditional sense in that they tend to evaporate and leave a varnish behind - go ahead and read the instructions on the can if you don't believe me! 
Figure 4:
This is the supplied "radial" kit - a 10-strand chunk of ribbon
cable - the ring to be sandwiched on the bottom of the feed.
Click on the image for a larger version.
  • Counterpoise/Radial cable.  This is in the form of a chunk of 10 conductor ribbon cable terminated with large (0.4", 1cm I.D.) ring lug on one end.  This cable is about 203"(16' 11" or 516cm) long, including the ring lug that is intended to be sandwiched between the bottom of the coil and the ground stake. As noted later in this article, this radial isn't as useful/convenient/versatile as one might initially think.
  • Padded carrying case.  This zippered case is about 14" x 9"(35.5x23cm) with elastic loops to retain the above antenna components and a zippered "net" pocket to contain the counterpoise/radial cable kit and the instructions.  There is ample room in this case to add additional components such as small-diameter coaxial cable - and enhancements to the antenna, as discussed below. 
  • Instruction manual.  The instructions included with this antenna are marginally better than typical "Chinese English" - apparently produced with the help of an online translator rather than someone with intimate knowledge of the English language resulting in a combination of head-scratching, laughter and frustration when trying to make sense of them.  Additionally, the instructions that came with my antenna included those for the JPC-7 loaded dipole as well, printed on the obverse side of the manual.

Fully assembled with the originally-supplied components, the length of the antenna is about 13' 5" (411cm) not including the ground spike meaning that it is self resonant - without added inductance - at a bit below the 17 meter band.  This means that at 17 meters and above, the tuning can be done solely with adjustment of the telescoping section.  Below 17 meters additional inductance is required which is obtained by moving the slider of the antenna downwards, requiring all but the last 3-4 turns of the coil to obtain resonance on 40 meters.


Build quality

I'm quite pleased about the overall build quality:  The design seems to be well thought-out, perhaps inspired by other(similar) products on the market.

The individual mast sections seem to be plenty strong and I've seen no indication of the end sections coming loose.  I have screwed eight of these sections end-to-end and held them horizontal and noticed very little drooping and no "permanent" bends.

The feedpoint - being a combination of aluminum and plastic - seems to be well-built, the bottom section being machined with a flat to accept the SO-239 connector.  The upper section appears to be fiberglass, threaded at the top to accept an aluminum plug into which female threads are tapped to accept threads of the mast sections.

Likewise, the coil itself seems to be well built, the 32 turns of wire set into a spiral groove molded into the body with the coil tap selection having firm, positive action.  As noted previously, the wire comprising the coil is, itself, about 1mm diameter (approximately 18 AWG) and is apparently austenitic (e.g.  non-magnetic) stainless steel.

While this wire is very rugged, the fact that it is stainless means that its resistance is quite high compared to copper - in this case the end-to-end DC resistance is about 4 ohms - but the RF resistance, taking the "skin effect" into account, is likely to be very much higher.

Using Owen Duffy's online skin effect calculator (link) and assuming 1mm diameter, 316 Stainless, the 4 ohms of DC resistance translate as follows to RF resistance including skin effect:

  • 3.5 MHz = 5.2 ohms
  • 7 MHz = 7.2 ohms
  • 14 MHz = 9.6 ohms
  • 28 MHz = 13.6 ohms

While these values would be for the entire coil remember that less than full inductance is typically used  - but the message is clear:  The less of the coil that you need to use, the lower the loss!   The total length of 1mm wire is estimated to be about 180 inches (457cm).  By comparison, copper wire of this same diameter and length would have a DC resistance of about 0.1 ohm - or a skin effective resistance of 2 ohms at 28 MHz.  Alternatives will be discussed later.

Using the supplied radials - or not!

Noted in most reviews is the nature of the included radial/counterpoise wire - particularly since there is little or no mention of how it is to be used in the included manual.  Clearly, the single ring lug is intended to be captured between the bottom of the section with the SO-239 connector and the ground stake.

For use as a resonant radial, the length of the this cable (203" or 516cm) is approximately correct for 20 meters, but this is not really suitable for 40 meters.  For best efficacy, the radials should be elevated above the ground by about a foot (25cm) or so so that the 1/4 wave impedance transformation (e.g. the distal end of the radial being open being transformed to a "short" at the antenna end to make it work effectively) but laying it on the ground directly - particularly if it is dry - will usually work quite well.

Being 10 conductor ribbon cable, the opportunity exists to split the wire lengthwise to obtain individual wires to spread radially around the base of the antenna.  This wire - with its PVC insulation and rather small gauge conductor (likely 26 AWG) means that it is difficult for it to lay flat unless it is warmed by the sun on hot ground (or with rocks laid on the wire) - plus a large number of connected-together conductors from a split-apart ribbon cable are the makings of a portable rats-nest of wires and not easily wound/unwound later.

Most reviewers - including myself - don't really like the "ribbon cable radial" system and personally, I have never used it - but I keep it in the kit, just in case.  

Location of the loading coil

While it might be tempting to place the loading coil immediately above the feedpoint, this is not the suggested location, but rather at the top of the four supplied screw-together mast sections immediately below the telescoping section.  This makes sense on several counts:

  • This elevates the coil above the ground, making it easier to adjust as it is at more convenient height (about 4' 3" or 130cm above ground).
  • Because it is the portions of the antenna that conduct the most RF current that will radiate, those same sections below the coil - and above the connection to the counterpoise - will emit the bulk of RF energy
  • The markings on the coil for 40 and 20 meters assume that you have placed the loading coil in the location described above.

From a practical standpoint, placing the loading coil immediately above the feedpoint will also work - albeit with some loss of efficiency - and this may be desirable if the base of the antenna (and radials) itself is elevated - perhaps by being clamping it to a fence post or table.  In this case one might place the coil closer to the feed point to keep it at a reasonable (accessible) height rather than needing to access the coil's tuning slider by standing on a ladder or chair. 

Augmenting/improving the JPC-12

A bit of perusal among the goods of the various sellers of the JPC-12 (and the related JPC-7 dipole) will reveal that spare parts:  It's a pretty good idea that - if you find that you are using this antenna a lot - to get a few "extra" parts when things inevitably get worn out or broken.  There are also several "accessories" that may be used with the antenna(s) that might be useful - some of which are discussed below - and other components that you can easily assemble and add to the kit.

Improved ground radials

The ground radial plate 

Figure 5:
This is the "radial plate" - an add-on accessory.  Spade-lug
terminated radial wires connect easily under the wing nuts.
Click on the image for a larger version.

As shipped, the radial kit (ribbon cable) included with JPC-12 antenna is perfectly usable - but in the opinion of many (including myself) the supplied radials aren't particularly practical or convenient.  From the same seller as the antenna I purchased what is cryptically called a "JPC-12 PAC-12 Network Disk" - seen in Figure 5.

What this really is is an aluminum disk about 4-3/4"(12cm) in diameter with a series of eight wingnuts and screws around the perimeter with a center hole sized appropriate for the M10 stud on the top of the ground rod or one of the antenna elements.  This device makes the connection of individual ground radials equipped with spade lugs much more convenient.

In looking at Figure 5, you may have realized that it's sitting atop its protective pouch to keep the screws from tearing up the inside of the carrying case:  The rear pocket removed from an old set of blue jeans.

Using individual wires for the radials

Figure 6:
Four radials on kite string winders - each long enough for 60
meters - with markers on the wires for the different bands.
Click on the image for a larger version.
Rather than using the original ribbon cable, I have four lengths of 22 AWG hookup wire on kite string cable winders (a pack of ten cost US$10 from Amazon - including the string!)  These four wires are terminated with spade lugs to slide under the screws on this pate and are each 44"(13.4 meters) long corresponding with the quarter-wavelength at 60 meters.

Marking the radials' lengths

At various points along the length of each of these wires are pieces of marked heat-shrink tubing to indicate the points corresponding to quarter-wavelengths of the various amateur bands from 60 through 10 meters and only as much wire as needed is unspooled from the cable winder to achieve the desired length for the intended band of operation:  These yellow tags can just be seen in Figure 6 among the wire on the winders.

For these marker tags, I used heat-shrink tubing cartridges for my Brother label maker - but I could just have easily have written on the tubing with an indelible marker prior to shrinking them.  To keep these tags from sliding around I put a dab of "Shoe Goo"(rubber repair adhesive) on the wire and slid the tubing over it before applying heat, locking it into place with much greater tenacity than the compression of the tubing shrinkage alone.

Using elevated radials

From an operational standpoint, just three or four elevated, resonant radials will perform equally to or better to a large number of radials - resonant or not - laid on or buried in the ground.  The reason for this - alluded to earlier - is the fact that any open-ended conductor that is an odd quarter-wavelength long will exhibit a low impedance on the opposite end.

Simply laying such a length on the "average" ground will tend to diminish this effect somewhat, but elevating it even a short distance above the ground will preserve it.  For more information and an analysis of vertical antennas with elevated radial systems see the article "A Closer Look at Vertical Antennas with Elevated Ground Systems" - LINK.  It's worth noting the admonition of the author of this page to avoid the use of radials that are around 1/2 wavelength long and multiples thereof - likely for the reason that the nature of a free-space half-wavelength conductor is not to provide a low-impedance on their proximal end when the distal end is unterminated!

The obvious hazard of elevated radials is that of tripping - of you, the operator, others in the area or animals, so it isn't necessarily practical in every situation.  If it is possible to control access to the area with the antenna - or raise the radial above the height of the average person for much of its length - then this is a good choice.

Figure 7:
Fiberglass driveway markers modified to mark/hold radials.
Click on the image for a larger version.

In my operation - typically out in isolated areas - I don't have much worry about tripping anyone other than myself so I obtained some 4'(1.2 meter) long fiberglass driveway marker stakes.  These bright-orange stakes are about 4" long each (122cm) each - a bit long to fit in the antenna case, so eight of them were cut to shorter lengths to allow them to fit in the case, yielding two pieces each - the bottom portion with the sharpened point cut to 11-3/4"(30cm) and the top portion cut to 13-3/8"(34cm).  To the bottom portion, I glued (again using "Shoe Goo") a 2"(5cm) long of 8.5mm I.D. stainless steel "Capillary" tubing (found on Amazon) so that the two pieces could be assembled to a single (mostly) non-conductive post about 26"(66cm) long.

Eight of these two-piece posts allow the support of four elevated radials at two points along their length, the radial wire being wrapped once or twice around to form a friction fit to keep them from sliding down.  At the distal end, the remaining lump wire still on the kite string winder is simply wrapped and hung over the post once a slight amount of tension is pulled on it.


The reader should be conscious of the fact that for the purposes of this discussion, we are talking about a temporary, portable antenna rather than a permanent installation.  In the case of the latter, a different approach (the deployment of many, many radials, perhaps buried) is reasonable - but for a temporary antenna - where less effort to erect and break down is desirable - the use of four elevated, resonant (e.g. 1/4 wavelength) radials is likely to outperform the same number of radials laid atop the ground.  In either case, however, the antenna will be usable - and that's the entire point!

On-the-ground radials

The use of elevated radials is arguably most important on the lower frequencies of operation of this antenna - namely 40 and 30 meters - where efficiency of this "electrically small" antenna will suffer due to a number of factors, but maximizing the efficiency of the ground plane is one way to mitigate this.  In those cases where it is not practical to elevate the radials, the wires may simply be laid atop the ground.  

As these posts are intended for marking driveways they are bright orange, making them stand out, but near the top they have a piece of white reflective tape so that they will show up at night.  As I had this type of tape on hand I added a piece to the bottom section as well - just below the stainless steel capillary tube - to make them even more visible - particularly if the bottom and top portions are used separately to mark where an on-the-ground radial might be run to warn against a possible trip hazard.

The use of a "Magic Carpet"(e.g. "Faraday Fabric")

There is no reason why one could not use the aforementioned conductive fabric as part of their ground plane - but you would probably have to construct an additional component to connect to the fabric and use it effectively.  For this, a piece of clean aluminum or copper plate laid atop the fabric - possibly weighed down with a rock - should provide a low-impedance connection to it.

While I do own some of this "Faraday Fabric"(obtained from Amazon) I have yet to try it with this antenna - and when I do, I plan to perform an "A/B" comparison.  As of the time of this writing I have yet to see a serious, scientific and well thought-out comparison between a simple radial field and the use of just the fabric:  Most of these comparisons simply demonstrate that it is possible to get a good antenna match with the fabric - but as we all know, simply getting a match does not mean that the antenna will work:  After all, a dummy load has a great match!

I suspect that - at least on the sort of desert ground that I'm likely to encounter - the radials will "win" the contest - although I still plan to do a comparison:  I suspect that using both the fabric and radials will offer decent results - even when tuned to a higher band for which the radials are not expected to work (e.g. 20 or 10 meters on 40 meter radials.)

Additional antenna height - both real and "virtual"

Figure 8:
The accessory top had kit consisting of a machined piece that
attaches to the top of the vertical with four telescoping rods.
Click on the image for a larger version.

Any antenna that has to be electrically lengthened with inductance is likely to suffer from efficiency loss as that inductor is unlikely to be comparatively lossy.  As the antenna is mechanically "about" 1/4 wavelength on bands above 20 meters, it make sense, then, that the lower bands that it is intended to cover - particularly 30 and 40 meters - need some additional inductance to bring it to resonance.  It further follows that anything that may be done to make the antenna "taller" will reduce the amount of needed inductance and minimize these losses.

Tophat capacitance

Another accessory available for this antenna is a small tophat attachment for the telescoping vertical section.  Often described as a "PAC-12 Capacity Cap" this consists of what looks like a knurled aluminum knob with five holes drilled around its circumference and yet another hole on the bottom sized to receive the "static ball"(really a short cylinder) atop the telescoping section.

Using a set screw to secure it to the top of the antenna, this kit contains four small telescoping whips (3-1/8" 8 cm long collapsed, 12-1/4" 31c fully extended - not including threads) that screw into the 5/8"(2cm) diameter center disk.  Assembled, the end-to-end length of two of the telescoping elements is 25"(98.4cm) which forms a four-spoke "disk" that adds to the effective height of the main telescoping section of the antenna by increasing the capacitance.  The idea (and hope) is that this allows the reduction of the amount of inductance needed to bring the system to resonance - and it also allows potential coverage of 60 meters as noted later.

The size and weight of this attachment is, in my opinion, about right:  Any larger or heavier, it would likely be too much for the fully-extended main whip to handle and expose it to excessive wind loading.  To be sure, one must always be very careful when handling the whip when fully-extended, anyway and adding the tophat increases the risk of damage.

Figure 9:
The top hat kit assembled - but the rods are not extended.
Click on the image for a larger version.

Testing has shown that the addition of the tophat - when the antenna is tuned for 40 meters - lowers the resonant frequency by approximately 1 MHz indicating an increase of virtual height by about 12 percent.  Even with the tophat the antenna falls short of being able to resonate at any 60 meter frequency with the normal complement of parts included with the antenna.

For the higher bands, the top-hat may be enough to eliminate the need for the coil on 20 meters - or at least greatly reduce the amount of coil and thus the potential loss.

Of course, the use of this top hat means that the existing coil marking scheme is meaningless as tuning is changed - but if one is already prepared in the field for this (e.g. using an antenna analyzer, added markings to the coil for the new configuration, a paper template marked with pre-determined coil positions) then this is of little consequence.

This tophat kit is constructed fairly well, using a small grub screw with a supplied Allen key to attach it to the top of the telescoping section, but I noted that the key and the screw weren't well matched and couldn't be tightened too much with the key slipping.  Rummaging about in my collection of hardware I found several metric machine screws and a hexagonal brass stand-off with matching threads and I replaced the grub screw with the stand-off, allowing it to be attached firmly to the top of the telescoping section using just my fingers.

Additional mast sections

It should not be surprising to know that you can buy individual mast sections.  These are often described as being "dedicated lengthened vibrator for JPC-7 (PAC-12) multiband portable antenna".  I purchased two more of these sections when I first purchased the antenna, increasing its fully erect height from 13' 5"(411cm) to 15' 7-5/16"(476cm) and coupled with the tophat and the full inductance of the coil allows the antenna itself to resonate at approximately 4.7 MHz, allowing complete coverage of the 60 meter band.

Figure 10:
Four more mast sections to be used in a variety of ways - as
ground supports, or as the "live" mast itself.
Click on the image for a larger version.

At this extended height and with the tophat, this antenna was used in fairly high winds with gusts of 35 MPH (approx 67 kph) with no issues:  Having clamped the ground stake of this antenna to a metal fence post helped keep the antenna vertical and minimize sway certainly helped!

After using the antenna several times, I purchased yet two more mast sections (for a total of eight) - not only to have as spares, but also to elevate the bottom of the antenna still further.  Living in the desert west of the U.S. (Utah) it's often the case that there is only sand into which the ground stake can be pushed and it simply isn't long enough to adequately support the antenna:  Lengthening the ground rod with the addition of another mast section allows the ground stake to be pushed in farther and support the antenna without burying the feedpoint below ground level or stealing one of the mast sections from the antenna and reducing its height.  This is mostly a problem on the lower bands (40 and 30 meters) where one needs as much height as one can get to maximize antenna efficiency.

This extension also facilitates the use of an elevated ground radial system, placing the feedpoint - and the ground radial disk - at a reasonable height.


The telescoping whip(s)

The telescoping whip is certainly the most fragile component included and it - like any other telescoping antenna - is easily broken if one is not careful.  The "safest" way to collapse one of these things is to pull it down - section by section - starting from the bottom:  One should NEVER push it down from the top as that is just asking for problems.

As with any telescoping whips that I own, one of the first things that I do when I get it is to make sure that it is clean of dirt and oxidation (particularly if it has been "pre-owned") as this can cause the metal-on-metal - especially when the two metals are the same - to gall and seize up, making it more difficult to extend or collapse.  If I do find a section that is hard to move, I carefully examine it, often discovering slight scratches, buffing them out with very fine sand paper (600 grit or finer) and/or steel wool (size 0000 or finer).

The final step - after cleaning with paint thinner or alcohol to remove any dust - particularly if it was just buffed with steel wool or sandpaper - is to put a light coating of oil on all sections:  I prefer to use a PTFE ("Teflon") based lubricant like "Super Lube"(made by Synco) as it does not dry and become "gummy".  Extending (and coating) and then retracting the whip a few times does a decent job of spreading out the lubrication - even getting inside the individual sections.

Although much smaller, I did a similar thing to the four telescoping whips that comprise the tophat.

I would consider this "cleaning and lubricating" to be a necessary maintenance item when using this antenna, needing to be done occasionally, with constant vigilance toward possible issues every time it is used.

Inductor slider

The adjustable inductor's components are all stainless steel - including the coil itself.  Besides being known for the fact that this material "stains less" than others, it is also known for galling - that is, developing tiny burrs on the surface and jamming up:  In the case of stainless screws, nuts and bolts - if these gall, even if you ARE able to remove them without breaking them, they have to be replaced.

While the contact area on the slider is small enough that it is unlikely to gall and get "stuck", I noticed immediately a bit of "roughness" in its movement that indicated excessive metal-on-metal friction:  I could not tell if this was on the contact area of where the slider rubbed across the coil's windings or on the sliding rod itself - but it was probably a combination of both.

This "roughness" in movement was relieved with the application of lubricant - the same "Super Lube" used on the telescoping sections - also making the adjustment easier to do.

Improving the coil

As noted previously, the coil is wound with 18 AWG (1mm dia) stainless steel wire.  It is suspected that one of the main reasons why this type of wire is used despite its terrible losses - as compared with copper - is that this resistive loss increases the feedpoint resistance - but at least in relatively cool temperatures (below 90F or 32C) I wouldn't worry about running key-down for several minutes at 100 watts - or higher power with a low duty-cycle mode like CW or FT-4.

As it happens, one can juggle the proportions of a vertical antenna a bit to vary the feedpoint resistance - but if you consider that these same coils are also used in the JPC-7 dipole, the reasoning behind the use of stainless steel wire becomes more clear.  An electrically-short dipole - such as when the JPC-7 is configured for 40 meters - would ideally have a feedpoint resistance of just a few ohms - but this would not match at all well to a 50 ohm system:  Even a very low-loss antenna tuner would have difficulty coping and placing the tuner away from the antenna through a length of coaxial cable would make the situation even worse!

Having said that, testing was done that revealed that on the JPC-17 - while operating on the lower bands (30, 40 meters) a significant amount of power was being dissipated in the coil - enough to raise its temperature by 135F (75C) at 70-100 watts on 40 meters (lower loss on higher bands) - but rewinding the coil with silver-plated copper wire pretty much eliminated that element of loss.

A future article on this blog will detail the rewinding of this coil along with measurements/comparisons between the original stainless steel and rewound coil for both the JPC-7 dipole and this JPC-12 vertical which will eliminate any nagging worries about power handling capability.

Using the JPC-12 vertical in the field

I have used this vertical in the field a number of times, mostly with the "augmented" kit with the extra mast sections, top hat and ground radial plate - typically on 40 and 60 meters.  While the signal reports comparing my signal with that of others using full-size antennas unsurprisingly indicates that this doesn't to as well as the others, conditions have generally been good enough that there was little difficulty in copying my signal.

Figure 11:
The JPC-12 vertical out in the wild.  The top hat is in-
stalled as is an extra vertical section below the radial
plate along with extra sections to increase height.
Click on the image for a larger version.

As the ground here in Utah is rather poor as the "other half" of the antenna, it is even more important that the radial system be effective.  While I usually configure it to have four radials elevated about 18"(0.5 meters) above the ground, I have also simply laid the radial directly on the sandy soil - or found some convenient sagebrush, scrub oak or some other low plant or small tree to support them off them ground - and have always had pretty good results.

While I like this antenna, I find it to be far less convenient than the JPC-7 loaded dipole in that the vertical takes quite a bit more time to set up, needing a bit of assembly of the various pieces and laying out of the radials.  With resonant radials, changing bands - and trying to maintain optimal performance - is also make a bit awkward by the fact that the radials need to be shortened/lengthened as appropriate.  

Practically speaking, having the radials laid out for 40 meters and running on 60, 30 or 15 meters isn't much of a problem, but picking a band that is an even multiple of the radials' base resonant frequency - being an odd half-wave multiple (e.g. 20 or 10 meters with a 40 meter radial) - will not work well as that is the worst possible radial length (other than zero length) to choose:  The half-wave length will not provide the low impedance at the antenna and it's also likely that the coaxial cable will become most of the radial, possibly causing a "hot rig" in terms of RF and the related ill effects (RF into the audio, computer/radio crashing, extra noise) from doing so.

If, however, I have a bit of extra time and I want a better signal that I would otherwise get from the loaded dipole or a mobile-mounted HF antenna, I would definitely set up the JPC-12.

This page stolen from ka7oei.com


Reducing QRM (interference) from a Renogy 200 watt portable solar panel system


Figure 1:
Renogy 200 watt folding panel, in the sun
Click on the image for a larger version.
A year or so ago I got a 200 watt foldable solar panel system.  This unit - made by Renogy - consists of two glass panels in metal frames equipped with a sort of "kickstand" assembly to allow it to be angled more favorably with the sun to improve its output.  This panel is used when "car camping" to charge the batteries to run the sorts of things that one might bring:  Lights, refrigerator, amateur radio transceivers and who knows what else.  

On that last point, I've done some "in the field" operating on the HF amateur bands while the battery is being charged and noticed that the charge controller(and not the panel itself!) produced a bit of "hash" on the radio - mostly in the form of frequent "birdies" that swished around in frequency as the solar insolation and temperature varied - as well as a general low-level noise at some frequencies.  This problem is not specific to the Renogy panel's charge controller, but common to almost any panel+controller combination that you will find.


You will find similar systems built into RVs and campers and these are also well known (notorious, even!) for generating RFI.  The techniques described here to quiet interference from these devices applies equally to those as well - but note that one may have to "scale up" the inductors/capacitors to accommodate higher voltages and currents that may be found in those systems.

By placing the solar panel with charge controller and the battery being charged some distance away from the antenna, this interference could be reduced, but that fact that it was even there in the first place annoyed me, so I did what I have done many times before (see the link to other blog entries at the end of this article) and mitigated it by making fairly easy, reversible modifications to the panel's controller.

Portable solar panels and RFI

In my travels, I've been around other users of portable solar panels of various brands and I have yet to find any commercially-available portable panel+controller combination that does NOT produce noticeable RFI on HF/VHF among the half-dozen or so brands that I have checked. 

In comparison with most of the others that I've been around with radios, the Renogy is comparatively quiet - producing less overall QRM with fairly long wires between the panel/controller and battery - than the others - but I decided that I could make it even quieter!

Where does the QRM come from?

It is NOT the solar panel itself that produces the radio frequency noise, but rather the charge controller attached to it.

Modern charge controllers electronically convert the (usually higher) voltage from the solar panels down to something closer to the battery voltage and this is typically done using PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) which means that these devices contain high-power oscillators.  It's this oscillation/switching action that produces a myriad of harmonics that can extend into the HF spectrum - and even into VHF/UHF!

The "Antenna" in this case consists of two parts of the system as depicted in the drawing below:

Figure 2:
A typical solar charging system showing the separation of the two major components that can radiate interference:  The panel itself, connected to the input of the charge controller and the wires and load connected on the output side.
If there is even a slight amount of differential between the two at radio frequencies, the system will radiate.
Click on the image for a larger version.
In other words:
  • The wires connecting to the load.  Typically a battery being charged - which can be connected to other things (e.g. vehicle, inverter, etc.)  The wires connecting the panel to these other things - and those devices themselves - act as part of the "antenna" that potentially radiates noise.
  • The solar panel itself.  The solar panel consists of large plates of metal - not only the silicon of the panel, but any metal frame and wiring.

The "load" and solar panel constitute two different parts of the charge controller:  The panel is connected to the INPUT of the PWM circuitry while the wiring is connected to the OUTPUT of the PWM circuitry, effectively forming a dipole antenna.  To a degree, the electrical lengths of these two conductors - which can include power cords or even a vehicle - overall can broadly resonate, affecting certain frequency ranges more than others.

The reason for the generation of the interference is due to the fact that the PWM circuitry (which is operating at a frequency of 10s or 100s of kHz) uses square waves, rich in harmonics.  As the voltage input (from the panel) and the output (to the battery/load) are different parts of the PWM circuit, they necessarily have different waveforms on them.

Figure 3:
Charge controller with additional filtering showing added
bifilar-wound chokes on both the input and output leads.
Click on the image for a larger version.

While this device does have some of filtering to provide a degree of input impedance reduction (fairly high capacitance) and smoothing of the PWM waveform of the output (more capacitors and likely some inductance) the degree to which this filtering is implemented is suitable for the purpose of providing clean DC power to the load and maximize power conversion efficiency, this filtering - and likely the controller's circuit board itself - was likely not intended to provide the high degree of RF suppression needed to make it quiet enough to avoid the conduction of RF energy onto its conductors which is then picked up by a nearby receiver.

Containing the RF energy
As the controller itself is potted with a silicone material, it's not practical to modify it directly to make it RF-quiet - and there is no need to do so:  Instead, we must take steps to eliminate any differential RF currents that may exist between DC Input and DC output terminals.

Ferrite alone is NOT the answer!

One may presume that the answer to this problem is the implementation of RF device such as snap-on or toroidal ferrite devices - and you would be partially correct.  Any practical inductor - such as that formed by the introduction of a ferrite device - will have rather limited efficacy in quashing RF currents.

Snap-on devices (e.g. those through which a wire passes) have very limited usefulness at HF frequencies (<30 MHz) - especially on the lower bands - as they simply cannot impart a significant amount of reactance in the conductor onto which they are installed.  At higher frequencies (VHF, UHF)they can have a greater effect - but their efficacy will be disappointing at HF.

A device that can accommodate multiple turns through its center such as a toroid (or even a larger snap-on device) it may be possible to get up to a few hundred ohms of reactance on a conductor across a fairly wide frequency range - but even this will be capable of reducing the amount of RF by 10-20 dB (2-3 "S" units) at most:  Depending on the intensity of the RFI from the solar controller, this may not be enough to quash the interfering energy to inaudibility.

To be sure, it's worth trying just the ferrite devices by themselves to see if - in your situation - it reduces the RF interference from the controller to your satisfaction but remember that the location where you are likely to be using this panel is likely far quieter (RF-wise) than your home QTH:  It may seem quiet enough at home but still be noisy in the middle of nowhere.

The addition of capacitors to the circuit can improve the efficacy over ferrite alone by orders of magnitude.  Consider the diagram below:

Figure 4:
Diagram, including additional filtering.  L1 and L2 are the bifilar chokes seen in Figure 3, above while the capacitors (C1a, C1b, C1c and C2a, C2b and C2c) and their implementation are described below.
Click on the image for a larger version.
Ferrite devices L1 and L2 are comprised of bifilar-wound inductors on the DC input/output lines, respectively.  These inductors will suppress common-mode RF energy that may appear - but these alone are not likely to be quite enough.
In order to force the RF energy to common mode to maximize L1/L2's effectiveness, capacitors C1a, C1b do so for the "external" connections (e.g. those connected to large devices, long wires) while C2a and C2b do so for any RFI emanating from the controller itself.
C2c - which is placed between the DC input and output of the charge controller - effectively shunt RF energy differences between the in/out terminals to minimize the differential currents.  Figure 3 shows C2a placed between the two positive terminals, but it could have been placed in any combination (+ to -, - to -, etc.) and been just as effective since the capacitors C2a and C2b effectively short the + and - terminals together at RF frequencies.  If your OCD bothers you, could could add additional capacitor combinations, but the three shown above for C1 and C2 proved to be adequate.
The real work for our filtering magic is actually done by C1c.  As seen from the diagram it's shunting RF currents that might appear on the "external" sides of L1 and L2 - which will have been significantly reduced in amplitude by L1 and L2 anyway:  The low impedance of the C2c at RF (a few ohms) coupled with the high RF impedance of the conductors through L1 and L2 work together to make sure that differential RF currents that might exist between the input and output of the charge controller are minuscule, and thus there is effectively no RF energy that can be radiated.
Figure 5:
Three 0.1uF monolithic capacitors placed across the
controller's terminals (C2a, C2b, C2c).
Click on the image for a larger version.

A glimpse of what was done may be seen in Figure 3.  Some 14 AWG paired copper wire (red/black) was wound on two FT140-43 ferrite toroids - about 6 bifilar turns in this case:  Individual wires could have been used other than "zip" cord - just be sure that the two parallel conductors are laid in parallel to maximize the effectiveness of the bifilar configuration.  Two of these wire/bifilar devices were constructed - one for the DC from the panel and the other for the output to the battery/load.  "Spade" lugs were installed on one end of the red/black wires - two lugs per wire/bifilar assembly.  (FT240-43 or FT240-31 toroids could also have been used, but the FT140-43 is a fraction of the cost, half the diameter, and perfectly suitable for this application.  The FT240 size may be more appropriate if such a filter network is constructed for a higher-current system with larger-gauge wire.)

On the solar controller itself, small 0.1uF, 50 volt monolithic capacitors were installed (C2a, C2b, C2c) to form part of the filter circuitry:  Minimal lead length is important for maximum effectiveness.  While monolithic capacitors are preferred because they are small (and will fit more easily in tight spaces) and have very low ESR (Effective Series Resistance) one could use disk ceramic capacitors instead.  Film/plastic capacitors are less effective at higher frequencies.

Figure 6:
Terminal strip with capacitors C1a, C1b and C1c.
As described, these capacitors do much of the "bypassing"
of RF differential currents between the input and output.
Click on the image for a larger version.

As can be seen from this picture, the terminals are the "clamp" type and are connected in the same manner as the lugs on the cable on the bifilar toroid assembly. - and also note that this "modification" is completely reversible as nothing at all was changed on the controller itself.

The other end of the red/black wires were soldered to a four-position screw terminal strip - similar to the one on the back of the charge controller.  As with the terminal strip on the controller, three 0.1uF 50 volt capacitors were soldered (C1a, C1b, C1c) on the back for RF bypassing.  It is possible to have connected the capacitors under the clamps as was done on the controller, but soldering them to the back means that they would not be prone to falling out or being lost if the cables were changed.
With these connections made, the wire on the toroids and the connections to the added terminal strip were covered with "Shoe Goo" - a robust rubber adhesive (used to fix shoes, as the name suggests) both as mean of strain relief and to provide electrical insulation.
The reader may have noted that we have physically brought together the input/output cables again at this terminal strip - and this was intentional.  By keeping the leads with the bifilar inductors as short as possible and then bringing them back together, we can use the shortest-possible leads on our capacitors to effectively "short" the input and output cables together at radio frequencies, making it impossible for the wires to radiate effectively at HF.  With this, the RF energy is contained within the area of the charge controller itself and the terminal strip/cables and since this is a very small aperture at HF, it can't radiate effectively and additional metallic shielding is unneeded.
At VHF/UHF frequencies - where the physical size of the controller+bifilar chokes is a larger proportion of the size of the wavelength (plus the fact that the components used won't work as well at these frequencies) means that some RF energy could radiate, but testing shows that the amount of VHF/UHF RF energy conveyed by the panel and cables was reduced below the point of detection more than a few feet (a meter) or so away from the system.

Spectrum analysis plots

Using a Tiny SA Ultra spectrum analyzer, I coupled the supplied telescoping antenna to the output (battery/load) cable by holding it in parallel with it.  While inductive coupling would have been preferable - and more repeatable and sensitive - this quick test gives a general indication of the nature of the energy being emitted by the charge controller and the reduction afforded by the added filtering.

Take a look at the "before" trace with no filtering:

Figure 7:
"Before" (no filtering) analysis plot with the telescoping antenna of the analyzer held against the DC output cord.
Click on the image for a larger version.
Figure 7 spans from DC to 30 MHz with each vertical division representing 5 MHz.  As can be seen, there is a peak of about -90dBm at around 7 MHz (40 meters) and several other peaks across the HF spectrum.
Figure 8 is the "after" trace with filtering:
Figure 8:
The same plot/conditions as in Figure 7, except after the described filtering was applied.
While it would have been preferable to have better-coupled to the wires from the panel/controller to measure the RFI, this wasn't done at the time in the interest of time resulting in the upper trace showing ambient (off-the air) signals and some local RFI rather than what the panels are producing.
In tests with a portable radio, however, neither the panel nor the output cable (to the battery/load) carried any audible RF interference after the installation of the filtering.
Click on the image for a larger version.
Noting the 7 MHz area, we now see that the signal level is around -105dBm - about 15dB lower than in the "before" trace, without filtering - and as we are limited by the background noise energy in this plot, it's likely that the reduction was far more than this.  
At the time that these plots were taken, I covered the panel with a moving blanket to "turn off" the solar generation while coupling to the output wire in the same manner as the traces above and there was no difference when I did so compared to the "after" trace of Figure 8.  In other words, the filtering reduced the conducted emissions to levels well below the ambient signal level.
Again, these weren't rigorous tests and not as sensitive as they could have been (particularly at the higher end of the HF spectrum).  As the noise floor represents what was in the general area (a slightly RF-noisy location) the plots were unable to resolve the noise floor from the charge controller at higher frequencies that were audible in the field from the power converter, in a truly RF-quiet location.  As it would be easy to reverse this modification I may re-do these plots, this time coupling more effectively into the cable to more accurately show the amount of signal reduction.

Prior to the modification, getting within several feet/meters of the solar panel with a portable shortwave receiver equipped with SSB revealed drifting "birdies" from the controller's normal operation and holding the antenna against either the panel or the output cable made this orders of magnitude worse.

After the modification these "birdies" were inaudible on th cables:  It took holding the portable receiver's antenna within a few inches/cm of the charge controller to hear its operation.  By the addition of these nine components (two bifilar inductors, six capacitors and the terminal strip) the RF energy is confined to the (small!) physical space of the controller itself and is no longer being introduced differentially to the panel and output cable, causing it to be unable to radiate effectively at HF, making it very quiet and "Radio Friendly".

While the supplied charge controller for the Renogy panel was a simple PWM type rather than an MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) and is thus somewhat less effective at extracting all-possible energy from it, there is no reason why this sort of filtering could not be applied to that type as well.
This shows how a typical portable solar panel+charge controller can be made to be RF-quiet and "POTA" or "SOTA" compatible.  This (reversible!) modification has rendered this panel completely quiet across the HF spectrum and inaudible on VHF/UHF frequencies as well at distances of more than a few feet (a meter or so) as well.

* * * * *
Related articles:

This page stolen from ka7oei.blogspot.com

Rewinding the stainless steel for silver-plated copper coils on the JPC-7 and JPC-12 antennas


Portable antennas (verticals, loaded dipoles) typically use coils on the lower HF bands to make them electrically "larger" - but what about losses in those coils?

While it's "traditional" to use copper wire wire for these coils, there are a number of modern offerings that use stainless steel - and both types have their cheerleaders and detractors, so what's the deal?

Figure 1:
The JPC-12 vertical in the field.

Note:  This post refers to previous entries on this blog about the JPC-7 and JPC-12 antennas that are relevant to this discussion, namely:

  • JPC-7 loaded dipole antenna - link.
  • JPC-12 portable vertical antenna - link.

While some details in this article are specific to these antennas, the general observations may be applied to any HF antenna using loading coils.  I have not (yet?) done A/B field tests with antennas using different (stainless vs silver plated/copper) coils and/or simulation - perhaps a topic for a future blog entry?

* * * * *

In previous posts I have discussed the JPC-12 vertical and the JPC-7 loaded dipole:  To make either antennas usable at frequencies lower than their natural resonance, inductance is required (the "loaded" part) to achieve resonance at the desired frequency - and for their lowest operating frequency - 40 meters - it takes a fair bit of "loading", indeed.

For this, the JPC-7 dipole, which has a "coil-less" resonance of around 22 MHz, has two coils with adjustable taps - one for each element, a slider being used to adjust the amount of inductance:  Higher inductance = lower frequency.

The JPC-12 vertical - made by the same folks - unsurprisingly uses the exact same coil as the JPC-7 - and for the same reason:  To add inductance to make the electrically-short element - a radiator of approximately 150"(381cm) total length (resonant around 18 MHz without any added inductance and using the originally-supplied components) offer a semblance of a match on lower bands.

Having the coil in common, they also share the same trait:  Loading coils wound with stainless steel - and since, when running on a lower band like 40 meters - all of these coils run quite warm at nominal transmitter power (100 watts or so) there are definitely power losses in the coil - but how bad is it?

Wanting to answer this question, I ordered an extra coil from the seller from which I'd bought my JPC-7 and JPC-12 antennas and with that, and the three that came with the two antennas originally, I now had four - enough to do direct A/B comparisons on both antennas when I rewound two of them with silver-plated wire.

Why stainless?

These coils are wound with 1mm diameter (18 AWG) stainless-steel wire.  Fortunately, an austenitic (non-magnetic, as checked with a neodymium magnet) type of stainless steel is used:  If this wire been magnetic at all things would be much worse in terms of loss.  While the 1mm diameter stainless steel wire is very rugged, the fact that it is stainless steel means that its resistance is quite high compared to copper - in this case the end-to-end DC resistance is about 4 ohms - but the RF resistance, taking the "skin effect" into account, is likely to be very much higher.

Using Owen Duffy's online skin effect calculator (link) and assuming 1mm diameter, 316 Stainless, the 4 ohms of DC resistance translate as follows to RF resistance including skin effect:

  • 3.5 MHz = 5.2 ohms
  • 7 MHz = 7.2 ohms
  • 14 MHz = 9.6 ohms
  • 28 MHz = 13.6 ohms
These values would be for the entire coil, but since one uses slightly less than the full number of turns of the coil to resonate at 40 meters, the losses should be lower - but the message is clear:  The less of the coil that you need to use, the lower the loss.   The total length of 1mm wire is estimated to be about 180 inches (457cm) and  by comparison, copper wire of this same diameter and length would have a DC resistance of about 0.1 ohm - or, according to Owen Duffy's calculator, a skin effective resistance of 2 ohms at 28 MHz.

Why stainless steel, then?  Obviously, stainless steel won't oxidize/corrode like many metals - and it may be that in quantity, stainless steel wire is less expensive than silver plated/copper, but in this case I believe that there's another reason.  Other manufacturers of portable antennas (Wolf River, for example) advertise the use of stainless steel for their coils as well, extolling the virtues of the material in regards to its inability to corrode - but I'd be surprised if such corrosion is likely to be the main reason for a hypothetical copper coil's losses in an electrically-short antenna that would make it worse than stainless.

I suspect that, the "advantage" of a stainless steel coil is, in fact, related to the fact that it islossy.  As portable antennas - when used on the lower HF bands - are necessarily smaller than their full-sized counterparts, their radiation resistance will be commensurately lower and this means that the feedpoint resistance may be lower as well when fed with simple matching schemes such as a series coil.

What this means is that rather than somewhere "around" 50 ohms, the feedpoint impedance when using a very low-loss coil may be much lower, resulting in an "unacceptable" VSWR (e.g. >2:1) at resonance:  While this would actually imply greater efficiency due to lower loss, it's "inconvenient" to the user.  While a more versatile means of matching the antenna is possible (multiple coil/capacitors such as a simple antenna tuner or the use of an autotransformer) this complicates construction, operation and can increase cost.

Another method of dealing with low feedpoint impedances is to add series resistance to raise it to something closer to 50 ohms to make radios (and their operators)"happy" - but an ohmic resistance in the signal path means power loss, and power loss means heat!

How hot is it?

Figure 2:
The original loading coil (lower) wound with stainless wire as
seen with a thermal infrared camera.  After 60 seconds at 75
watts (on 40 meters) the coil temperature rose by 110F (61C)
from the ambient 53F (12C) to about 166F (74F)!
Click on the image for a larger version.

I've operated both the JPC-7 and JPC-12 antenna a number of times in the field on the "lower" bands of 40 and 30 meters at 100 watts, using both CW and SSB, and observed that in each case, the coil gets "hot".  As the coil forms are (apparently) molded nylon, this is nowhere near the likely softening point of more than 300F (150C) - and being open to the air to allow convective cooling, and using a mode where the duty cycle is intermittent certainly helps prevent a "meltdown".

As a test, I put both the original stainless steel and the rewound silver-plated coils in series on the JPC-12 vertical, putting a jumper across the coil not under test.  I then transmitted 75 watts into the JPC-12 vertical for 60 seconds and measured the temperature of the coil with an infrared thermometer and thermal camera, noting a temperature rise of about  110F (61C) - still not hot enough to risk melting the coil form, but certainly enough to dissuade one from running a 100% continuous mode like SSTV, RTTY or other digital modes on a hot day!  

The picture in Figure 2 - taken with a thermal infrared camera - shows the heat produced when testing with the JPC-12 vertical.  (Note:  During this test I swapped positions of the two coils to see if there was much difference in the current/heat of the stainless coil owing to differences in current distribution, but as expected, there was not.)  Similar results were observed when operating SSB and CW on the JPC-7 loaded dipole. 

At this point I should make something clear:  The reader should not presume that the use of a stainless steel coil is going to result in an antenna that doesn't work, but rather it implies a degree of loss of efficiency.  As I've made many contacts with both the JPC-7 and JPC-12 in their original form, I know that it's perfectly capable of usable performance - but how much better would it be if we were to address coil losses?

Also, once I had seen the loss in the coil, I couldn't "un-see" it and I had to do something about it.

Choice of wire

In order to minimize losses in an electrically-small antenna it is important to reduce resistive losses, the loading coil and reducing the generation of heat is a good place to start - and copper wire is an obvious choice.  Knowing that the wire used is 1mm diameter - about 18 AWG - there were a lot of choices:  I had some enameled 18 AWG wire already on-hand and I could easily have obtained some tinned 18 AWG "buss" wire as well.  Finding bare copper wire was a bit more difficult, but since we need only make contact on the ends and along the slider, there's no reason for the entire coil to be bare and thus be subject to oxidization:  If I needed to do so, I could wind the coil with enameled wire and then selectively remove the insulation along the path of the inductor's slider with fine sandpaper.

On a hunch, I did a search and quickly found on Amazon some 1mm (18 AWG)"Silver plated" copper wire of the same diameter described as being used for jewelry - a small spool costing about US$15 with more than enough wire to re-do three of these coils. Footnote 1

Figure 3:
The coil - still with the stainless steel wire.  On the left end of
the slider (the "top") of the coil can be seen the insulator.
Prior to disassembly move the slider to the end opposite the
insulator (maximum inductance) as shown.  When removing
or installing the Allen screw, keep a firm grip on the end with
the insulator to prevent it from rotating and damaging the
insulator itself or the end of the rod that protrudes into it.
Click on the image for a larger version.
The use of silver-plated wire is traditional in RF devices as it has the advantage over copper wire in that as it oxidizes, the result (e.g. silver tarnish) is still a conductive substance, much better than copper oxide - and compared to bare copper it is less (chemically) reactive overall - plus the coil looks very nice!

Rewinding the coil:

The coil form itself - with molded grooves - is quite rugged and lends itself very well to being rewound by hand.  Using a silver-colored "Sharpie" I noted where the original coil's windings started and ended.  I would also recommend taking a photo of it - particularly if you are rewinding the coil of a JPC-12 vertical and do not have a second coil as a comparison.

It is also important to note that one end of the slider is insulated to prevent the shorting the unused turns of the coil itself - something that would surely reduce "Q" and overall efficiency:  It is important to reinstall the slider assembly in the same orientation as before to put the insulated end of the slider rod on the "top"(e.g. the side closest to the top of the vertical or end of the dipole).

When rewinding, first move the slider to the end farthest away from the end with insulator on the rod (e.g. the "bottom" of the coil, with the stud protruding) and cover the spring contact with a bit of tape to keep it with the slider body:  This moves the slider - and the contact spring - well away from the end of the wire that we are going to remove first.  Using an Allen wrench, carefully remove the screw holding the end of the slider bar with the insulator (e.g. the part at the top of the coil, with the female threads):  The end of the wire is tucked under the supporting post and the screw itself goes into the brass slug at the center of the coil with the M10 threads used to assemble the rest of the antenna.  Keep tension on the hardware with a finger as you undo this to minimize the possibility of it being launched across the room.

Figure 4:
This shows the end of the new wire looped around the screw
and the post tightened down to hold it in place as it is wound.
A blade screwdriver is used to push the wire into the groove
below the slider boar to keep it from jumping out of the slot.
Be sure to start the wire in the same place as the original coil.
Click on the image for a larger version.
At some point, the coil of stainless steel wire will unwind itself rather forcefully when it slips out from under the screw (it may be a good idea to wear glasses) as it is under a fair bit of spring tension:  Even if you are prepared for this to happen, it can be startling!  At this point be sure that the contact spring is still on the slider block:  If it is not, look for and find it now!

With the tension released, remove the other end of the slider bar.  At this point, carefully remove the slider bar from the insulated end so that you have just the support post and set the rest of it aside.  At this point you'll have a loose coil of stainless wire to set aside.

Take the end of the new wire and using a pair of needle-nose pliers, bend a loop to go around the screw for the support post and using (just) the support post that was insulated for the slider, secure it in place, under the post.  Lay the wire in the groove and at the point where you marked the coil to begin, lay the wire in that groove and then push the wire into the shallow slot above which the slider moves to hold it in place.

Figure 5:
As the wire is wound, keep pressure on the wire and coil form
with a thumb while rotating the form itself, forcing the wire to
drop into the molded slots.  Continue winding until you get
to where you had previously marked the end of the original
coil - but there's no harm if you add one extra turn.
Click on the image for a larger version.
Keeping the wire under tension - and using a thumb as necessary to hold that tension and push it onto the form - tightly wind the wire onto the form, making sure that it drops into the wire slots.  When you get to where you marked the end of the coil (you can go one extra turn if you like!) push the wire into the slot again (to help hold it in place) and - leaving enough extra to go around the screw on the bottom of the coil - trim it off.  Before putting a loop in the end of the wire to go around the screw, again use a blade screwdriver to push it into the groove to help hold it into place.

At this point I temporarily wrap a the loose end of the coil with a bit of electrical tape to keep it from unraveling while I loosen the post at the top of the coil and align it carefully so that I can plug the slider bar back in and re-mount it and the other post at the bottom of the coil, torquing the screws firmly and being careful to prevent the post with the insulator from twisting as this is done.

Figure 6:
The finishing end of the coil with the wire looped under the
slider rod support and tightened down.  In this picture you
can see how the wire has been pushed into the groove, under
the slider.  To the left of the end of the wire can be seen the
blob of adhesive used to lock the end of the coil into place.
Click on the image for a larger version.

Now, the coil has been successfully re-wound.  While it may not be strictly necessary, I put a dab of "Shoe Goo" - a thick rubber adhesive - on the top and bottom 2-3 turns of the coil near where the wire drops into the slot and connects to the post to "glue" it into place, making sure that it doesn't jump out of its slot.  If you don't have "Shoe Goo" or something similar, some RTV ("Silicone") can work as can epoxy - but cyanoacrylate and polyurethane glues (e.g. "Super" and "Gorilla" glue, respectively) may not work very well - and "hot melt glue" are definitely not recommended as either will likely break loose their bonds across a wide temperature range and changing mechanical stress. 

The trick here is to bridge several turns of wire with the adhesive to lock them into place together as much as adhere them to the coil form.


Figure 7:
The coil rewound with silver-plated wire (upper), under the
marker.  As can be seen, the temperature rose by about 3F
(less than 2C) above the ambient temperature of 53F (12C)
after 60 seconds of key-down on 40 meters at 75 watts.
Click on the image for a larger version.
As expected, the use of lower-loss wire for the coil results in a dramatic reduction of generated heat which no doubt corresponds with an improvement in overall antenna efficiency - The "after" picture (Figure 7) of the coil using the thermal camera after 60 seconds of transmission on 40 meters with 75 watts shows the difference.  As in Figure 2, the original stainless steel coil is on the bottom, but it is the one that is jumpered, putting all of the RF energy into the upper (silver-plated) coil, instead.

Touching the coil immediately after the 60 second key-down, the loss-related heating of the coil wound with silver-plated wire was barely perceptible - a far cry from the original stainless-steel wound coil that was  "hot"!

Electrical comparison

For capacitors and inductors, one measurement of their departure from the ideal is their "Q"(e.g. "Quality Factor") and for inductors, the majority of this is likely to be the radio of the inductive reactance of the coil (XL)to its ohmic resistance.  I decided to measure the unloaded "Q"(Qu) of the original stainless steel loading coil and the rewound silver-plated coil.  To do this I used a NanoVNA and the method described in W7ZOI's article "The Two Faces of Q"(link) under the section called "Measuring Resonator Q":  I used both methods (#1 using parallel L/C and #2 with L/C in series) to determine the "Q".

Using method #1, for the "Cc" capacitors I used two 1pF NP0 capacitors in series each (0.5pF) which resulted in a 35-45dB through loss at resonance.  I put a high-quality 27pF silver mica capacitor in parallel with the coil under test and measured the -3dB response of the resonance curve.  In this test I set the variable inductor to the mark indicating tuning for 40 meters (around 22 uH) which, with the 27pF capacitor, yielded a resonance in the area of 6.6 MHz for each of the two coils being tested

Assuming that the Q of the series silver mica capacitor (Co) is 1000 (a mediocre value - it's probably a bit higher) the results were:

  • Original stainless steel coil unloaded Q:  47
  • Rewound coil (silver-plated wire) unloaded Q: 199

I then used method #2 (with L/C in series) and got:

  • Original stainless steel coil unloaded Q:  47
  • Rewound coil (silver-plated wire) unloaded Q: 221

At the risk of being accused of "cherry picking" my results, I'll note that for high "Q" values and where the value of Co is quite small, method #1 is less forgiving in terms of variances and minor losses in the test fixture, so we'll use the value from method #2.  The reader should also note that with a higher Q, deficiencies in the test measurement and effects of the coil itself will result in lower than actual Qu(e.g. you will not get an erroneously higher value of Q) so it is likely that even the higher reading from method #2 on the silver-plated coil is, itself, a bit conservative.

Note:  During testing I observed that just laying the coil on my wooden workbench lowered the Q of the silver-plated coil significantly (15-20%) so all readings were taken with both coils held about 12"(25cm) above it.  I think that there is likely some effect of free-space capacitance that is reducing the reading so I suspect that the "actual" Qu of the silver-plated coil is higher, still.  This same effect was extremely small with the stainless steel coil, further indicative of its lower Qu.  

Comment:  It's worth mentioning that with higher "Q" coils, the physical aspects of the coil itself - namely the ratio of the length versus diameter, spacing between turns, material of the coil form, increasingly affect the Q - both for reasons of geometry (which can affect the amount of wire needed) and less obvious parameters such as distributed capacitance, etc.

Taking these Qu measurements at face value, we can calculate the approximate "R"(resistive) loss of the two coils using the general formula:
  • Q = XL  / R

Or the more general form, knowing the inductance:

  • Q =  2πf L / R

And rewriting this equation for R we get:

  • R =  2πf L /Q

So, for a frequency of 6.6 MHz and an inductance of 22uH, XL is approximately 912 ohms, so for each of the two coils the apparent "R" value - which would be a combination of conductor loss and skin effect resistance we get:

  • Original stainless steel coil:  R= 19.4 ohms
  • Rewound coil (silver-plated wire):  R=4.1 ohms

The reader should be reminded that for ideal components, at resonance the reactance of the inductor is losslessly canceled out by the reactance of the capacitor so what we are left with - the value "R" mentioned above - will be the ohmic (conductor loss + skin effect) losses of the materials.  This also means that the "R" value will be added to the feedpoint resistance - and the effect of this "R" value is to lose power as heat as we will see below.  It is not lost on me that these values appear to be far higher than those obtained from Owen Duffy's calculator

The ohmic loss mentioned above is not going to be the only source of loss in a real antenna system:  In the case of a vertical, the "ground" losses (ohmic loss of radials, dirt, etc.) and with any antenna, the materials from which it is constructed (wire, telescoping rods which are themselves stainless steel, any balun being used, etc.) will come into play - and for an "electrically small" antenna such as either the JPC-7 or JPC-12 on 40 meters, will dominate and probably be the main points of loss besides the coil.

This goes to show how - in either case - doing anything to physically "embiggen" the size of the antenna - such as making the elements longer (adding drooping wires to the loaded dipole, adding a tophat to the vertical) will reduce the amount of inductance needed and increase the radiation resistance - both things that will contribute to improved efficiency. 

With the stainless coil, it gets worse the lower you go!

Out of curiosity I re-did the Q measurements using a 270pF silver mica capacitor - which lowered the resonant frequency to about 2.2 MHz - and got the following results using method #2: 

  • Original stainless steel coil unloaded Q: 29
  • Rewound coil (silver-plated wire) unloaded Q: 277

Given the lower frequency and lower skin-effect losses I fully expected the loaded Q to be slightly higher - which is true for the silver-plated coil - but initially I did not expect the Q to go down on the stainless steel coil so I re-did the measurement using method #1 and got about the same results (to within a few percent) - but in retrospect, I realized that this was to be expected.

As QL can be defined as being the ratio between inductive reactance ( XL) and skin effect and ohmic resistance (R), if "R" remains pretty high and XL lowers with frequency, the "Q" will be lower:  Since the resistance of the stainless steel wire is so high to begin with, it figures significantly in the reduction of Q and thus the losses incurred.

In perusing the forums in the back-and-forth discussions about stainless steel versus silver-plated coils, people have observed a "hotter" coil at the lower frequencies.  At first glance, this makes sense since lower frequency = "more coil" = more lossy wire - but the fact that - at least at HF - the Q of the stainless coil goes down significantly with frequency makes it even worse!

Testing with the JPC-12 vertical and JPC-7 loaded dipole.

As noted earlier, the rewound coil was initially tested on the JPC-12 loaded vertical on 40 meters - mostly because it uses only a single coil and at that time I had rewound only one with silver-plated wire.  While I was at it I decided to see if I could detect any difference in the current flowing through the coil at a given RF power output related with the use of the original (and lossy) stainless steel coil and the silver plated coil.  Again, figure 7 shows this rewound coil with a thermal infrared camera just after a 60 second key-down at 75 watts, the temperature rise being just 3F (<2C).

Let us now consider the measured resistive losses of the coil (let's say 20 ohms for the stainless coil, 4 ohms for the silver-plated one) at 75 watts - the power at which we observed the temperature rise.  As we know the approximate current to be expected (about 600mA at 20 watts as measured with a known-accurate thermocouple-type RF ammeter) we can calculate the apparent losses at 100 watts which would equate to about 40 watts for the stainless coil and 5.7 watts for the silver-plated coil.  What this means is that nearly half of the power is lost in the stainless steel coil - but this still represents less than 1 "S" unit of loss. Footnote 2

Note:  Judging by the ratio of the temperature rise between the two coils (3 degrees F for the silver-plated coil and 110F for the stainless) we would expect far greater difference in power loss between the two coils (more than 30-fold difference, so I'm likely missing something here).

Once I had two silver-plated coils and two stainless steel coils, I could do a direct comparison on the JPC-7 loaded dipole. The JPC-7 is more or less a pair of JPC-12 vertical on their sides, fed with a balun - but rather than having the ground (radial) system to "push" against when radiating RF, it - being a dipole - used both elements against each other and the "ground" under - unlike the vertical where the ground/radial participates directly in current flow - is somewhat less affecting of the impedance, although the proximity of the ground does have the effect of lowering feedpoint resistance and resonant frequency.  (As we are concerned only with "feeding" the antenna, we will ignore the antenna pattern.)  

With the original stainless steel coils, the feedpoint resistance at resonance is "close enough" to 50 ohms to keep a radio without a tuner happy (it's actually lower than 50 ohms as noted below) - but consider that this means that each half of the dipole is closer to 25 ohms, the two being in series with each other:  With two coils' losses now in the mix - and the fact that a given loss of a coil in a 50 ohm circuit as a percentage was about half that of the same amount of resistance in a 25 ohm circuit - the losses are arguably worse, but "split" between the two elements.

While I didn't have the opportunity to use the thermal infrared camera to measure the temperature rise of the stainless coils on the JPC-7, they both got rather hot to the touch after key-down at 75 watts, indicating a roughly comparable amount of loss as did the original stainless steel coil on the JPC-12 vertical:  As with the vertical there was little change in temperature of the silver-plated coils.

Using a NanoVNA and minimal coax length  Footnote 3 I set up the JPC-7 as per the the manufacturer's instructions on 40 meters:  From the feed point there were two mast sections, the coil and then the telescoping rod on each side.  Carefully setting the coils and the element lengths to yield the lowest "R" value (e.g. at resonance), I then noted the "feedpoint" resistance at resonance (where reactance, or "J" = 0) using the stainless steel and then the silver plated coils:

  • Stainless steel coils:  38 Ohms (1.32:1 VSWR)
  • Silver plated coils:  15 ohms (3.4:1 VSWR)

It's worth noting that these "feedpoint" readings were taken with the supplied 1:1 balun inline along with a short length of coaxial cable so the above readings are NOT precisely those of the actual feedpoint resistance:  There is likely a bit of loss and transformation occurring in the aforementioned set-up so the absolute numbers above may not reflect the actual feedpoint resistance itself.  I also observed that on the JPC-7, the (normalized) 2:1 VSWR bandwidth was lower with the silver-plated coil - an expected effect with higher Q resonator coils.

Note:  On higher bands (e.g. 20 meters and up) the feedpoint impedance was much closer to 50 ohms with either coil and it's likely that nothing special will need to be done to keep a radio "happy".

One might be tempted at first to think that because of the higher VSWR,the silver plated coil constituted an antenna that was "worse" - but that would be wrong - this actually indicates the opposite.  What this measurement shows us is that the apparent total resistanceof the two silver plated coils at 40 meters was 23 ohms less(about 11.5 ohms for each coil) than that of the silver plated coil - and this increased resistance is what accounts for the power being lost as heat.

This realization still leaves us with the problem that if we take away much of the loss of the coils we lowerthe feedpoint resistance which means that we can end up with a rather high VSWR - of over 3:1 - meaning that many radios won't be particularly happy with the situation without throwing a tuner into the mix.  This leaves us with several options:

  • Pretend we didn't see this and continue using the stainless steel coils.  This is an obvious choice and I can attest that both the JPC-7 and JPC-12 antennas do work pretty well despite the loss of the coil, but personally, I can't "un-see" the lossy nature of these coils, so that's not an option for me.  As a "portable" antenna is all about compromise of performance, I prefer to minimize the deleterious effects of as many aspects of this "compromise" as I reasonably can.
  • Use an antenna tuner.  Placing a tuner at the antenna is the preferred choice as it will minimize mismatch losses that will result if the tuner is placed at the far end of the cable feeding the antenna (e.g. in the radio.) Whether the magnitude of mismatched loss of the cable when the tuner is placed at the distal (radio) end of the feedline to match the lower-loss silver-plated coil is worse than using no tuner at all with the stainless steel coil cannot be easily answered without knowing the properties of the coax used and how a specific tuner works under the impedance conditions that it might see.
  • Rework the balun.  The JPC-7 has a 1:1 balun (one that isn't very balanced - but that's another topic) but it is clear that you could  choose a balun that inherently provides a suitable transformation - but more than one such balun would be required to cover all bands.
  • Autotransformer.  A tapped autotransformer used to be a common "thing" many years ago for matching short verticals (e.g. mobile installations) to deal with the low feedpoint resistances at resonance - often well under 20 ohms for a low-loss coil.  These devices seem to be less common these days, but if you look carefully they may still be found on the surplus market - namely the Atlas MT-1 and Swan/Cubic MMBX, both of which offer selections of impedances that will easily yield 1.5:1 VSWR or better at any likely feedpoint resistance at and below 50 ohms.  I have tested the Atlas MT-1 (by putting two units back-to-back) and found a single unit to have about 0.2dB of loss on 40 meters which theoretically represents about 5% power loss.  (Useful articles about RF autotransformers may be found in the November 1976 issue of "Ham Radio" magazine - link and the December, 1982 QST - link.)

As mentioned previously, the losses of the stainless steel coil are "about an S-unit" on the lower bands so the user would have to weigh the benefits of the potential losses incurred by matching a silver-plated coil and additional matching versus just using the stainless steel coil and getting a more convenient match and just "eating" the losses.


The reader should not go away thinking that antennas using loading coils wound with stainless steel wire don't work:  They do - and can be quite effective - but... 

In my measurements, the losses added by the stainless steel coils amounted to roughly "an S-unit"(more or less) in a worst-case situation for the vertical antenna and somewhat more than this for the loaded dipole.  I have very successfully used both antennas with their original stainless steel coils for portable, remote and POTA operations with good results.  The difference of "about an S-unit" may be an issue for marginal situations using SSB, but it's less likely to be a problem for CW or digital modes under the same band conditions and distances where the signal margins are more favorable for weak signals.

As electrically-small HF antennas will often have lower feedpoint resistance than their full-sized counterparts this means that intentionally using low-loss coils can shift the impedance well below 50 ohms, complicating the matching of the radio to it - particularly in the case of the loaded dipole:  The use of a radio's built-in antenna tuner - particularly with a long length of coax - may well incur losses greater than those of the lossy stainless steel coil without a tuner.

I'm guessing that the use of stainless steel wire for the coils is at least partly a result of it "simplifying" the operation of a portable antenna by resistively (lossily!) providing a feedpoint resistance closer to 50 ohms.  From a standpoint of operational simplicity and cost (both avoiding more complicated matching arrangements) the use of stainless steel - and simply "eating" the power loss - may be a reasonable compromise for most users.

But, it's not as simple as that.  The above is certainly true for the loaded dipole where the feedpoint resistance ends up being quite low (15 ohms on 40 meters) but for the vertical - where more variables are at play (e.g. lengths of radials, length of vertical resonator) one can easily attain a good match (<2:1) to 50 ohms even with the lower loss of the silver plated inductor coming into play.

All of the above should also point to something else:  In my respective articles about the JPC-7 and JPC-12 antennas I noted that performance could be improved by making them electrically "larger"(e.g. the addition of a top hat to the JPC-12 and "droop" wires on the JPC-7) which both reduces the amount of loading inductance and likely increases the feedpoint resistance - both of which contribute to improved efficiency.

Should you toss or rewind your stainless steel loading coil in favor of something using lower-loss material?  If you are trying to eke out every last bit of efficiency from your portable antenna and are prepared to deal with the possibility of slightly more complicated matching requirements (at least on the lower HF bands like 40 and 30 meters) to deal with potentially low feedpoint resistance - then perhaps.  If you operate a lot of SSB, operate using high power (>= 100 watts) and/or high duty cycle, it may well be worth doing what you can to reduce at least one of the sources of loss of these types of portable antenna systems and a potential failure point due to heat.

* * * * *


  1. This silver-plated jewelry wire that I used is varnished, so it's not actually bare - but this poses no problem with this project:  The protective coating is pierced when the new wire is clamped under the posts and the slider easily "bites" through it, so there is no need to strip it.  The varnish on the rest of the coil offers protection from oxidation and while silver oxide is a reasonably good conductor, unoxidized silver is much better, so the coating is left intact.
  2. The term "S Unit" is occasionally used in this article, but always with a bit of "hand waving" indicative of its ambiguity.  An "official" international definition of an S Unit is a 6 dB difference in signal level according to IARU Region 1 Technical Recommendation R.1 (where "S9" = -73dBm into 50 ohms - link).  While U.S.-made radios and many SDR programs use this definition by default, Japanese radios are often calibrated with 3 dB S-units meaning that for these radios, smaller amounts of signal change are more strongly indicated.  The reader should always note that while modern SDR-based receivers often do have reasonably good relative signal indications (e.g. the S-meter moves as it should for given changes in signal level) this is likely nottrue for older, analog radios.
  3. For both transmitter and VNA testing, minimal coax length was used.  For the former, a very short (15cm) coax jumper was used, connected directly between the radio and the antenna feed, the radio being powered by battery.  For the VNA, the instrument was connected similarly - the 15cm coax for the JPC-12 and hanging directly from the JPC-7's balun - to minimize possible effects of common-mode RF currents on the antenna.  In real-world operation this would be emulated by using an effective common-mode choke as close to the antenna feed as possible. 
Related articles:
  • Observations, analysis and field use of the JPC-7 portable "dipole" antenna - link.
  • Observations, analysis and modifications of the JPC-12 vertical antenna - link.
  • "The Two Faces of Q" by Wes, W7ZOI - link.
  • About Q-factor of RF inductance coil - link.
  • High-Q RF Coil Construction Techniques by Serge Stroobandt, ON4AA - link.

   * * * * *

This page stolen from ka7oei.blogspot.com



Neon bar-graph VSWR/Power meter using the ИН-13 (a.k.a "IN-13") "Nixie" - Part 1


Figure 1:
Power/VSWR meter using
ИН-13 (a.k.a. "IN-13") neon bar-graph indicators.
Click on the image for a larger version.
Several years ago I bought some Soviet-era neon bar-graph displays - mainly because I thought that they looked cool, but I didn't have any ideas for a specific project.  
After mulling over possible uses for these things for a year or so - trying to think of something other than the usual audio VU meter or thermometer - I decided to construct a visual watt/VSWR indicator for amateur radio HF use.
* * *
I actually bought two different types of these bar-graph tubes:
  • The ИН-9 (a.k.a. "IN-9").  This tube is 5.5"(140mm) long and 0.39"(10mm) diameter.  It has two leads and the segments light up sequentially - starting from the end with the wires - as the current increases.
  • The ИН-13 (a.k.a "IN-13").  This neon bar-graph tube is about 6.3"(160mm) long and 0.39"(10mm) diameter.  Like the ИН-9 its segments light up sequentially with increasing current but it has a third lead - the "auxiliary cathode" - that is tied to the negative supply lead via a 220k resistor that provides a "sustain" current to make it work more reliably at lower currents.
Note:  It would be improper to refer to these as "Nixies" as that term refers to a specific type of numeric display - which these are not.  Despite this, the term is often applied - likely for "marketing" purposes to get more hits on search engines.

Figure 2:
A pair of ИН-13 neon indicator tubes.  These tubes are
slightly longer than than the
ИН-9 tubes and have three leads
Click on the image for a larger version.
For a device that is intended to indicate specific measurements, it's important that it is consistent, and for these neon indicators, that means that we want the bar graph to "deflect" the same amount anytime the same amount of current is applied to it.  In perusing the specifications of both the 
ИН-9 and ИН-13 it appeared that the ИН-13 would be more suitable for our purposes.

This project would require two tubes:
  • Forward power indicator.  This would always indicate the forward RF power as that was that's something that is useful to know at any time during transmitting.
  • Reverse power/VSWR.  This second tube would switchable between reverse power, using the same scale as the forward power display, and VSWR - a measurement of the ratio between forward and reverse power and a useful indicator of the state of the match to the antenna/feedline.
Driving the tubes
"Because physics", gas discharge tubes require quite a bit of voltage to "strike"(e.g. light up) and these particular tubes need for their operation about 140 volts - a "modestly high" voltage at low current - only a few milliamps (less than 5) per tube, peak.

Figure 3:
Test circuit to determine the suitability of various inductors and transistors
and to determine reasonable drive frequencies.  Diode "D" is a high-speed,
high-voltage diode, "R" can be two 10k 1 watt resistors in parallel and
"Q" is a power FET with suitably high voltage ratings (>=200 Volts)
and a gate turn-on threshold in the 2-3 volt range so that it is suitable
to be driven by 5 volt logic.  V+ is from a DC power supply that is
variable from at least 5 volts to 10 volts.  The square wave drive, from a
function generator, was set to output a 0-5 volt waveform to
make certain that the chosen FET could be properly driven by a 5 volt
logic-level signal from the PIC as evidenced by it not getting perceptibly
warm during operation.
Generating high voltage from a low is one of the aspects that I tackled in a previous project on this blog when I built a high voltage power supply for the Zenith Transoceanic:  You can read about that here - A microcontroller-based A/B Battery replacement for the Zenith TransOceanic H-500 radio, with filament regulation - link.
The method used for this project and the aforementioned Zenith radio is  boost-type converter as depicted in Figure 3.  The switching frequency must be pretty high -  typically in the 5-30 kHz range if one wishes to keep the inductance and physical size of that inductor reasonably small.

As in the case of the Zenith Transoceanic project, I used the PWM output of the microcontroller - a PIC - to drive the voltage converter with a frequency in the range of 20-50 kHz.  For our needs - generating about 140 volts at, say, 15 milliamps maximum, I knew (from experience) that a 220uH choke would be appropriate.  Figure 4, below, shows the as-built boost circuit.
Figure 4:
The voltage boost converter section showing the transistor/inductor, rectification/filtering and
voltage divider circuitry.

Q301 is a high-voltage (>=200 volt) N-channel MOSFET - this one being pulled from a junked PC power supply (the particular device isn't critical) which is driven by a square wave on the "HV_PWM" line from the microcontroller:  R301, the 10k resistor, keeps the transistor in the "off" state when the controller isn't actively driving it (e.g. start-up).  L301, a 220uH inductor, provides the conversion:  When Q301 is on, the bottom end is shorted to ground causing a magnetic field to build up and when Q301 is turned off, this field collapses, dumping the resulting voltage through D301, which is a "fast" high voltage diode designed for switching supplies - a 1N4000 series diode would not be a good choice in this application as it's quite "slow".
R304, a 33k resistor, is used to provide a minimum load of the power supply, pulling about 4.25 mA at 140 volts:  This "ballast" improves the ability of the supply to be regulated as the difference between "no load"(the neon bar-graphs energized, but with no "deflection") and full load (all segments of the tubes illuminated) is less than 4:1.  The resistive divider of R302 and R303 is used to provide a sample of the output voltage to the microcontroller, yielding about 2.93 volts when the output is at 140 volts.  The reader will, by now, likely have realized that I could have used R304 as part of the voltage divider - but since the value of this resistor was determined duringtesting, I didn't bother removing R302/R303 when I was done:  Anyway, resistors are cheap!
Setting the current:
Having the 140 volt supply is only the first part of the challenge:  As these tubes use current to set the "deflection"(e.g. number of segments) we need to be able to precisely set this parameter - despite the voltage - to indicate a value with any reasonable accuracy.  For this we'll use a "current sink".
Figure 5:
The precision current sinks that drive the neon tubes precisely based on PWM-derived voltage.
Click on the image for a larger version.
Figure 5, above, shows the driving circuits for the two tubes using the "precision current sink".  Taking the top diagram as our example, we see that the inverting input of the op-amp (U401c) is connected to the junction of the emitter of Q401 and resistor R406.  As is the wont of an op amp, the output will be driven high or low as needed to try to make the voltage (from the microcontroller) at pin 10 match that of pin 9 from the sense resistor, R406.

What this means is that as the transistor (Q401) is turned on, current will flow from the tube, through it and into R406 meaning that the voltage across R406 is proportional to the voltage on pin 10.  It should be noted that current through R406 will include the current into the base - but this can be ignored as it will be only a tiny fraction (a few percent at most)of the total current.  It's worth noting that this circuit is insensitive to the voltage - at least as long as such current can be sunk - making it ideal for driving a device like the ИН-13 (or ИН-9) in which its intended operation is dependent on the current rather than the operating voltage.

At this point it's worth noting that the driving voltages from the microcontroller ("FWD_PWM" and "REV_PWM") are not plain DC voltage, but rather from 10 bit PWM outputs of the microcontroller.  The use of a 10k resistor and 100nF (0.1uF) capacitors (R405 and C406, respectively)"smooth" the square-ish wave PWM into DC.
Q401 and Q402 were, again, random transistors that I found in scrapped power supplies, but since there's at least 70 volts drop across the tube, about any NPN transistor rated to withstand at least 80 volts should suffice.  It's also worth noting the presence of R407, which provides the "sustain" current on the "auxiliary" cathode.
Figure 6:
An exterior view of the tandem coupler module.
Visible is the top shield and the three feedthrough
capacitors used to pass voltage and block RF.
Click on the image for a larger version.

RF sensing

For sensing forward and reflected power I decided to use an external "sensing head" that was connected inline with the radio, on the "tuner" side of the feedline.  

For sensing power in both directions I chose the so-called "Tandem" coupler which consists of a through-line sampler in which a short length of coaxial cable carrying the transmit power (T1 in the diagram of Figure 7) passes through a toroidal core - using some of the original cable's braid grounded at just one end as a Faraday shield.  An identical transformer (T2) is connected across the first (T1) for symmetry.

When carefully constructed this arrangement has quite good intrinsic directivity and a wide frequency range.  Figure 6 shows the diagram of this section.

Figure 7:
Schematic diagram of the "Tadem" coupler.  A bidirectional coupler sends power to
separate AD8307 logarithmic amplifiers - one for forward and the other for reverse.
The outputs, expressed in "volts/dB" are sent to the microcontroller.
Click on the image for a larger version.

The RF sensing outputs of the second tandem coupler (T2) then goes through resistive voltage dividers (R606/R607 for the reverse sample and R603/604 for the forward sample) to a pair of Analog Devices AD8307 logarithmic amplifiers - one for forward power and the other for reverse - to provide a DC voltage that is logarithmically proportional to the detected RF power.  This voltage is then coupled through series resistors (for both RF and DC protection) R605/R608 and to the outside world using feedthrough capacitors.  The use of a logarithmic amplifier precludes the need to have range switching on power meter as RF energy from well below a watt to well over 2000 watts can be represented with only a few volts swing.

All of this circuitry is mounted in a box constructed of circuit board material and connected to the display unit with an umbilical cable that conveys power and ground along with the voltages that indicates forward and reflected power.

Figure 8:
An inside view of the Tandem Match (sense unit) showing
the coupling lines, internal shielding and AD8307 boards.
Click on the image for a larger version.
Figure 8 shows the as-built "sense unit" and the two coaxial sense lines are clearly visible.  As can be seen, the "main line" coupler is physically separated and shielded from the secondary sense line, using PTFE ("Teflon") feedthrough lines to pass the signals.

The AD8307 detectors themselves can be seen at the left and right edges of the lower half of the unit, built on small pieces of perfboard.  All signals - including the 12 volt power and the DC voltages of the output pass through 4000pF feedthrough capacitors to prevent both ingress and egress of RF energy which could find its way into the '8307 detectors and skew readings.

* * * * *

In a future posting (Part 2) we'll talk about the final design and integration of this project.

This page stolen from ka7oei.blogspot.com


DRAFT - Neon bar-graph VSWR/Power meter using the ИН-13 (a.k.a "IN-13") "Nixie" - Part 2

Figure 1:
Power/VSWR meter using ИН-13 neon bar-graph
Click on the image for a larger version
In Part 1 I laid out the requirements of the ИН-13-based neon bar-graph VSWR/power meter.  Admittedly, this is a "buy cool, old tech and figure out what project might use it" scenario - but having one tube always showing the forward power and the other tube showing either reverse power of calculated VSWR was the goal.

In the previous installment we talked about how to generate the high voltage (130 volts or so) for the bar-graph neons, the means to drive precise amounts of current through the tubes using precision current sink circuits, and the "Tandem" coupler to detect forward and reflected power.
Mounting the tubes
Figure 2:
ИН-13 tubes in the raw.
It is up to the constructor to determine how best to mount
these tubes - and how to connect them to the circuit.
Figure 3 shows how flexible wires were attached as the
wires on the tubes themselves are very easily broken!
Click on the image for a larger version.
In looking at Figure 1 you can see that the ИН-13 tubes are mounted to pieces of clear acrylic, but a quick look at Figure 2 shows that they don't really have a means of mounting, leaving the method to the imagination of the user.

In preparing the tubes for mounting I trimmed the wire leads and soldered flexible wires to them, covering them with "hot melt"(thermoset) adhesive to passivate the connection, making them relatively durable:  The original wires will NOT tolerate much flexing at all and are likely to break off right at the glass "pinch" - which would make the tube useless.   Figure 3 shows how the leads were encapsulated - the thermoset adhesive being tinted with a permanent marker - mainly to add a bit of color.

Laser-cut sheets and markings
Figure 3:
Close-up of the "hot-glue" covered wire
attachments for the ИН-13 tubes.  Also visible
are the black wire loops holding them in place
and the laser-edged markings on the acrylic.
Click on the image for a larger version.

In looking at Figure 1 and 3 you will also notice that there are scales indicating the function and showing scale graduations and the associated numerical values.  I'm fortunate to have a friend (also an amateur radio operator) who has a high-power laser cutter and it was easy to lay out the precise dimensions of the acrylic sheets and also have it cut the holes for the mounting screws in the corners as well.

While it takes a bit of laser power to cut the sheets, a far lower power setting will ablate the surface, yielding a result not unlike surface engraving and when lit from the edges, these ablations will light up with the rest of the sheet remaining pretty dark:  A total of four sheets were cut and "engraved" in this way:  The front sheet for "VSWR" and its markings, the middle sheet for "Reverse Power" and the rear acrylic sheet for "Forward Power".  It was possible to arrange the lettering so that only "VSWR" and "Reverse Power" were atop each other but in subdued light - and with a bit of darkened plastic in front of the display - the markings on the un-lit sheet are practically invisible.  The fourth sheet mentioned was left blank, being the protective cover. 

Edge lighting

Edge-lit displays go back decades - and the idea likely goes back centuries where it was observed that imperfections in glass (later, plastic) would be visible if the substrate was illuminated from the edge.  Since the early-mid 20th century, one could find a number of edge-lit indicators - usually in some sort of test equipment of industrial displays - but they occasionally showed up in the consumer market - usually acrylic or similar with the markings engraved with a rotary tool or - as may be done nowadays, a laser.

While incandescent lamps would have been used in the past, LEDs are the obvious choice these days and for this I selected some "high brightness" LEDs to light the edges of the engraved acrylic sheets.  For the "Forward Power" sheet - which would be that which was always illuminated in use - I chose white while using Green for VSWR and Blue for Reverse Power.  I'd considered Yellow and Red, but discarded the former as it might appear too much light the white under some conditions and past experience has reminded me that - particularly in a dark room - the human eye can't see or focus on fine detail on red objects very easily.

Figure 4:
Six LEDs are epoxied to the edge to evenly light the laser-
etched markings in the acrylic sheet.  The faces of the LEDs
were filed flat to facilitate bonding and improve efficiency.
Click on the image for a larger version.

Figure 4 shows some details as to how the edge lighting is accomplished.  Six equally-spaced LEDs were epoxied to the bottom edge of the display, arranged to be nearly the width of the engraved text.  In writing this entry I observed that photographing edge-lit displays such as this is nearly impossible owing to the variations in illumination (e.g. it's difficult to take pictures of very bright objects in the dark!) but the effect is very even as viewed by the human eye.

The six LEDs were connected as two series strings of three LEDs:  As each LED requires about three volts - and I have only a 12 volt power source - doing so requires only a bit more than nine volts to power the LED arrays.  As the green and white LEDs are also silicon nitride based as well, they take similar voltages.

Not readily apparent from Figure 4 is the fact that the LEDs were modified slightly.  As we are trying to interface a standard T1-3/4 LED to the flat edge of a plastic sheet, it's apparent that the rounded, focused lens makes this physically difficult.  To mitigate this, the top of the LED was flattened with a file and the clear epoxy was removed to just above the light emitting die.  The result of this is that a flat surface is mated to another flat surface for a physically stronger bond and a more efficient coupling of light and a bit of the LED's original directivity in the form of the "lens" is removed from the equation. 

Just prior to mounting the acrylic sheets in the "stack up" some black electrical tape was applied.  This tape was put on both sides of the sheet, extending just above the bottom edge, to reduce the glare from the LEDs and to minimize the possibility of this light coupling into the adjacent sheet.

Mounting the tubes and sheets

As can be seen from Figure 3, the tubes are held in place with loop of solid-core insulated wire - the holes mounting them also "drilled" with the laser.  The "stack-up" of acrylic sheets and the tubes - both of which were mounted on "VSWR" acrylic layer - is held together using 6-32 brass machine screws and spacers with a piece of 1/4"(5.2mm) plywood covered with black felt for the back to provide contrast.

The box and base

As can be seen from figure 1, the entire unit is in a wooden base:  The same friend with the laser cutter also had some scraps of red oak and a simple base was made, decorated with an ogee cut around the perimeter with the router while atop it a simple box with mitered corners - facing at a slight upward angle - in which the display and electronics reside.  On the base itself are two buttons:  One switches between VSWR and Reverse Power and the other between peak and average readings.  These switches have other functions as well, which will be discussed in the third installment when the final circuit and internal workings of the software is discussed.

* * * * *

This page stolen from ka7oei.blogspot.com


Hiking and POTA (Parks On the Air) operation from Arches National Park (US-0004)


Figure 1:
Double-O Arch
Click on the image for a larger version.
Earlier this month I had the opportunity to spend nearly a week in Arches National Park in south eastern Utah.  As the name implies, there are a lot of natural arches scattered throughout the area, the result of erosion occurring over millenia, the semi-porous sandstone eventually yielding the the inexorable forces of wind and water.

These trips to red rock country are not new to me:  I've been visiting this part of the state for more than 30 years now, having spent more well over six months cumulative camping, hiking and backpacking in this austere land.  On most of these trips, I have been in the company of other amateur radio operators - and that was the case here, as well.

Compared to other national parks in Utah, Arches is fairly small - on a few 10s of miles long and narrower than this in width.  Compared to some places I go, it's a bit of a "tourist" park meaning that it's fairly crowded with comparatively few developed trails concentrated in a few areas.

Figure 2:
Fins and more fins, backgrounded by the La Sal mountains
as seen along the "primative" trail.
Click on the image for a larger version.
When going to such places, I tend to do about as much hiking as I can - but Arches is comparatively limited, but one of the longer trail systems is that associated with Landscape Arch and Double-O arch.  On this hike I took the "primative" trail, separating me from the madding crowds - a much longer route over occasionally rugged terrain, occasionally requiring a bit of scrambling up or down slick rock:  Just the way I like it!

Over the course of a few hours I made my way from the campground to Double-O Arch where I met the rest of my group who'd taken the other trail where we stayed for a while before splitting again and heading back.  Altogether, I managed about 10 miles (16km) or so by the time I got back to camp.

With temperatures in the mid 80s (about 30C) I set up my radio in the shade of my tent and shade and started operating.

* * *



The evening before, I had a bit of extra time around dinner and I took that opportunity to set up my portable antennas in the cooling evening air.  For this POTA operation, I eventually set up two antennas - the first one being my JPC-7 loaded dipole.

Figure 3:
Operating CW in the shade, on a portable table, using
a cast iron frying pan to keep the paddle in place.
Click on the image for a larger version.
I've discussed the JPC-7 antenna on this blog before (LINK) - and have used it for several POTA operations already with good results.  Since the last POTA operation I'd rewound the loading coils, replacing the original stainless steel wire with silver-plated copper to reduce the losses - I discuss the details about this HERE.  It's difficult to estimate how much improvement this change made, but it's likely in the general area of 3dB or so - only 1/2 "S" unit or so, but it's certainly worth a bit of hassle to improve efficiency on an already-small antenna.

A day after setting up the JPC-7, I also set up the JPC-12 vertical antenna (described here).  This antenna, too, has been refitted with a silver-plated loading coil as well:  With a few extra mast sections, a top-hat and resonant, elevated radials it also makes for an excellent portable antenna - albeit a bit more complicated to set up than the loaded vertical, particularly when changing bands.

Radio and power:

The radio - an older Yaesu FT-100 (with the CW filter from an FT-100D) which was powered by a 100 amp-hour Lithium-Iron Phosphate battery using a paddle from cwmorse.us - (link).  I've used this particular paddle ("Outdoor pocket double paddle with magnets") for several POTA activations and as before, I've used the same cast-iron fry pan for all of them to keep the paddle from sliding around - often ending up with a bit of soot on the side of my hand and wrist!

Figure 4:
The antennas - and solar panel.
There was no audible interference from the
now-modified solar controller.
Click on the image for a larger version.
Operating (mostly) on 20 meters I managed to make about 285 contacts - all but four of them CW with 277 of them counting as POTA contacts.  The operating position was almost as POTA as one gets:  Sitting in a chair, under a shade, surrounded by sand and red rock.

Mixing antennas with solar - with no QRM!:

 Figure 4 shows the "antenna farm".  In the foreground - just left of center - is the JPC-7 loaded dipole, using a studio tripod for support while in the background - to the right of center - can be seen the JPC-12 vertical with tophat.

Also in the foreground is a 200 watt solar panel - but you may be wondering if this would cause QRM (interference) from its controller:  The answer is NO - but this is only true because I've done previous work to add extra filtering to it.  Even with the antenna (particularly the JPC-7)right next to the solar panel with its controller, I could not hear any interference at all - but this is by design as I have taken steps to make it quiet, and you can read about the details to accomplish this HERE in a previous blog entry.

At this camp site there were two other PV systems in operation located some distance away from the antenna, but I could hear those.  For the one closest, I happened to have an FT240-43 toroid on hand and I was able to cram five turns (with connectors) of the cables from the two panels feeding it:  Predictably, this reduced the QRM somewhat (1-2 S-units) - but as noted in the blog entry noted above, ferrite alone will not likely solve such a QRM issue!

Figure 5:
Red and green auroras backgrounding the big dipper.
Click on the image for a larger version.
The "other" PV system - which was even further away - caused minimal interference so nothing was done about it - but since I'd used my only FT240-43 toroid, I wouldn't have been able do anything about it, anyway.

Red Rock + Aurora = More red!

As it happened, the sun did a bit of burping in the days leading up to and during this trip, the result being the repeated appearance of a visible aurora, the first appearing on October 7 when very visible red pillars appeared in the northern sky:  Scrambling to the top of a nearby bluff, we could see a bit of red and green in the sky along with the Big Dipper.

For the next few days we noticed something else:  On the first night, the sky was spectacularly dark - the Andromeda Galaxy being visible - but on the night of the first aurora and for a few nights thereafter it seemed as though we lost a lot of the "deepness" of the sky.  We also noticed that despite the lack of moonlight, we could see the surrounding landscape and make out large objects on the ground without needing additional light.

Figure 6:
Sky glow, lighting up the camp and environs.
Click on the image for a larger version.
We eventually realized that what we were seeing was sky glow.  In other words, the entire sky was glowing dimly:  Not bright enough to be perceived as color, but the cumulative glow of the entire sky was enough to illuminate the landscape in that odd way.

A few days later the aurora was clearly visible again - and that's when the photo in Figure 6 was taken, showing a bit of red behind the clouds to the north and some green glow on the northern horizon.

* * * * *

This page stolen from ka7oei.blogspot.com


The "Universal TCXO" - better stability for the TS-590 (and other radios) using the QRP Labs ProgRock 2


Figure 1:
The TS-590G into which the ProgRock was installed.
A useful accessory for many amateur transceivers is a TCXO - a device, often offered as an option, that improves the absolute frequency stability and accuracy of the radio.  When in current production, the TCXO is available from the manufacturer - and possibly from third parties - but long after the radio has been made, a TCXO may be difficult to find.

One option for addressing this issue is the use of the QRP Labs ProgRock 2 - LINK.  This unit is pretty inexpensive (US$18 at the time of writing) and has a stability of 0.5ppm - which is likely better than even the original TCXO offered by the manufacturer.

Any weird frequency

While it would be convenient if radios had a nice, easy frequency like 10 MHz as their main oscillator, that is rarely the case - and this was true for a friend's TS-590G which wanted 15.6 MHz.  This radio, which he purchased second-hand, did not come with a TCXO and based on his experience during June Field Day and winter Field Day (in January) it drifted excessively - a few 10s of Hz on 10 meters - enough that he would occasionally get complaints about him being "off frequency" - even if it was he that was calling CQ!

Although an aftermarket unit was available, he was intrigued by the idea of using the ProgRock 2 as this same device could be programmed for any frequency between about 3.5 kHz and 200 MHz with a resolution of 1 Hz.  Additionally, the ProgRock 2 allowed the use of a 1 PPS (1 pulse-per-second) output from a GPS module to "discipline" the oscillator with even greater stability - but more on this later.

Prepping the ProgRock 2

Using the ProgRock 2 is pretty easy:  It has a micro-USB connector onboard and when plugged into a computer, it can appear as a serial port - refer to the manual for the appropriate driver.  Using a serial terminal program - like PUTTY - one simply enters the frequency, to the nearest 1 Hz, hit the "S" key to save it to memory and you are pretty much done.  The ProgRock will allow the output of more than one frequency if needed (the manual has more detail) but we will be using output #1, which is also the one into which we'd program the needed frequency, setting the others to zero (e.g. "off").

Figure 2:
ProgRock 2 with the 3.9 and 10k resistors mounted to allow
the external application of a 1pps signal from a GPS module
to stabilize the frequency further.  The bottom side of the
ProgRock 2 is shown.
Click on the image for a larger version.

Having said that, there's a bit more to it in that it needs power, ground, and the signal output needs to get into the radio - but more on that in a moment.  

As my friend wished to experiment with using a 1 PPS source to nail it down to frequency, a 3.9k series resistor was added to the "1pps" pin along with a 10k resistor to ground to keep the pin from "floating" around in voltage when nothing was connected to it.  Figure 2 shows these resistors mounted on the "bottom" side of the board:  The upper resistor is the 3.9k connected to the 1pps pad with the lower, 10k resistor connected to a ground pad.  The junction of the two (with the yellow piece of insulating tubing) is where the 1pps input would be connected.

The use of the 3.9k resistor is described in the ProgRock 2's documentation which notes that the onboard microcontroller operates from 3.3 volts - but placing this resistor in series (the value of which isn't particularly critical) limits the current into the logic pin, allowing it to be safely driven by a 5 volt - or even 12 volt - 1pps pulse. 

Figure 3:
The Progrock 2 mounted to the original TS-590 TCXO board
using short, insulated jumper wires.  The top side of the
ProgRock 2 is shown.
Click on the image for a larger version.
As noted in the ProgRock 2's documentation, as long as the 1pps pin is held low, it's ignored and the unit will operate based on the frequency set by its onboard oscillator, but when it sees the 1pps pulses, it measures the time between their rising edges to determine how far off the internal clock is from ideal, making slow, incremental changes.  If the 1pps signal were to later disappear, it would simply "hold" that frequency until the ProgRock 2 was power-cycled at which point it would revert to the internal clock unless/until it was again presented with a 1pps signal.

There's a place for it

While the "stock" TS-590 did not come with a TCXO, there was a small "daughter" board adjacent to the portion of the circuit board with the stock oscillator on which the user is expected to solder a TCXO in the form of a "crystal can" oscillator module - or, in the case of some after-market units - replace that board entirely.  As the ProgRock 2 is roughly the size of a postage stamp (it will fit within an HC-6 crystal can!) it could be wedged on this same board - which is convenient as this board also carries 5 volt power for the original TCXO, so a bit of pretty easy "micro" surgery was undertaken.

Figure 4:
A hand-drawn diagram showing the connections
on the top side of the TS-590's TCXO board and
the ProgRock 2 board.
Click on the image for a larger version.

Figure 3 shows how the ProgRock 2 board was mounted on the original TCXO board.  Fortunately, all of the needed connections are there:  +5 volts to run the original TCXO, ground, and the signal output.  Figure 4 shows a hand-drawn diagram showing the original TCXO board (top) with its pin locations while a representation of the ProgRock board (with the USB connector oriented on top) is in the lower drawing along with its connections.

Using small gauge, insulated wire liberated from a scrap of CAT5 Ethernet cable, short-as-possible jumpers were run between the TCXO board and the ProgRock.  In Figure 3, the "ground" connections were made using green wire - one of them utilizing the body of the USB connector - while the output signal used blue and the power used orange:  In the upper-right corner of the ProgRock 2 board - just above the USB connector - you can just see the yellow insulating tubing of the 1pps connection.

There is JUST enough room - if one scrunches the edge of the ProgRock 2 board against the TCXO board's white connector (and by routing wires such that they are not between the ProgRock 2 board and the connector) so that it will fit in the original location within the TS-590 as can be seen in Figure 5, below.


It was noted - during testing - that  the combination of 10 meters at 100 watts while using the built-in tuner seemed to "glitch" the ProgRock for reasons unknown - although it's suspected that magnetic fields from the PA/Tuner board are finding their way through the aluminum chassis from the opposite side.  Simply tipping the ProgRock 2 board from being flat against the original TCXO board to more of an angle and adding another ground wire jumper to the TCXO board seemed to fix this.

One important consideration is that you MUST be sure that there's a blocking capacitor somewhere between the output of the ProgRock 2 and the input of the circuit that it's driving.  As it turns out, the stock TS-590 TCXO board has such a blocking capacitor - but if your application does not, or you are not sure if it does, simply use a 0.001 to 0.1uF capacitor in series with the output - and this capacitor may also serve in lieu of a jumper wire in connecting it to the radio.

Finally, don't forget to disable the original oscillator of the radio into which you are installing the ProgRock 2.  In the case of the TS-590, there are two jumpers that must be removed - one to cut power to the original oscillator and the other to disconnect its output - these jumpers are just visible to the right of the orange connector on the jumper cable to the TCXO board on Figure 5.  In some radios, the TXCO replaces the original oscillator so there's no need to "disable" it.

Figure 5:
The TCXO + Progrock 2 boards, installed in the TS-590.
There is enough wire length to connect the USB to program
the ProgRock in-situ if the mounting screw is removed.
Click on the image for a larger version.

Checking the calibration

You might notice that the TS-590's TCXO board is connected with a short, 4-wire jumper (the red, black and green wires in Figure 5) and this is long enough to allow connection of the ProgRock 2 board to a USB cable and a computer to allow the frequency to be adjusted "live", while the radio is in operation - this requires removing the single mounting screw to permit the board to "hang loose".

Simply setting the ProgRock 2 to 15.6 MHz exactly in the configuration menu resulted in the TS-590 being within 2 Hz of the correct frequency when checked against the 10 MHz WWV/H signal - this difference likely because the ProgRock 2's onboard 25 MHz oscillator was very slightly off, but well within the 0.5ppm tolerance.

But what if you wanted it to be closer?  Keep in mind that the frequency tolerance of the ProgRock 2's own TCXO is 0.5ppm which amounts to as much as 5 Hz at 10 MHz (or 15 Hz at 30 MHz) so absolute accuracy over a wide temperature range is unrealistic - but "dialing it in" at the typical room temperature is quite reasonable - although there's a caveat to this if you plan to use the 1pps input as we'll soon discuss.

If you have an ultra-precise frequency reference such as a GPS-disciplined oscillator or a Rubidium reference, by all means use it - but if you don't, you can use an off-air frequency reference like WWV, WWVH, BPM, or whatever else is near you that is KNOWN to be very precise - but the higher the frequency, the better.

Using 15 MHz WWV as an example, tune the radio USING THE KEYPAD so that it is exactly on frequency:  Note that the TS-590 can tune smaller than the 10 Hz steps shown on the display, so turning the dial doesn't guarantee that you are on the "zero Hz" frequency step.  Without bumping the main tuning knob and knocking it off by less than a 10 Hz steplisten for the WWV transmission to hear the portion when they are transmitting the 500 or 600 Hz tone(this step won't work if they are not transmitting this tone) and switching between USB and LSB:  If you hear any difference in tone, you may wish to tweak the ProgRock's frequency up or down as appropriate.  If the tone on USB is slightly lower than that on LSB, the ProgRock's frequency needs to be set slightly lower.

An alternative method to setting the frequency is to use a spectrum analysis program - "Spectran" by I2PHD (LINK) is probably the easiest to use.  In this case, one would tune Spectran for a 1 kHz tone and configure it to pick up the audio via the computer's microphone - or using a direct audio connection such as a rig interface or audio cable from the radio.  Using USB on the TS-590, tune exactly 1 kHz below WWV/H (e.g. 14.999 kHz) and measure the frequency:  If the tone frequency measures slightly high when using USB, the ProgRock's 15.6 MHz frequency can be increased slightly - but remember that it may be done only in 1 Hz steps.  Remember that 1 Hz at 15.6 MHz will cause a frequency shift of about 0.6 Hz at 10 MHz and almost 2 Hz at 30 MHz as the effect will be proportional to the radio of the reference frequency (15.6 MHz in this case) and the frequency to which the receiver is tuned.

Comment about tuning step size.

Many modern transceivers tune in 10 Hz steps or finer - but note that these steps are often not exactly what they may seem.  For example, some radios' 10 Hz steps aren't exactly 10 Hz each - some being a bit more, some being a bit less - but that they will average 10 Hz steps.  The same goes for the smaller step sizes as well.

Keep this in mind when you are attempting to set/measure a given radio exactly to frequency as this slight difference in step size may result in some frequencies being slightly different from what is expected and this difference may vary by seemingly random amounts.

Using the 1pps input

As noted earlier, the ProgRock 2 can take a 1pps input from a GPS receiver module, using this to make gradual corrections of the frequency.  Doing this if the GPS signal is reliable will result in the frequency being very stable over a wide temperature range, but there are two caveats to this:

  • The ProgRock 2 doesn't (yet?) have in its firmware a means by which one can input an offset of its 25 MHz TCXO frequency.  As the onboard 25 MHz TCXO is not likely to be exactly correct, this means that if you set set the frequency at room temperature - and the oscillator is slightly off - when you apply a 1pps input the frequency will then be shifted assuming a 25 MHz clock frequency.  The reason for this is that the 1pps will set the frequency as if the onboard 25 MHz TCXO were 25 MHz, exactly - but since it probably isn't (remember - it's rated to be within 0.5ppm) a frequency shift will result.
    • In other words, if you want your radio to be precisely on frequency with a 1pps input, you will have to "dial it in" with 1pps applied and expect it to be slightly off when no 1pps signal is present.
    • If you ever do apply a 1pps signal - even briefly - the Progrock 2 will "remember" that offset even when the 1pps is removed until the unit is power-cycled.  If the 1pps is removed, the oscillator will now be free to drift with temperature. 
  • The frequency step corrections as a result of the 1pps input are not infinitesimally small.  What this means is that with 1pps applied, every second the frequency will shift slightly, typically hovering above and below the target - but the magnitude of these corrections may be set in the configuration of the ProgRock 2.
    • For most modes on HF - including FT8, FT4, PSK31, CW, Sideband or even many digital modes - these small "sub-Hz" shifts would likely be inconsequential. 
    • If you are using a digital mode where fractional-Hertz frequency shifts are important, you may want to carefully consider using 1pps at all, weighing the pros and cons of having seemingly random small frequency shifts.  Modes where this may be important would be WSPR, FST4W (particularly the modes longer than 2 minutes), coherent CW, during an FMT (Frequency Measurement Test) or any other instance where small frequency steps may be disruptive.
    • If you are in a situation where the continual frequency correction is an issue but you want the frequency to be closer than what the TCXO onboard the ProgRock will allow you might consider manually applying the 1pps signal intermittently to occasionally recalibrate the frequency.  This would allow the frequency to drift slightly with temperature between calibration intervals.
    • While one may configure the adjustment size in the ProgRock 2 and likely minimize the size of the frequency adjustment steps, remember that it must be capable of correcting for the normal and expected frequency changes related to temperature.  This need sets a minimum correction size that will be practical and the varying environments with differing temperature and its stability will affect this.
    • If you are using a 1pps input on a radio that operates in the VHF/UHF and/or microwave frequencies, these small frequency shiftswill be proportionally larger and may even be noticeable on SSB and/or as slight "clicks"in received audio - possibly making the radio unusable for digital modes altogether.  It may be possible to configure the ProgRock 2 to mitigate this somewhat by reducing the magnitude of the corrections, but they will always be there.

Using the ProgRock2 in other radios

As the ProgRock2 can be programmed for about any frequency you like, it can be used in radios other than the Kenwood TS-590.   The ProgRock 2 draws a modest amount of current (40-60mA) so it's addition will likely not be consequential in power consumption on "desk" and "mobile" radios - but it may be significant on a QRP or portable radio.  It's likely that most radios do NOT have a handy board onto which the ProgRock 2 may be easily mounted like the TS-590, but the unit is small enough that it will likely fit in/near the location intended for the oscillator/TCXO.

Be sure to use as short of leads as practical and it will likely be necessary to use some sort of adhesive (foam or glue) or some sort of "zip tie" to hold the ProgRock 2 board into place.  If possible, be sure to allow the ProgRock 2 to be connected to a  computer to allow final tweaking of frequency once it is installed - at least before it is secured into place:  Once the frequency has been "dialed in" it's unlikely that you'll need to readjust it any time soon.

The ProgRock 2 is also rather flexible in its power supply, but even though it is rated to 12.0 volts, I would NOT recommend allowing more than 10 volts to be applied to it - and the input voltage can be as low as around 4 volts meaning that it's likely that the radio itself has an already-existing supply rail (5 volts like the TS-590 - many have an 8, 9 or 10 volt supply as well) that will work nicely.

As noted above, you must be sure to keep the DC of the output of the ProgRock from being shorted to ground or to another voltage source (such as a bias network of an amplifier/buffer) as it has no blocking capacitor of its own.  In the TS-590 the original TCXO board had its own blocking capacitor - but if your intended circuit doesn't have such - or if you don't know if it has one - simply add a capacitor of between 0.001 and 0.1uf (value not critical) series blocking capacitor of your own.

Most "recent" radios (e.g. those made since the early-mid 90s) have a single frequency reference for their synthesizer - but ones prior to this (and a few after) may have more than one master oscillator that determines the precise frequency.  It's worth noting that the ProgRock 2 can output more than one frequency at a time (three if you are not using the 1pps input - just two if you are) and it may be possible to program one of the ProgRock's other outputs to another useful frequency.

In some cases, these "other" frequencies may include the radio's BFO (Beat Frequency Oscillator) or HFO (Heterodyne Frequency Oscillator) in which case you may need to be more creative - but it's worth noting that the ProgRock has up three "digital" inputs that may optionally be used allowing up to eight separate frequency combinations to be produced - possibly allowing one to replaced impossible-to-find crystals in vintage radios - but this is a possible topic of another article.

* * * * *

This post stolen from ka7oei.blogspot.com


Frequency response of the RX-888 SDR at the high and low ends (above 30 MHz and below 1.5 MHz)


Figure 1:
The RX-888 Mk2.
The RX-888 Mk 2 (hereafter referred to as the  RX-888 or '888) is a versatile device, essentially providing a means by which "all of HF"(0-30 MHz - or even 0-60 MHz) may be sampled and presented to a computer for processing via a multi-gigabit USB3 interface.  As it has no onboard signal processing, this device is practically "future proof" in that as all computations are performed on the host computer and there are no frequency or bandwidth limitations regarding the sort of signals - or how many - may be processed, presuming adequate processing capacity.


I've seen at least three different "sub-versions" of the RX-888 Mk2 - each one looking slightly different (different circuit board color and other minor differences) - since this device was released.  It's also very likely that components also vary a bit with different manufacturers so the actual frequency response of units of different "builds" may also change.  Unfortunately, I only "have what I have" and haven't been able to compare differences - if any.

The highs and the lows

Like any receiver, it has limits of its frequency response - both at the upper end where the high-pass filter dominates and at the bottom end where the component selection as well as the design itself will limit low-frequency response.

Let's look at the low end first.

The lows

The low end limit to the frequency response (somewhere below 1 MHz) of the '888 has not previously been well defined.  This low frequency response is set by component limitations within the HF signal path, including:

  • Coupling capacitors.  DC blocking capacitors in series with the signal path will act as high-pass filters, rolling off the low frequencies.
  • The Bias-Tee inductor.  The RX-888 has the ability to supply power via the antenna port to an amplifier.  This inductor has a finite inductance and it, too, will force a high-pass response as well.  This inductor's value was measured as being 10uH (nominal) which presents a reactance of 50 ohms at about 800 kHz
  • The coupling transformer.  The RX-888 has a transformer that couples the input of the variable gain amplifier (VGA) from the attenuator.  As with any transformer, this, too, has defined low-frequency response.  This transformer was measured and found to have an inductance of 125uH of its primary (50 ohms at 64 kHz) with the secondary being about 760 uH.

This low-frequency roll-of is not uncommon in broadband receivers:  Most amateur transceivers suffer severe performance degradation at LF and VLF frequencies for the simple reason that the designers presume (correctly!) that very few of the users of that gear would ever be interested in that range - and making this assumption simplifies the design somewhat and reduces cost. 

Using a signal generator with a constant output, the response of the RX-888 (Mk2) was measured, using the signal strength at 1500 kHz as a reference:

Frequency (kHz)Attenuation (db)
Unmodified unit
Attenuation (db)
Bias-Tee inductor removed
1500 (Reference)
475 (630 meters)
137 (2200 meters)
100 (Loran C)
75  (DCF77 approx.)
60  (WWVB, JJY)
30 (Submarine comms)
25 (Submarine comms)
20 (Submarine comms)

Table 1:  Attenuation measurements at 1.5 MHz and below using both an unmodified RX-888 and the same one after the bias-Tee inductor was removed.

Comments about the frequency response of the unmodified unit:

As can be seen from the table above, the "stock" RX-888 is flat within about 2 dB or so across the AM broadcast band (520-1700 kHz) but it falls off precipitously between 100 and 300 kHz with a bit of "rebound" in the 40-150 kHz area, likely due a very low "Q" resonance of inductance and capacitance of the aforementioned components (inductors, transformers) in the signal path.

In the "VLF" range (30 kHz and below) the unmodified receiver may be somewhat usable when using an active antenna to overcome losses, but at 20 kHz and below the response drops off like a rock and, as the chart shows, it's pretty much unusable below 5-10 kHz.

The factors above conspire to prevent a flat frequency response at lower frequencies - say, those below 1.5 MHz.  For the table below, my reference amplitude and frequency is 1.5 MHz as it seemed to be more or less representative of the amplitude response above this, in the HF range - and it seemed to be comfortably above that at which the aforementioned high-pass effects of the components were having a significant effect.

Figure 2:
The red arrow points to the location of the
10uH bias-Tee inductor.  As seen in
Table 1, its removal can significantly improve
MF and LF performance.
Click on the image for a larger version.

Can anything be done to improve LF/VLF response?

It is possible to modify the RX-888 to improve the low and frequency response by removing the Bias-Tee inductor from the HF port and as can be seen from the above data there is a dramatic difference in usable sensitivity at frequencies below 1 MHz - particularly below 400 kHz.

This is the easiest modification as it entails the removal of a single component and Figure 2 shows the location of this inductor.  It may most easily be removed with a hot-air rework tool, but it should be possible to carefully use a solder-wetted iron to heat it and remove with a pair of tweezers (temporarily remove any thermal pad below that portion of the board if it's present) or a very sharp pair of diagonal flush-cut pliers to remove it (perhaps destructively) as well.

There are other ways by which the low frequency response may be improved, including:

  • Replacing the coupling transformer.  The transformer used in the RX-888 is likely specified for a low-end frequency response of 1 MHz or so, so it's not surprising that this may be the worst offender in low-frequency roll-off.  Replacing it with a different unit with larger inductance (a commercial or hand-made unit) would certainly help.  It may also be possible to simply replace the transformer with coupling capacitors (say, 0.1uF) - but this would be at the expense of sensitivity and performance across the entire frequency range, something that might be acceptable if one's primary interest was in the MF/LF/VLF spectrum.  As the inductance of the transformer's primary is known to be about 125uH, we can see that this is likely the main cause of attenuation below 60 kHz.
  • Increasing value of coupling capacitors.  The coupling capacitors in series with the signal path are likely not ideal for coupling VLF frequencies.  A value such as 0.1 uF or larger would be suggested.

For VLF use (30 kHz and below) if you have interest in this frequency range you may be better off not trying to use the RX-888 - at least directly.  Some possibilities include:

  • Use a VLF up-converter.  Converting the frequencies 0-30 kHz to a higher frequency range will put this spectrum within the useful range of the RX-888 and practically any other modern receiver.  There have been a number of VLF up-converter units for sale in the past, but I don't have a specific recommendation.  If this up-converter is clocked from the same source as the RX-888's clock (e.g. using its onboard 27 MHz oscillator, or both from a common, external clock) then frequency drift could be minimized.
  • Use a sound card.  A modest computer sound card capable of 192 kHz sample rate with 16 to 24 bit A/D converter is perfectly capable of ingesting frequencies up through at least 80 kHz and down (nearly) to DC.

Having a receiver capable of VLF (3-30 kHz) or ELF (300-3000 Hz) is one thing, but having an antenna system capable of this is an entirely different matter altogether.  There are many available E-field active whips that will work well down into the 10-20 kHz region, but below that frequency you are into the realm of specialized gear - and listening at "audio" radio frequencies in all but the most rural areas devoid of power lines and other forms of civilization can be fraught with frustration and disappointment due to the likely pick-up of mains-related energy and its harmonics.

Here are a few links related to equipment for LF/VLF reception.  Note that I have not necessarily built, bought or used the equipment described below, so your mileage may vary.

The effective reception of signals in the LF, VLF and ELF frequency range is highly contingent on having a "quiet" receive site, largely free of local noise sources and also on scrupulous attention to detail when it comes to decoupling the feedline (going to the "noisy" chassis of the receiver) from the antenna to prevent unwanted signals from being conveyed - but that's a topic of its own!

See the article A (semi)-typical suburban E-field whip receive system for the 630 and 2200 meter amateur bands - link. for a few details on how this might be done.

Real-world observations

At the Northern Utah WebSDR - where there are, at the time of writing, full-time WSPR receivers - it so-happens that there are currently some KiwiSDR and RX-888 based receivers sharing the exact, same signal path.  The KiwiSDR - which is capacitively coupled (e.g. you can hear "tinny" audio from the receiver tuned to 0 Hz and you apply the source to the antenna connector) has quite good response well into the VLF range.

Compared to the RX-888, the KiwiSDR performs noticeably better on the 2200 meter amateur band (137 kHz) in decoding WSPR and FST4W signals in which the '888 is about 15dB down.  As the '888 based system can't hear the 2200 meter signals as well, this indicates that signal levels feeding the '888 are a bit too low for it to "hear" the noise floor of the antenna system - but it also indicates that, perhaps, a few dB of boost in the signal path may remedy this:  This RX-888 has NOT had its bias-Tee inductor removed - but that's on the "to do" list:  After the bias-Tee inductor is removed I expect that it will perform comparably to the KiwiSDR at 2200 meters and I'll update this web page after having done so.

As the "LF/VLF" antenna system at the Northern Utah WebSDR is separate from that of the HF signal path - being combined in a special filter/amplifier module - boosting only the LF/VLF path would be the most beneficial as it wouldn't compromise HF reception by potentially overloading the A/D converter as would boosting everything.

The Highs

The RX-888's specifications state that it contains a "60 MHz" low-pass filter - but the precise nature of its response is not noted.

Comment about sample rates and aliasing

The use of the 60 MHz low-pass filter implies that the designers intended an A/D converter sample rate of more than twice that frequency - and since the RX-888 will happily sample at more than 130 MHz, this fits the need.  Many users do not operate their RX-888 at 130 MHz, however, as their interest does not extend beyond HF and operate it, instead, at around 65 MHz to reduce CPU and power loading.

A bit of warning here:  With a 65 MHz sample rate, the '888 will happily respond to signals above the Nyquist frequency (half of the sample rate, or 32.5 MHz) and these signals - spectrally "inverted" - will naturally appear at lower and lower frequencies as the original source signal's frequency increases.  Since the '888s low-pass filter is set at around 60 MHz, it will do nothing to prevent this:  The far right column of Table 2, below, shows the aliases of the test frequencies.

What this means is that users of the RX-888 using it at a sample rate lower than 130 MHz should be using an outboard low-pass filter.  With a sample rate of 65 MHz, a good-quality 30 MHz Low-Pass filter is appropriate and will suppress aliased signals that would otherwise appear above Nyquist.  Such filters may be found online via the usual retailers, but do not overlook an old 30 MHz transmit-type low-pass filter of the sort used to prevent interference to analog TV by an HF transmitter - often found at amateur radio swap meets or on EvilBay for cheap.

 The response, relative to 30 MHz, is shown below:

Frequency (MHz)Attenuation (dB)Alias frequency (MHz)
@130 MHz sample rate
Alias frequency (MHz)
@65 MHz sample rate
30 (Reference)0--
7014.160(double alias)
7517.75510  (double alias)
8021.75015  (double alias)
8527.14520  (double alias)
9032.54025  (double alias)
9537.83530  (double alias)
10042.83030  (triple alias)
10548.02525  (triple alias)
11052.92020  (triple alias)

 Table 2:  Sensitivity response of the RX-888 relative to 30 MHz

Table 2 shows the amplitude response of the RX-888 (Mk2) relative to 30 MHz and with a sample rate of exactly 130 MHz, meaning that our Nyquist Frequency will be at half this, or 65 MHz.  The third column shows the apparent frequency of the "alias" response that results if a signal above Nyquist gets to the A/D converter operating at 130 MHz.  (Note:  The bias-Tee inductor had negligible impact at the frequencies checked in Figure 2.)

It's worth noting that if you happen to operate the '888 at, say, a 65 MHz sample rate, the Nyquist frequency will be 32.5 MHz which means that if a 50 MHz signal is present, it will show up at (50 - 65 =) -15 MHz, and the appearance of the "negative" frequency means that the sidebands will be inverted (e.g. USB becomes LSB, etc.).  What's more is that the amplitude of this "alias" will barely be attenuated - and we know from the chart above that it'll be down around 3.8 dB:  This is why a low-pass filter for 30 MHz is strongly recommended if you plan to run the '888 at a sample rate around 65 MHz.

"Could I intentionally use aliases to receive higher frequencies than my sample rate would allow?"
After reading this, you might ask yourself "If I operate at a sample rate of 65 MHz, could I intentionally do this to receive spectrally-inverted 6 meter signals between 15 and 11 MHz?"
The answer is yes, you could - and as the chart above shows, they would be only 3.8-5.5dB down from the "real" signals across that same 15-11 MHz range.  Intentionally allowing aliases to occur is often done to allow the detection of signals well above the sample rate.  The caveat here is that one would want to sharply filter the source of the "above Nyquist" frequencies to limit them to the band of interest as well as prevent noise on the aliased frequency (15-11 MHz in this example) by filtering those frequencies as well.
Doing this works just fine as long as proper filtering and amplification is done to keep out the "unwanted" signals (at the higher and lower frequencies) and make up for losses.
In the example above, the lower part of 6 meters would appear just above the 20 meter band - but if one adjust the sample rate, the alias could be moved farther away from 20 meters and, with proper filtering, one could receive both 6 and 20 meters on the same receiver hardware.

Table 2 also shows the "double alias" frequency responses (in which the sidebands are inverted twice - or back to normal) that can also occur when signals are above the actual sample rate of 65 MHz, along with the "triple" aliases (inverted again) when signals are above 1.5 times the sample rate.

What the above table above also shows is that the 60 MHz low-pass filter isn't very good:  By the time you get to the bottom of the FM broadcast band (88 MHz) we know that the attenuation is only around 32 dB.  Here in North America it's common for an FM broadcast station to have many 10s of kilowatts of ERP which means that if you live anywhere near such a station - even if you are using an antenna that wasn't designed to receive FM broadcast frequencies - you may experience some interference around the alias frequencies noted in Table 2.

No matter the sample rate at which you operate your RX-888, it's recommended that you carefully check for aliased responses of FM transmitters.  If you find them - and even if you don't - I'd recommend a separate FM broadcast band blocking filter be installed to quash ingress from strong signals:  Without it you'll probably get some leakage of moderate-to-strong signals in the 22-42 MHz range (frequency-inverted) if you are running at a 130 MHz sample rate or in the 23-32 MHz range if you are running at a sample rate of 65 MHz.

* * * * *

This page stolen from ka7oei.blogspot.com


Charging LiFePO4 batteries from a vehicular electrical system - the problems and a solution.


Figure 1:
The Renogy RNG-DCC1212-20 - an isolated
and current-limited battery charger, intended
for use with vehicle electrical systems.
Click on the image for a larger version.

There are times - usually on a camping or road trip - where I would like to charge my LiFePO4 batteries en-route, from the vehicle.  The "need" is largely the result of having one of those coolers with a built in compressor:  It runs about 10-30% of the time at normal room temperature and pulls about 3.5 amps when doing so - but it's also advantageous to be able to keep a battery topped off in the event that you didn't start the trip with a fully-charged battery in the first place.

To do this, one may be tempted to connect the battery directly to the vehicle's electrical system, as might have done in days past with a lead-acid battery.

DO NOT do this with any lithium battery - at least not directly.

In short, you cannot and should not parallel a LiFePO4 battery with an existing charging system intended for lead-acid batteries.  The biggest issue with doing so is that unlike a lead-acid battery, a LiFePO4 battery will attempt to charge with all available current, likely resulting in blown fuses, heated wires and burnt-out alternators. A secondary issue has to do with the BMS (Battery Management System) of the LiFePO4 simply disconnecting abruptly when the battery is fully-charge, potentially causing voltage spikes capable of damaging vehicle electronics.

See the section"Why you need to treat LiFePO4 batteries differently"in the "tl;dr" section near the end of this article (link) for more details as to the problems that can occur.

A solution

The solution to the issues noted above lie largely in limiting the charging current.  One way to do this would be resistively - perhaps with the use of intentionally small-gauge wire and/or series resistor or incandescent automobile headlamp.  This will, by its nature, generate heat as it's inefficient - and it can generate quite a bit of heat(potential fire risk here!) - but this is the way one might have accomplished this in years past.

This sort of limiting may occur unintentionally if one charges via, say, a cigarette lighter/accessory plug connected with light-gauge wire, but this is sort of a "kludge".  One issue with this is that it can cause frequent blown fuses as the current isn't regulated and if the user attempts to circumvent this by using a higher-current fuse, damage to the electrical system (or even fire) can result.  If the connection is made to a power source that is switched on/off with the ignition, a connected battery can "back feed" the electrical system which can result in the battery being discharged when the vehicle is off or, worst case, damage to both the vehicle and battery.

These days one would use a current-limited and regulated voltage DC-to-DC converter with its power source connected as close to the vehicle battery as possible.

One of the many devices out there that will fit the bill is the Renogy RNG-DCC1212-20 (pictured above), available at the time of the original posting of this article for around US$100:  Using DIP switches, the type of battery (lead-acid, Lithium-Ion or LiFePO4 - I configured for the latter) may be selected along with the charging profile/voltage - and the device will limit the maximum charge current to just 20 amps - selectable to 10 amps with the addition of a jumper wire to the "LC" terminal.  What this means is that no matter the charge state of the LiFePO4 battery, the current being pulled from the vehicle's electrical system will be limited - very useful if one expects to avoid blowing fuses, destroying alternators, or burning up wiring.  (Note:  I have no vested interest in Renogy, they just happens to make one of the readily-available devices that is appropriate for this task.)

Additionally, it's rated to operate from between 8 and 16 volts but maintaining a constant output voltage (once the output current has dropped below limiting) that is independent of the voltage from the vehicle's electrical system. The Renogy is also an isolated DC-DC converter in that there is no electrical connection between the input and output terminals:  By being isolated, circulating currents (through the chassis or other "sneak paths") can be completely avoided which may be helpful for some sensitive equipment and/or to minimize/eliminate alternator "whine".

This particular unit is rated for up to 20 amps output current.  Rated at about 90% efficiency, it will take more power on its input connections than it will output, producing a bit of heat (which is why it has internal fans).  Also note that the current pulled by the unit will vary depending on the voltage input despite the fact that the output voltage and current may remain constant.

For example, assuming that the unit is outputting 20 amps at 14.5 volts, representing a LiFePO4 battery that is nearly fully-charged, and this represents and output power of is 290 watts - and assuming a 90% efficiency, the unit will actually consume 322 watts with the difference (32 watts) as heat.   At an input voltage of 12.0 volts,  322 watts is 26.8 amps, but at 14.0 volts, 322 watts is just 23.0 amps.  The fact that it can pull more current from the source supply than it is outputting must be taken into account when sizing the wire and selecting the fuse rating.

You can't just connect it and walk away!

The Renogy has a "D+" terminal that, when connected to a voltage source, will activate it.  The intent is that this wire is connected to some part of the vehicle's electrical system that is likely to be on when the engine is running to charge the battery - such as the "accessory" circuit.  The reason for this is that the Renogy itself has no useful low-voltage disconnect:  If you connected it to the vehicle's electrical system with the engine off, it will happily attempt to charge the battery to which it's connected - and if the battery being charged is a large, discharged LiFePO4 battery, it will likely run the vehicle's battery down completely in doing so.

For a permanent installation in a truck, van or RV, finding a wire that is only active when the engine is running (or, perhaps, the ignition is just "on") makes sense - but in my case I have no need for a permanent installation of the unit - plus, I don't have room to mount the unit and am unwilling to connect/disconnect an "ignition on" wire from the electrical system every time I install/remove it.

One way around this would be to monitor the battery voltage:  If it's above about 13.5 volts, one can be assured that the engine is running, but it will drop fairly quickly when the engine is off as the lead-acid starting battery's voltage drops.  Unfortunately, the Renogy's only means of low-voltage cut-off is set to 8 volts (a very "dead" 12 volt battery!) which requires that I come up with another way of enabling/disabling the device. 

Another issue is that even when the unit is active - but unloaded (e.g. no battery connected to the output) it consumes about 250 mA at 14 volts - increasing to over 500mA at 10 volts - and more than this if its cooling fans are running:  This sort of load will run a battery dead in a few days at best so there had to be a way of completely disabling it and eliminating current draw.

A voltage-controlled switch

In poking around, I noted that without the "D+" line connected to a voltage source, the Renogy drew no detectable current meaning that I could leave the high-current input leads connected full-time:  By switching just the D+ lead I could enable/disable the device as needed without the need of a heavy relay.  (Judging by the "clunk" that one hears when applying power to the D+ line, the Renogy probably has such a relay built into it.)

As the D+ line itself drew very little current (only about 3 milliamps) and anything above about 4 volts seemed to reliably trigger it, it would take almost nothing to drive it so the circuit could be very simple as the diagram below shows:

Figure 2:
Schematic diagram of the low-voltage cut-off circuit with hysteresis.
This circuit provides an "on/off" control of the converter to the "D+" line based on the
voltage at the "V+" and "V-" connections.
Click on the image for a slightly larger version.

How it works:

The "V+" and "V-" lines are connected across the unit's input terminals to monitor the voltage applied to it.  Resistor R1 scales the input voltage to a lower value to apply to the top of R2, a 10-turn trimmer potentiometer, that is used to divide the voltage down to the 2.5 volt threshold of U1, a TL431 "programmable Zener" via its "reference" terminal.  Capacitor C1 connected across the top of R2 provides a degree of filtering to reduce the probability of the circuit from responding to noise on the electrical system.

Figure 3:
The prototype, built on a scrap of proto board.  This uses
uses through-hole components, but could have been built to be
much smaller using surface-mount devices.  The capacitor has
been lifted up to allow a better view of the components.
Click on the image for a larger version.

Resistor R3 limits the current into U1 and R4 limits the current into Q1 while R5 keeps the emitter-base voltage of Q1 high when U1 isn't conducting, turning it off, resulting in no voltage on the "Out" lead and in this state, with the Out lead connected to the Renogy's "D+" connection, the unit would be powered down and draw no current.  Resistor R6 offers protection to the circuit in case the "Out" terminal is momentarily shorted to ground.

If the voltage on the reference terminal on U1 exceeds 2.5 volts, it turns on, pulling the bottom of resistor R3 toward ground, turning on Q1 and causing the "Out" lead to go high, enabling the Renogy via the "D+" line. When this voltage goes high, resistor R7 feeds back a slight amount of current into the junction of R1/R2, very slightly increasing its voltage, lowering the circuit's turn-off voltage slightly but leaving the turn-on voltage unchanged:  The value of 270k shown causes this voltage difference between "on" and "off" to be about 0.9 volts while a value of 680k results in a threshold difference of about 0.3 volts.

This threshold difference between turn-off and turn-on (a.k.a. hysteresis) is very important to the stable operation of this circuit.  If the voltage applied to the circuit were just above the threshold (by a fraction of a volt) the "Out" lead would turn on and activate the Renogy.  When this happened, the Renogy would start drawing current, causing the voltage to drop slightly through wire losses and load on the electrical system - but if this voltage dropped below the threshold, the "Out" lead would turn off again, causing an endless "on-off" cycle.  

By adding such hysteresis - and making sure that the voltage drop under load was comfortably less than the hysteresis amount - the unit will reliably turn on at the high voltage threshold and will not turn off until/unless the voltage drops below the low voltage threshold.  It is also imperative that this unit be connected directly to the battery (with appropriate fusing!) with as short and heavy leads as practical:  Too-light wiring will cause the voltage to drop under load, possibly causing it to trip out due to low voltage - only to be re-enabled immediately (e.g. the "on/off" cycling mentioned above.)  The need to minimize voltage drop is one reason why the power source should be connected as near the battery/alternator as practical.

Figure 4:
The completed unit in heat-shrink tube.  There are no
exposed electrical connections - just the adjustment at the end.
Click on the image for a larger version.
Enabling the Renogy by voltage detection alone isn't quite as reliable as having a connection to the ignition circuit of the vehicle, but it will work "well enough" and prevent the vehicle's battery from being flattened by the unit staying on all of the time, when the engine is off.

Figure 3, above shows the prototype unit, built on a small piece of prototype board.  R2, the 10 turn potentiometer is the blue device on the far right with U1 being the black object to the left of it with Q1 being on the far left.  In this photo, capacitor C1 is bent up, out of the way to allow a view of the components underneath where it will be laid over.

Figure 4 shows the same circuit covered with some yellow heat-shrink tubing to hold the components together and to protect it from external short circuits.  The end of the adjustment resistor, R2, protrudes from the end of the tubing so that it is accessible.

Installing within the unit

Figure 5:
The circuit within the converter.  The DC output
terminals (to the battery being charged) are in
the lower part of the image.
Click on the image for a larger version.
Not wanting to have a maze of wires outside the device, I installed the circuit inside the Renogy unit itself as seen in Figure 5.  Using some "Shoe Goo", a strong rubber adhesive (do not use "hot melt" glue!) the encapsulated board of Figure 4 was mounted in the upper-right corner of the "output" side of the unit, set back by about 3/8" of an inch (10mm).  The location is such that the voltage threshold adjustment is accessible via one of the ventilation holes:  Setting it back prevents it from obstructing air flow and makes the precise alignment between the screw of the potentiometer and the hole less critical.

The "V+" and "V-" wires from the circuit are soldered directly to the bottom of the board on the DC input terminals and the "out"terminal of the circuit (the blue wire in Figure 5) is routed through another hole near the green "D+" and "LC" terminals.

Figure 6 shows how these wires are routed.  In addition to the connection to the "D+" terminal from the circuit, another wire and a switch was added that optionally connects the "LC" terminal to the "D+" to set the Renogy to the "Low Current" mode by pulling it high when the switch is closed - in this case, limiting the maximum charge current to 10 amps, which may be useful if you are connecting the unit to a current-limited power source (e.g. "cigarette lighter" plug) that cannot supply the 25-ish amps current input that the unit may draw when charging at 20 amps output.

Figure 6:
Looking on the "output" side of the Renogy, this shows how
the "out" wire from the circuit routes out of one of the air
to the "D+" terminal.  Also shown is a switch that optionally
connects the "D+" to "LC" terminal for just 10 amp max.
Click on the image for a larger version.

This "modification" - since it does not involve drilling any holes - is "reversible" if desired as the circuit and wiring could be easily removed.

In-vehicle testing and use

High/low voltage turn-on/turn-off

Prior to testing the modified unit in my vehicle I set the "cut-in" voltage to about 13.65 volts which resulted in a disconnect voltage of around 12.7 volts - a voltage below which a 12 volt lead-acid battery will quickly drop when charging is stopped.  As expected, the unit did not get turned on until a few seconds after the engine was started, the voltage rising due to charging by the alternator:  If the battery had been heavily discharged and a lot of accessories were running (headlights, blower, wipers) it may take longer than this for the voltage to rise above the threshold.

The voltage dropped below the 12.7 volt shut-off threshold within a few 10s of seconds of turning off the engine with the entire unit drawing only about 0.5mA (all of that being from the added circuit) in that state - far lower than the vehicle's own quiescent current, and probably lower than the vehicle battery's self-discharge rate.  So far, I have found no tendency for the unit to cycle on and off while the engine is running - even if the headlights, heater blower and windshield wipers are on.

Of course, the voltage thresholds mentioned above are only valid for a healthy (and properly functioning) conventional charging with lead-acid batteries as part of the chassis electrical system:  If your vehicle somehow has a different type of electrical system than the conventional "alternator + lead acid" configuration it'll be up to you to determine how and even if a solely voltage-referenced on/off system like this can be done.

RF Noise generation

Being an amateur radio operator, I was concerned that this unit might produce an excess of radio frequency interference as it contains a high-power oscillator in its power converter.  While visual inspection of the Renogy (with its end covers removed) showed that it does have some filtering of its own in the form of series inductors and capacitors across the input/out leads and to the metal case (to suppress common-mode and differential RF energy) it would be unusual for even a well-designed commercial device to go to extremes in reducing radio frequency energy. 

Using a "Tiny SA" Spectrum analyzer I connected directly to the input and output leads - using a 0.002uF capacitor to block DC and protect the analyzer - I measured the amount of RF energy being differentially emitted from the unit.  This measurement is important in that if the instantaneous RF voltage on the output leads is different than on the input leads, the in/out cables will necessarily conduct RF energy to the outside world, into whatever is connected at both ends, including the wiring itself, which may radiate like a dipole antenna.  A plot from the spectrum analyzer showing the produced RF energy up to 10 MHz is shown below:

Figure 7:
The spectrum of RF energy as measured directly between the voltage in and out terminals across the range of 0-10 MHz with no filtering.  If a receiver's input terminals were connected directly to the DC terminals, the signal level at 40 meters (7 MHz) would be bit more than "10 over S-9.

Without any added filtering, I tested it in my vehicle - powering the 100 watt HF transceiver directly from the Renogy (with no battery) - something that I probably would not ever do in normal use:  If the converter does have the tendency to produce RF interference, connecting the radio directly to it and putting conducted RF energy on its power leads - and its chassis - would represent a "worst-case" scenario.  On 40 meters (7 MHz) and 12 meters (24 MHz) I could just hear the switching frequency's harmonics near the noise floor which indicated that it was pretty quiet - but not completely so.

Since the spectral switching components are just audible, I decided to add a modicum of filtering on both the DC input and output leads - four bifilar turns of #12 AWG (e.g. the input/output power cables) each on their respective T140-43 ferrite cores as seen in Figure 9.  In most situations, I would prefer to include bypass capacitors in the mix (see figure 4 in the article "Reducing QRM (interference) from a Renogy 200 watt (or any other!) portable solar panel system" - link) to (significantly!) improve performance, but I decided that even a modest reduction in conducted emissions would likely reduce them to the point of inaudibility.

A spectrum analyzer plot of the noise generated by the unit with the added filtering is below:

Figure 8:
The spectrum of RF energy as measured between the in/out terminals with the bifilar inductors between the measurement point and the converter - also over the range of 0-10 MHz.  If a receiver's input terminals were connected directly to the DC terminals the signal level at 40 meters (7 MHz) would be a bit less than "S-9" - for a reduction of about 15dB, or nearly  3 "S" units.

As can be seen Figure 8, the bifilar chokes alone reduced conducted RF by a significant amount above a few MHz, but from as noted in the linked article mentioned above, the addition of the capacitors would have improved the attenuation of the conducted RF energy by another 20 dB or so, but including capacitors is a bit awkward as it involves baring wires and adding additional jumpers.  One issue related to lacking capacitors is the response peak around 2 MHz - likely due to a broad resonance of the bifilar inductors themselves - but this effect diminishes quickly as frequency increases on amateur bands likely to be used in a vehicle.  While not shown in any of the included plots, between 10 and 30 MHz the attenuation afforded by the bifilar chokes, alone, remains at 20dB or better for much of that range.

Figure 9:
The Renogy charger with 5-turn bifilar-wound 12 AWG
chokes wound on the DC input and output leads.  For best
results, always place the inductors as close to the noise-
generating device as practical.  Not visible is a fuse on the
input lead to provide protection to the device and wiring.
Click on the image for a larger version.

If interference from this device were to persist after adding the bifilar inductors, I will go through the trouble of adding the aforementioned capacitors.

Can it be scaled up?

The Renogy RNG-DCC1212-20 is "only" a 20 amp converter/charger, but higher current devices are made by Renogy and others.  While I don't own a higher-current Renogy device, those units seem to operate in exactly the same way:  The "D+" terminal may be used to power it on/off and the "LC" terminal, when pulled high, sets the output current to half of the unit's rating.

If RF interference is considered to be an issue, the higher-current units would require proportionally larger wires and likely larger ferrite cores (say, FT240-43) to accommodate a reasonable number of turns of that larger wire.

I cannot speak to how other brands or dissimilar models from Renogy might be powered down via their equivalent of the "D+" terminal to minimize quiescent current consumption:  That must be left as an exercise by the reader.


This unit - and the modification - have worked as expected:  The unit gets turned on and off with the running of the engine automatically with no connection required other than that of power.  When traveling, 20 amps is enough to provide a reasonably fast charging rate to a modest bank (say, 200aH) of LiFePO4 batteries while even the "Low Current" 10 amp limit is more than enough to keep the batteries topped off with a moderate load such as a refrigerator-type cooler or a 100 watt HF amateur transceiver occasionally used for transmitting.

 * * * * *

The TL;DR part

Why you need to treat LiFePO4 batteries differently

In the "old days" of lead-acid batteries, you could probably get away with putting it in parallel with the vehicle's electrical system - possibly with the use of an "isolator"(e.g. diode, FET pack, a relay or contactor that connected it in parallel with the starting battery when the engine is running) to prevent the drain on the auxiliary battery from depleting the vehicle's starting battery when the engine was off - but this CANNOT and SHOULD NOT be done with LiFePO4 batteries.

A LiFePO4 battery will attempt to pull "infinity" current when charging

The reason for this has to do with a fundamental difference between the two chemistries.  A healthy lead-acid battery is somewhat self-limiting in the amount of charging current it will take - at least when it's nearly fully-charged:  The charge current will gradually taper off as it asymptotically approaches full-charge.  Additionally, on a typical lead-acid battery the internal resistance of the battery and evolution of gasses on the plates often leads to intrinsic current limiting, anyway.

A healthy LiFePO4 battery is closer to that of an "ideal" battery in that unlike a lead-acid battery, where the current will gradually taper off, a LiFePO4 battery will attempt to consume as much current as it can until it is fully charged.  Practically-speaking, the current is actually limited by internal resistance of the battery - which can be in the milli-Ohm range - and the resistance of the wiring between the voltage source (the alternator) and the battery - and since heavy-gauge wire is typically used, this current can be very high.

In the case of the LiFePO4 battery, it's likely capable of consuming as much current as the alternator will put out - and this could easily exceed its actual ratings.  Short-term overcurrent conditions on an alternator - such as those that might occur immediately after starting the engine, particularly if accessories (lights, wipers, heater) is on - are tolerated, but they cannot withstand a continuous overload without overheating - particularly in hot weather and/or if the vehicle is moving down the road quickly and providing air movement.

Another potential issue with a LiFePO4 battery has to do with its BMS (Battery Management System).  If the charge current exceeds the rating of the BMS, it will disconnect to prevent overcurrent that could damage the cells by charging them too vigorously.  At best, this would cause the BMS to disconnect/reconnect the battery (called "load dump", which is a problem as noted below) and at worst it could cause overheating and damage to the BMS.

The dangers of alternator "load dump"

Another issue with LiFePO4 batteries that does not exist with Lead Acid is that they can abruptly "dump" their load.  While a lead-acid battery's charge current will gradually taper off, if a LiFePO4 battery attains full charge, its BMS (Battery Management System) will abruptly disconnect the battery once any of its individual cells get to full voltage.  The result of this abrupt drop in current is that the voltage from the alternator will briefly skyrocket, its voltage regulator unable to compensate quickly enough.

While this can happen in a vehicle using a lead-acid battery when a load is suddenly removed (e.g. fan cycling, headlights being turned off) a healthy lead-acid battery is quite good at suppressing such voltage spikes and protecting the attached electronics - but voltage transients high enough in voltage to cause damage can still occur, perhaps cumulatively, particularly if the lead acid battery's condition is poor.

Lead Acid and LiFePO4 batteries don't use the same voltages

A third issue is that the full-charge voltage of a typical "12 volt" LiFePO4 battery is 14.6 volts, precisely, whereas a lead-acid battery is quite forgiving, allowing anything between 13.5 and "14.something" volts.  The implication of this is that a vehicle's electrical system is not precise enough to either avoid under-charging (e.g. too low voltage, preventing full charge) or over-charging (e.g. causing the BMS to connect/disconnect/reconnect).

Maintaining a precise voltage near the maximum voltage of a "12 volt" LiFePO4 battery (14.4-14.6 volts) for extended periods (a few hours) - at least occasionally - is also necessary for the BMS (Battery Management System) equalize the individual cells within the battery.  Failure to do this every so often will allow individual cells to drift apart in their charge states as inevitably, one or more cells will discharge more quickly - and if never fully recharged, those cells will seem "weaker" and the battery will appear to lose capacity.

"Equalization" as done by the BMS of a LiFePO4 battery is typically done by "leaking" current across fully-charged cells to top off those that are not - but this will only happen effectively at/near the battery's maximum voltage.  Depending on the degree of this "inequality", it may take hours of holding the battery at this high voltage to fully equalize the battery's cells.

Note that the equalization mechanism for LiFePO4 cells is NOT compatible with that which might be done for Lead-Acid - see the battery's manual or other references for the technical details.

Real-world case

I've seen the above issues play out on a friend's RV:  The original "chassis" battery to run the engine was augmented by a second" and completely separate coach" alternator which was dedicated to charging the LiFePO4 battery bank and running the devices in the living quarters.

Built by Thor onto a Mercedes chassis,  several alternators were destroyed (one of them lasting only minutes!) by overheating due to the the lack of current-limiting in the battery-charging regimen:  One of them lasted longer than the rest only due to several of the rectifier diodes going open-circuit, crippling the ability of the alternator to produce output, limiting current - but putting very high ripple voltage onto the coach battery's electrical system.  Additionally, equipment connected to that circuit (a $1200 amateur radio transceiver) was destroyed by the high-voltage spike when a "load dump" occurred at the instant that the LiFePO4 battery disconnected  upon full charge.  

It is fortunate that this vehicle had two separate alternators, so the integrity of the "chassis" electrical system responsible for powering the vehicle itself was spared any problems and no damage to its components (engine and transmission computers, etc.) was possible.  Without a functioning "coach" alternator to recharge the LiFePO4 battery he was still able to make his trip, but had to stop every couple of days and camp somewhere where he could plug into a mains outlet to top it off.

Ultimately this friend ended up taking his RV to a company that specialized in RV power systems and the system was upgraded and reconfigured - at significant expense - to avoid the issues noted above.  A quick perusal of online RV forums will reveal many similar stories - some a result of the manufacturers apparently being unfamiliar with the requirements of LiFePO4 batteries and others from individual owners' botched retrofits.

* * * * *

This page stolen from ka7oei.blogspot.com


A short-term "UPS" for mini (NUC-type) PCs


The problem

Figure 1:
A "Beelink" small form-factor PC.  This unit sports a Ryzen
processor. and runs from an external 19 volt supply.
Click on the image for a larger version.
Very small computers (so-called "NUCs" - a term that we'll use generically throughout) of recent manufacture are energy efficient and are increasingly used in lieu of full-size desk top PCs.  Many of these use external power supplies - often referred to as "bricks" - of the sort also used to power and charge laptops.

Even if one has a UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply) attached to their computer - or especially in the case of a "whole house UPS"(e.g. Tesla Power Wall or equivalent) there are instances during which the transition between power grid going down and the UPS picking up the load may not be fast enough to prevent the computer from rebooting or just crashing and hanging.

For this article, we are looking at the case when the power supply for a "NUC"(small form-factor power supply) is incapable of "riding" through the aforementioned UPS transition.  In this instance at least part of the problem has to do with that unlike the power supply in a desktop computer - which is relatively large and has a comparatively large reservoir of energy storage in the form of big filter capacitors - the small power supplies used for these small computers have a comparatively small energy reserve - and unlike a laptop, there is no onboard battery to serve as a backup.

Returning to the "whole house UPS" and, to a lesser extent its much smaller counterpart used to back up only critical gear, it may take more than 100 milliseconds for the power to resume after the grid is lost - depending on the nature of the outage:  Owning a Tesla Powerwall - and talking to others with this and similar (non-Tesla) systems - they all seem to share a common trait:  Sometimes they switch quickly enough that nothing reboots, but other times they take much longer to switch (sometimes more than 500 milliseconds) and many computers - even desktop PCs with more capacitive energy storage - fail to carry through the transition.

For this reason it might be reasonable to have a smaller (and, presumably a "fast") UPS to carry the computer through this transition although it seems a bit silly to have a UPS when one already has one for the entire house - but all it needs to do is to run for a few seconds, so even UPS batteries in poor condition will likely suffice.

In the case of a very small form-factor computer such as a NUC, we could contrive a means of providing power for just long enough for the UPS - whether desk-top or whole-house - to do its job.  It, too, needs only last long enough - perhaps a second or so.  If it's powered via an external power supply, this makes it a bit easier and it is those devices with external power supplies that this article addresses.

Carrying through the interruption

In the specific case of the "NUC", these are often (but not always) powered via an external DC power supply.  In my case, I have a Beelink NUC using a Ryzen 5700 that is powered from a 19 volt supply.  In communicating with others who own this same mini PC it's clear that it's shipped with a wide variety of different power supplies from different manufacturers - some of them with ratings that seem a bit low for the rated power consumption of the computer - so I replaced it with a good-quality MeanWell unit which not only has more robust ratings, but its input is power factor corrected - a very important consideration when powering it from a UPS!

Details about the replacement power supply

The MeanWell power supply that works with this Beelink NUC may be found at Jameco Electronics and it is Jameco Part Number 2223486 (link) and MeanWell model number GST90A19-P1M.  This unit is rated for 19 volts at 4.74 amps - much greater than the supply that is likely to have been supplied with the PC and it has the needed 5.5mm O.D./2.5mm I.D. coaxial power connector with center positive.  Other NUCs will have different power requirements and connector types and polarities so it is up to YOU to determine what might work for your computer.

As noted, it has good power factor correction (PF of 0.9 or better) and produces very little to no radio frequency interference - unlike some power supplies of "unknown" brands.  As a bonus, it so-happens that this supply works perfectly with my older Asus ROG laptop as well!

In testing, neither the original or MeanWell power supply had enough reserve capacity to consistently carry it through a UPS transition - particularly if the computer was "busy" and consuming maximum power

The major reason why there is this concern is that this Beelink computer is located at the remote site of the Northern Utah WebSDR where power bumps and outages causing the load to switch to the UPS are very frequent - and occasionally, this causes the computer to "hang"(and not reboot!) requiring that the power outlet be remotely switched off - and back on.  As this is not a "public-facing" computer (it does WSPR monitoring) its outage may not be immediately noticed.  It's worth noting that the desktop-type computers have no issues with these transitions.

What to do?

Figure 2:
The Tecate SCAP PBLS-3.5/21.6 capacitor module.
This unit contains the necessary voltage equalization circuitry.
Click on the image for a larger version.
I did not want to put a separate mains-powered UPS on this computer and while I could have figured out a battery-based solution, this seemed overkill as I literally needed it to power the computer for less than one second - plus I didn't want to have batteries that would eventually "age out" and need to be replaced.  The obvious solution seemed to be the "supercapacitor" - devices with Farads of capacitance, capable of storing enough energy to power the computer for a very short period of time.

In perusing the DigiKey catalog I found at least two useful candidates:  One capacitor of 1.25 Farads with 540mΩ of internal resistance (Tecate P/N: SCAP,PBLS-1.25/21.6) and another of 3.5 Farads with 260mΩ of internal resistance (Tecate P/N: SCAP,PBLS-3.5/21.6), each rated for 21.6 volts - both suitable for use with a 19 volt supply.  These are actually capacitor modules, consisting of eight 2.7 volt capacitors of 10 and 20 Farads each, respectively, and containing simple circuitry to assure that the voltage across each of the internal capacitors was balanced.  It's worth noting that the voltage equalization circuitry itself will consume a small amount of current (perhaps as high as a few 10s of milliamps) - particularly as one approaches the maximum voltage rating and this must be considered in the design of the support circuitry.

It's important to note that these won't actually function as a UPS in the tradition sense:  These capacitors can store enough energy to power the computer for a short time - only for a few seconds at most - but this is more than enough to carry it through for the few hundred milliseconds of drop-out that might occur during a UPS transition.  If the UPS fails to come online, these capacitors will power the computer for only a few seconds at most - but that's more than enough for our purposes.

Using the supercapacitors

The problem with using a supercapacitor is that when they are discharged, they look like a dead short, meaning that you probably cannot simply tack them in parallel with a power supply:  To do so would stress the power supply - putting it into current limiting at best, possibly causing it to "trip out" and go offline, or in the worst case, damaging it - so provisions must be made to regulate the charging of the capacitor.  The diagram in Figure 3 shows the circuit surrounding the capacitor.

Figure 3:
Schematic of the supercapacitor NUC UPS.
A standard outboard power supply is used - typically the one supplied with the computer, but it could
be another unit - probably of better quality - as noted in the article.
Click on the image for a larger version.

How it works

For charging, we are using old and "newer old" tech here - R1 is a simple series resistor of 100 ohms with a power rating of 5 watts which will limit the current to around 200mA, tapering off gradually as the capacitor charges up.

In parallel with R1 is a 100 milliamp self-resetting thermal fuse (e.g. "Polyfuse").  This device is really a thermistor and when "excess" current flows through it, it heats up and the resistance skyrockets, greatly reducing the current flow.  The way that it is used here means that when the power supply is first connected (and the capacitor is fully-discharged) there's a brief inrush of current until F2 "blows"(gets hot) at which point it takes only 15-20 milliamps to keep it in this state at which point R1 is handling most of the current.  As the capacitor charges and the voltage differential across R1 decreases, the current through the 100 ohm resistor will also drop - but F2 will also gradually cool down as the voltage across it decreases - but the current will also increase - but never more than approximately the 100 mA rating.

Figure 4:
Internals of the UPS.  The support circuit was constructed
on a small piece of prototype board (left) while the LEDs to
indicate the status are on the right.  The rear panel (far left)
has the power cable and coaxial power connector.
Click on the image for a larger version.

The use of F2, the 100mA fuse results in much faster charging of the capacitor.  In testing with a 3.5 Farad capacitor, it took about an hour for the capacitor's terminal voltage to be within a hundred or so millivolts of the power supply voltage with just R1, the 100 ohm resistor - but it took about 9 minutes with the addition of F2.  As an added bonus, when the capacitor is nearly fully charged (within a volt) the current through the 100 ohm resistor would be only about 10mA or so and the charging rate would slow to a crawl - plus the equalizing circuit within the capacitor module draws a few milliamps meaning that it will never get closer than 200-500 millivolts of the power supply voltage.

With the addition of F2 - and the fact that at this low voltage drop it will have cooled off and have a resistance of between 3 and 10 ohms - the capacitor's resting voltage will be within a few 10s of millivolts of the power supply rather quickly.  This is important as even a few hundred millivolts of extra charge on the capacitor will measurably extend the "run" time.  Attaining this sort of "full charge"could be done with a solid state circuit,  but it would be fairly complex:  This approach - with a single, inexpensive component - is nice and simple.  The use of F2 also overcomes the small current consumption of the capacitor module's equalization circuitry:  A few milliamps of current from this circuitry would drop the full-charge voltage by as much as a few hundred milliamps without F2.

A maximum charge current of 200-300mA seems reasonable as that would not put a significant amount of burden on the power supply - which must be able to power the computer and charge the capacitor.  I also considered the use of a simple transistor-type current limiter which would maintain a constant current until the capacitor got to within a volt or so of the supply voltage, but decided that it probably wasn't worth the added complexity - and I would still have required something like F2 to bright the capacitor right up to the supply voltage.

The "Charge" LED works by detecting the voltage crop across R1:  If it exceeds approximately 0.6 volts, Q1, a PNP transistor, is turned on, pulling its collector high, turning on LED2.  When this LED goes out, the capacitor will be within 0.5-0.6 volts of full charge.  The "Ready" LED (LED2) is in series with D2, a 15 volt Zener diode and it will start illuminating when the voltage across the capacitor exceeds about 17 volts for an old-tech AlGaInP LED (with a 2.1 volt threshold) or about 18 volts for a more modern GaN LED.  In a "standby" state, the "Charge" LED will have extinguished and the "Ready" LED will be on indicating the unit's readiness.  Neither of these circuits are perfect, but they give a "good enough" indication of the state of the device.

Figure 5:
The completed UPS with the two LED indicators on
on the front panel.
Click on the image for a larger version.

An "ideal" diode - in real life

Parallel with R1 is a diode that is reverse-biased when the capacitor's voltage is lower than the supply voltage, preventing current flow other than through the resistor.  While I originally considered using an "ordinary" diode - which would have a voltage drop of about 0.6 volts for a standard silicon or around 0.4 volts for a high-current Shottky type - I decided to do something different:  Use an "ideal diode".

A voltage drop of 0.3-0.6 volts from a typical diode would represent an immediate voltage drop from the capacitor - and since the voltage on the capacitor will drop as it's discharged, the "diode drop" would represent less time that the computer could be powered by it, alone.  A hypothetical "ideal" diode would have zero voltage drop in the forward direction and block current in the reverse - and fortunately, something pretty close to that actually exists these days!

As it turns out, such a thing actually exists - and it is pretty inexpensive.  This implementation of an "ideal" diode is actually a module with several components:  The specific modules that I used (which I got from Amazon - five for US$10) use the Diodes Incorporated DZDH0401DW chip along with an AGM30P05A P-channel FET along with a 100k and 1 Megohm resistor.  These are rated for a maximum stand-off voltage of 26 volts and a steady-state current of 10 amps.

The way that these work is that the DCDH0401DW has a comparator that is used to detect the minute voltage drop between the "input" of the diode (the "+" side) and the "output"(the "-" side):  If the voltage on the input is higher than the output, the P-channel FET is turned on, allowing it to conduct from the input to the output.  If the voltage on the input is NOT higher than the output, the FET is turned off, preventing current from flowing from the output to the input.  The use of a P-channel FET allows the switch to be placed in the positive lead which permits the negative side of the power sources - the power supply and the super capacitor - to be connected together.  Incidentally, the FET is wired such that even if it weren't "on" at the moment that it might need to conduct, it's intrinsic diode would conduct, anyway, albeit with a 0.6 volt drop, but since the DZDH0401DW chip responds within a few microseconds at most, the FET would be very quickly turned on.

Figure 6:
The back panel of the supercap UPS.
The original power supply plugs into the jack while the
short cable needs to be just long enough to get to the
back panel of the PC.
Click on the image for a larger version.

When the FET is on, it's resistance is on the order of 5.5 milliOhms which means that if there's three amps flowing through it, less than 20 millivolts will be lost - about 1/30th of that of a standard silicon diode - and since there is so little voltage lost, there will be a similar fraction of heat being produced as well.

As you may have noticed in the schematic diagram of Figure 3, there are actually three connections to this "diode":  The anode, the cathode and ground - the ground being required because not only does the comparator/control chip need power, but the gate of the P-channel FET needs to be pulled negative with respect to its source.  The "overhead" current of the FET and comparator/control chip is only on the order of 175 microamps according to the data sheets so it's power consumption is practically negligible in our application.

The other components in the circuit include D2 - a 15 volt Zener diode along with LED1 and R2 for current limiting:  This LED will illuminate if the applied voltage exceeds about 17 volts and functions as a "Power" indicator.  Transistor Q1, a PNP, is connected across R1 via current-limiting resistor R4 and when the voltage drop across R1 exceeds about 0.6 volts, its collector will be pulled toward V+, causing LED2 to illuminate, indicating that the capacitor is charging.  When this LED goes out, this indicates that the capacitor is - at the very least - "mostly" charged.

The final component is F1 - a self-resetting thermal fuse (e.g. "polyfuse") which could have a rating of anything between 5 and 9 amps.  As the capacitor can deliver a large amount of current when shorted, this is provided as protection.  A "normal" fuse of 6-10 amps would suffice here, but I happened to have the polyfuse on hand.

Variations on a theme:  Backing up a 12 volt PC.

As noted, this unit was built using the 3.5 Farad capacitor - but it should be capable of doing its job with the lower-cost (and physically smaller) 1.25 Farad unit.

The described unit is also designed to be used with a NUC/PC that operates at 19 volts - a common voltage used by laptop computers.  Many of these small computers use 12 volts - and while one could possibly tack a small battery across the power supply, the use of a capacitor-based backup would mean that there would be no battery that would have to be checked/replaced on a routine basis.

The circuit depicted in Figure 3 - designed for 19 volts - would have to be modified slightly, as follows:

  • D2, a 15 volt Zener, would be changed to a 9 volt device for a 12 volt bus.  This would better-represent the charge state of the capacitor for a 12 volt supply, causing it to illuminate once it had charged to better than about 11 volts.
  • R1, a 100 ohm resistor for the 19 volt device would be changed to somewhere between 47 and 62 ohms but still a 5 watt device.
  • The capacitor described is rated for 21.5 volts - which is probably overkill for a 12 volt power supply.  A 16 volt capacitor would be a better choice.  Additionally, a lower-voltage capacitor module will have commensurately lower internal resistance which improves efficiency - and for a 12 volt power supply where voltage droop due to Ohmic losses is arguably more important, it would be best to keep it below 400mΩ.   Possible capacitors for 12 volt use include:
  • It's worth mentioning that while a "12 volt" computer may operate from a supply voltage that is nominally 12 volts, it's worth checking to make sure that it's within the safe operating range of the capacitors that you choose.  For example, the Tecate capacitors listed above can operate safely only up to 13.5 volts, ruling out the use of a power supply that operates in that range - but the Cornell-Dublier capacitor with its 18 volt rating would work nicely over a slightly wider range.


Figure 7:
The supercap UPS, on the shelf next to the PC -
now in service at the Northern Utah WebSDR!
Click on the image for a larger version.

As can be seen from the photos, the capacitor and support circuitry was placed into a plastic enclosure:  The two LEDs were placed on the front panel and labeled while the back panel has a female coaxial power connector that matches that of the computer and power supply along with a short cord terminated with the same type of male power connector used by the PC - which happens to be the common "5.5mm x 2.5mm" type with the outside shell being negative.

To install the UPS, the PC was powered down and the device inserted into the power lead - the power supply plugging into the UPS and the short cable plugging into the PC.  After a bit less than 10 minutes, the "Ready" light went on - followed soon after by the "Charge" light extinguishing, but since the charger is current-limited, the PC could be powered up immediately after installation - not needing to wait for it to fully charge.

As can seen in Figure 7, the UPS was placed on the shelf next to the PC that it supports.  With the PC under a "moderate" load (about half of the maximum power consumption) the power supply was unplugged briefly to see if it would hold.  Interruptions of up to 1.5 seconds were tried with no disruptions of the PC with the capacitor being fully "recharged" to just a few 10's of millivolts of the maximum voltage in under two minutes due to the "shallow" discharge.  We chose not to try to see how long it really would hold the PC up, but with the UPS installed, we cycled the UPS several times and the PC happily rode through it - something that it would not do without.

In other words, success!

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This page stolen from ka7oei.blogspot.com